I Like This Dream!

151|Extra-Royal family letters three hundred years later

Dear mother:

I hereby deeply reflect on my inappropriate behavior, which brought unnecessary danger to me and another classmate. I have accepted my labor penalty, but at the same time I think I must also explain to you what happened and defend myself lest you think I am just a spoiled little bastard.

In my recent history course, I learned about the origins of the Thunder Century. It is my favorite period of history, and I don’t think anyone in the class learned it better than me. I have been pestering you since I was a child to tell me stories of that era, how our ancestor General Jian opened up new territories, and how Queen Eve defeated the enemies of the old era and became the first omega queen in the world. After I became literate, I read all the books about that era in our family library and became a loyal fan of that era.

It was a very glorious era, as if the geniuses of previous centuries had exploded at that time, and their influence is still everywhere today. We are still using the Thunder Calendar with St. Anna's birth year as the first year. The Anglican Bible was compiled by Esther, the first patriarch of the Evangelical Church. St. Nathan translated the difficult ancient texts of the Old Testament into today's common language, using Mars as the first year. The teacher headed by him compiled the first dictionary, and the merchants' guild founded by Polly is still active today...etc., etc., I think I can write a long paper, but this kind of paper has become too common, relying on research There are many scholars who support their families in the Thunder Era, so I won’t digress.

When I was a child, I admired Santa Anna the most, Her Majesty the Thunder Queen. She was like a miracle, extremely powerful and free. I think no one disliked her. But after I differentiated into an omega, I gradually grew to like Chris more. Even though I was born a princess and live now, sometimes I can still feel the differences between the genders - not in terms of innate conditions, but in people's attitudes towards different genders. Have you felt it too? I guess it's not that I'm too sensitive.

This is still the case now after experiencing so many affirmative action movements, but it would have been even worse three hundred years ago. Whether it is Gospel Patriarch Esther, the originator of alchemy Alva, Queen Eve or Paladin Chris, they all face much more pressure than others. I can't imagine a time when omegas were considered other people's property!

When I first differentiated into an omega, I had a lot of nightmares, all because I read too many records from that era. The orders of the false king Richard II are absurd and barbaric, and the way the old church treats omegas among saints and ascetics is also outrageous. It is completely an evil act against humanity! I still remember that when I was a child, I kept clamoring to go back to that era and be a great knight to save those poor omegas. After the separation, I began to feel grateful that I was born in this era. I realized that I was just a keyboard warrior—well, that basically meant that I only used my words but didn’t dare to do anything. If anyone now regards me as a princess in the tower who needs to be saved, a little pitiful creature, a trophy, just because I am an omega, I will have to knock out their teeth. It’s frustrating to find yourself harboring a condescending savior mentality.

Ah, it seems to be going too far again.

Randy and I have never had a good relationship, because he is a self-righteous guy who likes to show off his power through his aristocratic status. This became even worse after he differentiated into alpha. He formed a clique among the noble alphas, scorned the courses related to the Gladiolus Society, saying that they were just "a group of old maids who failed in life and no one wanted them", told rumors about the inferiority of the outstanding omegas of that era, and repeated the same old tunes. Blood theory, as if insulting those great figures can make oneself great.

Those rumors were baseless, vicious and vulgar. Their group described the alliance between Queen Eve and Duke Roland for the sake of justice as a shameful adulterous relationship, and described the crazy Richard II as a poor guy who was slaughtered by a couple. In order to protect and care for the oppressed compatriots at the time, Alva only recruited omegas and a small number of betas as apprentices at first. They actually insulted Alva as a pedophile homosexual, and the selection of apprentices was the selection of a harem. And Paladin Chris, they said he was canonized just because he slept with Santa Ana. How dare they? ! Chris was an outstanding warrior and military strategist. His compassion for the people saved countless people, and in legend he saved the world [together with Santa Anna]. How dare these rubbish guys who can't even beat me say that about him? !

I had an argument with him more than once, but he acted disgustingly like he only knew the truth. What's even more disgusting is that because he is also a nobleman who has been inherited from that period, and his ancestors once worked under Queen Eve, many people thought that he had mastered something and believed his stupid words to be true.

These small conflicts that may seem trivial to you are just the background. What finally made me explode were two things.

