【Emperor Qianlong’s second greatest crime:】

【Two: Prodigal!】

【How prodigal was Emperor Qianlong?】

【He likes to visit privately on incognito servers all over the country】

【It’s said to be a private visit incognito, but it’s actually a tour across the country】

【During the reign of Qianlong, there were more than 150 outings!】

【Among them, there were 66 visits to the East and West Tombs and winter tours, 52 visits to the summer resort, 14 tours to Tianjin and Minling Tombs near Gyeonggi Province, eight east tours to Shandong, six south tours to Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and west tours to Mount Wutai. six times......】

【I go out for fun every year】

【A true travel emperor】

【Even in his later years, Qianlong still had a strong interest in tourism.】

【When he was seventy-three years old, he even made a special trip to the Northeast. When he left, he said with emotion:"Looking back at this farewell, I feel more sad, and I am afraid that I will not be able to do it again.""】

【Maybe Qianlong also knew that this was the last time he returned to his hometown.】

【Therefore, he specially held a grand mausoleum ceremony to express his nostalgia for Nurhaci, Huang Taiji and some of the founding heroes. For the princes and nobles who stayed in the northeast, Qianlong not only gave banquets but also generous rewards.】


【Qianlong also followed the example of his grandfather Kangxi and visited the south of the Yangtze River six times.】

【But his main purpose is not to understand the sufferings of the people, but to find ways to have fun and show off his greatness.】

【Qianlong's southern patrol group was huge, with more than 10,000 people each time】

【Everywhere you go, you experience extravagance and extravagance】

【Everywhere we go, we have to build special roads and palaces. In order to entertain people, local officials will also change their ways to show off, leading to the rise of extravagance and a huge waste of resources.】

【For the sake of one person's comfort, Qianlong mobilized troops and mobilized people along the way, which not only disturbed the people, but also affected production.】

【This money, whether it is Qianlong's personal expenditure or the treasury expenditure, actually comes from the common people, which puts a great burden on the court and local finances.】


【Another manifestation of Qianlong's prodigality】

""387" [means spending huge sums of money to build various villas for leaving the palace]】

【The Old Summer Palace was originally a villa given to Yongzheng by Kangxi, adjacent to Changchun Garden.】

【When Qianlong was the prince, Yongzheng let him live in the"Changchun Fairy Pavilion" in the Old Summer Palace and gave him the title"Changchun layman"."】

【After Qianlong came to power, he vigorously expanded the east side of the Old Summer Palace and connected it with the original garden to form a large garden area, which also contained various Western buildings, antiques and treasures.】

【Also, although the summer resort in the Kangxi era already had the title of Thirty-six Scenic Spots,】

【But most of the buildings are simple and the cost is not too much.】

【After Qianlong succeeded to the throne, he carried out large-scale renovation and expansion of the villa. It was not until the fifty-fifth year of Qianlong that he was quite satisfied with the suspension of construction. In addition to increasing the number of sceneries from thirty-six to seventy-two, he also built many temples, forming a""Eight Outer Temples" series】

【When he turned seventy, the Panchen Lama rushed from Tibet to wish him a happy birthday.】

【Qianlong specially ordered that the Temple of Xumi Fushou be built imitating the Zabulun Temple where the Panchen Lama lived.】

【The temple is gilded with copper tiles and is magnificent.】

【In addition to the above, two large-scale civil engineering projects】

【There are countless other small projects such as the addition of the Forbidden City, the Jingyi Garden on Xiangshan Mountain, the Qingyi Garden on Wanshou Mountain, and the Jingming Garden on Yuquan Mountain.】

【Ningshou Palace in particular is a model of luxury.】

【Qianlong planned to come here to live in retirement after abdicating the throne, but it was left idle after only a few days.】

【Countless amounts of money were spent on these buildings, most of which were for Qianlong's personal enjoyment.】


【It must be said that Emperor Yongzheng was really unlucky!】

【After succeeding to the throne, he will have to clean up the mess left by his father Kangxi.】

【After that, he worked hard and hard for more than ten years, finally leaving Qianlong with a country with clear politics and a full treasury.】

【As a result, Qianlong, the prodigal son, was completely wiped out!】


【Qianlong finally ruined his family fortune】

【Something needs to be mentioned here:】

【The personal income and expenditure of the emperors of the Qing Dynasty were controlled by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and they were two parallel financial systems with the treasury.】

【Qianlong had to maintain huge personal consumption, and most of the money went through the accounts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.】

【However, due to Qianlong's personal needs, especially in his later years, they continued to expand. He not only wanted to travel around the mountains and rivers, but also collected antiques, calligraphy and paintings, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs could not withstand the trouble and often ran into deficit】

【Qianlong still wanted to spend money, but the Ministry of Internal Affairs really had no money.】