First, they are circulating a very obscene novel. The protagonist of the novel is an alpha from modern times to the early days of the Thunder Age. He gets a bunch of golden fingers and easily crushes the whole world with knowledge that was not available in that era. Then he looks like a head. Open your harem like a stallion. The protagonist who was full of mating killed Santa Anna and took all the named omegas of that era, yes, including Her Majesty the Queen and His Excellency the Patriarch, into his bag. All the omegas written in the article were It's just a sex toy with a different shell, because the lower body of the protagonist is fascinated without any logic. Randy paid for the author to change the protagonist's name to "Randy", and when I discovered this, they were talking loudly about how to "bring together the paladin and the originator of alchemy as mother and son", and how to exchange # 's bed for the Duke's support. What a hot dowager the queen would be.

Seriously, Mom, why have the penalties for insulting the royal family been removed at all? A hundred years in the morning, I could hang them up and beat them for this. Even if it’s fifty years in the morning, how about fines, public punishment and detention?

Alva was a formidable all-rounder, not to mention his horribly long list of inventions, but the fact that twenty-three of his direct disciples were all famous is remarkable enough. Rosa who invented inhibitors, Gavin who allowed us to use electricity, Peco who overturned creationism... Which one is not a cross-era figure? It was Lydia, who died young, who was also the genius who improved the surgical process. Queen Eve founded the Stuart dynasty, and thanks to her paving the way, ordinary people had a rising path to participate in national affairs. Patriarch Esther liberated people's souls so that they no longer had to live in the shadow of gods. Karina and other saints built the framework of modern psychology. Paladin Chris, let’s not talk about the legend of saving the world, he did indeed adapt the military system. The monument he proposed is still in use today. He was the first omega to join the army. He is still commemorated as the god of war in many places.

There are many, many people, omegas and betas, who have left a mark in history. Indeed, among middle-class people and ordinary people, alpha is the gender with the largest proportion and the largest number of high-ranking people. However, when the entire social resources are tilted towards this gender, there are still omegas and betas who have become the best in society. Is this right? Isn't it enough to explain something?

I really wish I could shut up these assholes and lock down the places where this alpha cancer talk is made.

Okay, I know you're going to criticize me again. Yes, Amenan has long been a constitutional monarchy, and I am just a mascot princess. So I didn’t have any conflicts with them at that time.

The second thing is the reason why I can't bear it anymore.

It makes me angry just to talk about it, so I’ll keep it short. Randy, that scumbag, got the person he was dating (an omega from the next class who came to this aristocratic middle school with a scholarship based on his grades) pregnant and asked him to have an abortion. The person dropped out of school because of this.

He relied on his family connections to hide the matter, because I only knew about it because I knew the omega’s friend. There have been rumors that the omega dropped out of school for a while, and many people said that she didn't love herself, and that bastard Randy had nothing wrong with her.

So I did something stupid.

I secretly hired someone to kidnap Randy and take him to a pre-set theater. I didn't intend to hurt him, I just wanted to knock him out first, wake him up in the theater, and let actors in period costumes tease him. Randy always talks about what he wanted to do in ancient times, and yearns to go back to the past every day, saying how wonderful life was when he had supernatural powers and aristocratic privileges and alpha privileges. Why doesn't he want to think about whether he is a special # class # that is less than one ten thousandth? I want him to think that he has traveled through time, and then have him be teased by an actor pretending to be a superhuman noble, crying and begging to go back through time.

Okay, I admit, it would be best to beat him up.

I had no idea that bad guys would take advantage of this, replace the actors, and actually kidnap Randy and I. I'm sorry, Mom, for making you worry.

I have learned my lesson and have been scared for a long time. During those two days, I have been hoping that you would fall from the sky. I didn't expect you to save me in this way. I'm really, really grateful. Although the experience of being kidnapped was a nightmare, it ended with a sweet dream.

You can probably imagine how I felt when I saw those two people appear. I screamed, as excited as a three-year-old child who sees his favorite characters. The silver-haired "Santa Anna" and the golden-haired "Paladin" easily tore open the coded door, defeated the kidnappers, and walked toward me like heroes in a dream! so similar! Even if they are only wearing ordinary T-shirts, they are full of the aura of Santa Anna and the Paladin! They look so good! And they look very much like the people in the portraits of the Two Saints!