【Finally, there is no other way】

【He can only think of ways to make money on his own】

【He thought of many ways, such as establishing monopoly operations and entrepot trade, but due to the incompetence of his staff, most of them were losing money.】

【It was not until the rise of He Shen that the Ministry of Internal Affairs turned a profit.】

【Under Heshen's operation, a set of crime-discussing silver system was established.】

【In other words, when officials make mistakes, they can use money to solve the problem.】

【All the proceeds will go into Qianlong's small treasury, and the process and amount do not need to be disclosed.】

【Some smart ministers understood the mystery】

【They knew that they could curry favor with the emperor and He Shen by handing over the sin money.】

【Therefore, many officials deliberately made small mistakes and paid large sums of money. For example, He Yucheng, the governor of southern Henan, accidentally soiled the memorial and actively paid a fine of 30,000 taels.】

【The handwriting is so big that even Qianlong was embarrassed】

【So he quickly issued an order, not so much. He would be exempted from twenty thousand for the favor, and only had to pay ten thousand.】

【The implementation of the crime bank system has caused extremely serious consequences】

【It not only condoned the lawless ministers, but also fostered the bad atmosphere in the officialdom.】

【Many local officials, even if they originally abide by the law, will squander public funds and accept money because of the criminal bank system. In their view, even if the incident comes to light, they can settle it by just paying a little money.】


【Because of this, Qianlong began to favor Heshen even more for money.】

【He Shen takes advantage of Xiao Cong, is well versed in the skills of being an official, and uses his disgusting flattery and respectful appearance to play with the emperor Qianlong, who thinks he is wise and unparalleled.】

【His total talents are only two: corruption and power manipulation!】

【In return for Qianlong's important use, he would establish an unprecedented corruption system throughout the country and hollow out the foundations of the Qing Empire.】

【Until the fall of Qianlong】

【The next emperor inspected Heshen's property and was surprised to find that it was equivalent to 900 million taels of silver!】

【Equivalent to the total fiscal revenue of the country for twelve years!】


【In addition, in order to expand sources of income, Qianlong】

【He would also often use royal celebrations to invite wealthy businessmen from all over the country and suggest that they donate money.】

【For example, on the 80th birthday of the Queen Mother, Qianlong summoned salt merchants from all over the country to Beijing and asked them to be responsible for the decoration expenses from Xihua Gate to Xizhimen.】

【Every time Qianlong celebrated his birthday, he would receive a large number of gifts and money from local governments.】


【The emperor teamed up with most of the officials to become corrupt. This was a common phenomenon throughout Chinese history.】

【Also scorpion daddy - a (only) share of poison!】


People from all dynasties were so angry after reading this.

Immediately on the street, I couldn't help"praising" Emperor Qianlong


"The private visit incognito is not just for my own comfort. We cannot see the suffering of the common people at all!"

"How can there be such a prodigal person in the world?...No, it's the emperor?"

"Just because you have lost all your wealth, do you want to blame us ordinary people?"

"that is! The money corrupt officials embezzle is all our hard-earned money, and you still bring officials with you to exploit us?"

"Foolish king!"


The language behind it is too vulgar.

They even attracted the government to drive the people away.

Qin Dynasty.

Zhao Gaoren was dumbfounded.

He was simply too envious, too jealous, and too hateful!

Why didn't he become an official under Qianlong?

Otherwise, with his ability, he would definitely be more powerful than He Shen and embezzle more money!

He couldn't help but glance at his Majesty.


Let’s put the matter of power and corruption aside for now.

Not urgent.

Hu Hai and his teacher Zhao Gao had similar reactions.

After all, what kind of teacher can teach what kind of students? ah!

This prince wants to be Emperor Qianlong!

Zhu Houzhao can do it too...

Hu Hai was so envious that he cried out.

On the other hand, Ying Zheng looked sad and angry!

"Such a foolish king! Such a foolish king!"

"I have never thought that the emperor and ministers are still at odds with each other, exploiting the people's money for their own enjoyment!"


Han Dynasty.

Xiao He had a strange expression.

The officials played the emperor at his fingertips!! ? is it possible?

What kind of power do you need to achieve in the court to do this?

He thought for a long time and couldn't come up with an answer.

And Liu Bang vented his dissatisfaction to the light curtain.

For the political power established by the grassland people.

He was very unhappy.

I took this opportunity to curse.

Vent your anger well.

Liu Bang said angrily:

"Foolish king! Traitor!"

"The Han people are suffering!"

"How miserable are the people?"

"You really should try what it feels like to be cut to pieces!"


Another dynasty.

Liu Che even suspected that he was dreaming.

Are there really such ridiculous things in the world?

To be honest, he can still understand Zhu Houzhao. (If you want to read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

People just love to have fun.