When I was so excited that I couldn't speak, "Santa Ana" smiled at me. She turned to look at "Paladin", who smiled helplessly and nodded - these two people His demeanor is also similar to the two saints in my fantasy! I felt like I was seeing a living legend coming out of a bedtime story. Probably because of the emotional ups and downs, I was so excited that I fainted.

Thank you, Mom, and kiss you ten thousand times. Where did you find these two actors? They are simply awesome! If possible, can you get me an autograph or photo? Oh, don’t worry, I’m fourteen years old and know that Santa Claus isn’t real (the dad dressed as Santa Claus doesn’t look like him at all, I’ve known it was him since I was seven), and it’s impossible for the Two Saints to return to each other like in the legend. Wandering in the world, otherwise why didn't they appear during the various restorations and disasters in the past three hundred years?

Anyway, thank you for cleaning up the mess for me in such a way, I swear this is the last time!

Randy seemed to have been hit on the head. He really thought he had traveled through time! After returning to school, he learned to respect him, and he had a pair of dark circles under his eyes for many days in a row. He probably didn't sleep well at night. [Crossed out] Hahahaha [Crossed out] It's so pitiful.

Love your daughter Leia


Dear Leia:

I'm surprised to receive this letter, and I'm glad that you are still willing to write to me like you did when you were a child. I thought you were still angry with me because I scolded you so fiercely and put you in solitary confinement. Forgive me, Leia, the possibility of losing you scares me so much.

You are fourteen years old. At your age, I was also a sensitive girl. However, there are some areas where you are not “too sensitive”. Yes, there are still differences among the three genders. When people talk about your alpha brother, they talk most about his political opinions, but when they talk about you, they talk more about your clothes and possible lovers. , the inherent understanding of gender still exists in the minds of most people.

In fact, it is also spread across all classes, nobles, high officials and poor people, rich and poor, people of different countries and races, and so on. You are most gender sensitive because you happen to be the gender that suffers the most from prejudice. At the same time, you are still a princess, very rich, and the most powerful race in the most powerful Amenan, so you can't feel other prejudices and persecutions yet. As a mother, I hope you never have to worry about prejudice. As Queen of Armenam, I hope you will remember this feeling of being the underdog and not be the kind of person who takes advantage for granted in the future.

You are not weak, nor are you a "keyboard warrior". I see your appeal and the efforts you and other children are trying to set up a foundation. I'm proud of you.

As for speech, honey, we can't monitor other people's thoughts, nor can we manipulate other people's likes, dislikes, and opinions. Free will, remember? If members of the royal family once again block the rights of others to express themselves because of personal preferences, crisis is not far away, even if the intention is good. Which of the two restorations of the Tolan royal family was not based on righteousness? Let them say it, it means that those miserable losers who are useless in reality only have this little thing left to do.

So, we have to work harder and not give up the world to people we hate, right?

Also, didn't you and your hacker buddy replace the homework they turned in with obscene literature, causing them to be punished by copying it a hundred times? (Yes, I know^^)

But I have to say, Leia, the person you admire is not without stains - don't be too quick to argue. We are all ordinary human beings, where are the perfect people? Those perfect saints only exist in storybooks, and it is inhumane to expect real people to be flawless. So what if Queen Eve and Duke Roland did develop a romantic relationship? Can it undermine their achievements in turning the tide and bringing Amenan to a better era? Alva does hate alpha, and there are rumors that he grew old together with one of his apprentices, but what does this have to do with his amazing contributions to the new alchemy?

As for saying that a certain omega is a dandy, that is a typical "dang wife humiliation", and this trick has endured for a long time. Three hundred years ago, Caleb, the original sexual liberal, already said that the body belongs to us.

There are such outstanding people in ga and beta, and there are also in alpha. The legendary Saint Anna, the ascetic Nancy who saved countless people from starvation, and our ancestor General Jane, are all alphas. Peco overturned creationism, and the person who provided him with many materials was an alpha businessman named Solomon. Yes, the same Solomon who created the museum. Thanks to him, we can now see specimens of strange beasts. What those magical creatures look like.

Relax and don't let gender anger blind you.

I originally had a lot more to say, but what you said at the end surprised me and I didn’t know what to say. Let me tell you two interesting things.

1. Your rescue team received an anonymous alarm call and found you.

2. I have never asked any "actor" to save you.

Have sweet dreams, my little princess.

Love your mom Elizabeth

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