But there were no ordinary people, nor did they drag officials along to engage in corruption.

Qianlong... never mind.

There is no hope for this emperor.

Liu Che didn't even want to waste his time.

Tang Dynasty.

Li Shimin's eyes almost popped out of his head.

Not an exaggeration.....

This is true

"Ninety million taels of silver!!!"

"How many houses are needed to complete the installation?"

Li Shimin looked at Fang Xuanling, Changsun Wuji and others.

The two looked at each other.[]

I have no idea about ninety million taels of silver.

They have never seen so much money

"Your Majesty, I don’t know."

Li Shimin thought about the fiscal revenue of the Tang Dynasty last year.

People were numb.

Good guy.

An official in the Qing Dynasty had more wealth than the Tang Dynasty treasury!!?

It's too much.

Another dynasty.

Empress Wu Zetian's second I was dumbfounded once I saw it.

The Tang Dynasty was already prosperous enough, especially under her rule.

But I didn’t expect that the Manchu Qing Dynasty’s wealth was even worse.

Even a corrupt official had a staggering amount of money.

Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Yuanzhang The stress reaction is all out

"Corrupt officials!"

"So many corrupt officials!"

"Kill them all and peel them off!"

"The man named He Shen first killed Chi, then put him in the oil pan, and finally hung his body on the gate of the palace!"

He wants to kill people now!

Especially officials, corrupt officials!

A small governor can give out 40,000 taels of silver, so how much money does he need to embezzle?

This can be seen.

What did the officials of the Qing Dynasty do to exploit the people? The situation!!!

It is conceivable that even if you just walk on the street, you may be charged a toll!

Can the people live a good life?

Especially He Shen.

He embezzled a total of 90 million taels of silver!!!

Zhu Yuanzhang I have never seen so much money.

If you give him this money, the current predicament of the Ming Dynasty will be solved in one fell swoop.

Of course, Zhu Yuanzhang did not forget the culprit.

He cursed at the light screen:"Hook the Emperor! We won’t let you in this time!"

Another dynasty.

Zhu Di took a breath.

How much did Qianlong pamper Heshen before he could embezzle hundreds of millions of taels of silver?

And the most outrageous thing was Qianlong.

His officials could embezzle so much money with just one hand.

To How much money did Qianlong have in his hands?

This money did not appear out of thin air, it was all from the hands of the people!

Zhu Di sighed with emotion:"He is indeed a prodigal son, who has ruined all the accumulation of the previous emperor, and also emptied the people's savings."

Qing Dynasty.

Kangxi beat the young Hongli.

After watching the light screen, his face turned green.

His face turned red with anger again.

"Hongli! You unworthy descendant!"

"Grandpa Huang must teach you a profound lesson today!"

He ordered the eunuchs to clamp the young Hongli.

He slapped the little butt directly on the little buttocks.

As for why, it was because it was swollen before.

"Grandpa Huang, I was wrong. I never dare to do it again. Please be gentle."Hongli's voice was crying, and two 5.2-large noses were blowing bubbles. The screams attracted Aixinjueluo Yinzhen, who was the later Emperor Yongzheng.

Yongzheng saw his father beating his son. , hurriedly stepped forward to dissuade

"Father, if we continue to fight, something will happen!"

Kangxi came to his senses after hearing this. He said repeatedly:"Yes, yes, my hand hurts from the beating. I have to approve the memorial tomorrow. Come on!""

As he said this, he walked away a few steps, leaving Hongli's butt to Yongzheng.

"father! father! I am your biological son!"Hongli was so frightened this time.

Okay, why did it become a mixed doubles!

Yongzheng sighed helplessly.

The emperor's order cannot be violated.

Moreover, when he looked at the light screen, he was not very happy with what his son, Emperor Qianlong, had done.

"Let you ruin my family fortune!"

"Let you engage in corruption!"

"let you...Let you make your grandpa emperor unhappy!"

Yongzheng was young and strong, and he was much heavier than Kangxi when he hit people!

The young Hongli ushered in the darkest moment of his life.

After that, he was forced to lie on the bed for seven days!!!

Another dynasty.

And Shen was so frightened that he knelt down and begged for mercy.

"Long live my Lord, my lord...I am guilty, I have repented of my past mistakes, and am willing to hand over all my family property to atone for my sins."

When other officials saw this, they also knelt down.

This is the atmosphere in the court.

They also had a lot of corruption.

Qianlong's face was terrifyingly gloomy.

When it comes to corruption, he is the culprit!

How could he have the nerve to punish other ministers?

Then Isn't it a slap in his own face?

Qianlong was so angry that he couldn't speak.

He wanted to see how many other crimes he had committed!

【Popular science continues】

【The following is a popular science about Qianlong’s third crime!】


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