【The six most terrifying infectious diseases according to popular science:】

【Fifth place: Flu】

【Influenza, referred to as influenza, is an acute respiratory disease caused by influenza viruses A, B, and C respectively.】

【More common in winter and spring】

【The clinical manifestations are mainly systemic poisoning symptoms such as high fever, fatigue, headache, cough, and body muscle aches, while the respiratory symptoms are milder.】

【Influenza viruses are prone to mutation and are highly contagious. The population is generally susceptible and has a high incidence rate. It has caused many explosive epidemics around the world in history and is an important public health issue of global concern.】

【Influenza is an underestimated infectious disease】

【The most serious infection occurred 100 years ago】

【That influenza infected 40% of the world's population, killing 40-50 million people, and caused heavy losses.】

【Currently, studies show that the infection rate and prevalence rate among adults are 10.7% and 4.4%, respectively, and those over 65 years old are 7.2%.%】

【It is estimated that seasonal influenza causes 3 million to 5 million severe cases and 290,000 to 650,000 deaths globally every year.】

【All children under 5 years old are considered at high risk for severe influenza, but children under 2 years old are most at risk, and infants under 6 months old have the highest rates of hospitalization and death.】

【High-risk groups such as pregnant women, infants, the elderly, and patients with chronic underlying diseases are at higher risk of severe illness and death after contracting influenza.】

【Source of infection:】

【Influenza patients and latent infections are the main sources of infection】

【Patients are contagious 1 to 7 days after onset of illness, and are most contagious in the first 2 to 3 days of illness】

【way for spreading:】

【Influenza is mainly spread through droplets such as sneezing and coughing. The influenza virus survives in the air for about half an hour. It can be infected through direct or indirect contact with mucous membranes such as the mouth, nose, eyes, etc. It can also be infected by contact with items contaminated by the virus.】

【Influenza may also be spread through aerosols in crowded, closed, poorly ventilated settings】

【Susceptible groups:】

【People are generally susceptible to influenza】

【Some people are prone to develop severe cases after being infected with the virus. They should pay attention to:】

【Children as young as 5 years old (those aged 2 years are more likely to develop serious complications);】

【Elderly person aged 65 years;】

【Those with the following diseases or conditions: chronic respiratory diseases, cardiovascular diseases (except hypertension), kidney disease, liver disease, blood system diseases, nervous system and neuromuscular diseases, metabolic and endocrine system diseases, malignant tumors, immune function suppression wait;】

【Obese (BMI 30);】

【Pregnant and perinatal women】


【General treatment methods:】

【Isolation: Clinically diagnosed patients and confirmed patients should be isolated and treated as soon as possible. Patients with mild symptoms can isolate themselves at home and avoid close contact with others】

【Rest and diet: Keep the room ventilated and have adequate rest; drink plenty of water, eat easily digestible and nutritious food, and keep your nose, pharynx, and oral cavity clean.】

【Cooling: People with high fever can use physical cooling, such as applying a wet towel to their forehead.】

【Pay close attention to the occurrence and development of severe influenza: Once severe symptoms such as persistent high fever, severe cough, difficulty breathing, confusion, severe vomiting and diarrhea occur, seek medical attention promptly. Pregnant women, children, the elderly and patients with chronic diseases are more likely to develop severe influenza and should seek medical treatment as soon as possible.】

【Chinese treatment:】

【Commonly used types of traditional Chinese medicine: dispelling wind and relieving external symptoms, clearing away heat and detoxifying. Other traditional Chinese medicine can be added or deleted according to the symptoms.】

【Other treatment options:】

【Western medicine, take antiviral drugs, antipyretic drugs for those with high fever, cough and expectorant drugs for those with severe cough and expectoration, and use appropriate methods of oxygen therapy according to the degree of hypoxia.】


"Is a cold more terrifying than AIDS?"

"Isn't this just catching a cold? Just sleep for two days and you'll be fine. You don't need to take any medicine, which saves money."

"Making a fuss out of a molehill..."

"Stop arguing. I feel like colds in later generations are different from today. Didn’t you see tens of thousands of people die from the disease in one go?"


People in ancient times didn't believe that the common cold could actually be ranked fifth among the most terrifying infectious diseases!

They don't feel that way at all.

Qin Dynasty.

Ying Zheng's expression was very surprised.

He thought the fifth place would be a terrifying infectious disease he had never seen before.

Who would have thought that he just caught a cold.

But as the light curtain has said, influenza is an infectious disease that is underestimated.

Ying Zheng did not dare to be careless.

He looked seriously and said:"Let the doctors record the information about the flu and draw it into a pamphlet."

"Especially the transmission routes and treatment methods"

"Afterwards, this kind of pamphlet was distributed to villages and towns in various places and handed over to the village chiefs."

"In this way, if someone catches a cold, they can be treated immediately to avoid infecting more people."

After giving the instructions,

Ying Zheng was a little lucky. Thanks to the paper, otherwise it would have taken several years to engrave words on the bamboo slips.

But now, with full operation, it only takes a few months.

Han Dynasty.Liu

Bang is a little confused

"I have been infected with colds many times, but nothing serious happened."

"Drink some hot tea, cover yourself with a quilt and take a nap, and you'll feel better when you wake up."

He was ill in his early years and almost didn't need treatment. He just resisted and passed away.

With that money, he might as well use it to drink wine and eat meat.

Liu Bang looked at the surrounding ministers and asked curiously:

"Guys, do you think the flu is so scary?"

Xiao He stared at the light screen for a while and replied:"Your Majesty, the flu on the light screen is different from today's. It should have mutated as the light screen said, so it became so terrifying."

"I think you should not be careless."

Liu Bang pondered for a moment after hearing the words.

The Han Dynasty is so poor now, and the people are sick and have almost no money to buy medicine.

So be it.

In contrast, planting the food obtained from the light curtain is the most important thing. (Watch the storm For cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

People are less likely to get sick if they have enough food.

Liu Bang thought about it and guessed that this might be because of increased resistance.

Another dynasty.

Liu Che suddenly realized

"It turned out that it was spread through saliva."

Doctors can treat diseases, but they can't understand where the disease comes from.

After the light curtain explained,

Liu Che finally understood why colds can be contagious. Usually if one person in the family catches a cold, it will quickly become several.

The reason It’s all here.

Liu Che suddenly thought,"Can you cover your mouth and nose with something to prevent infection?"

He called in several imperial doctors.

After discussion, he thought it was feasible.

So, the earliest surgical masks appeared during the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

In the Tang Dynasty,

Li Shimin was a little surprised.

"A small cold can kill tens of millions of people!! ?"

"After that, hundreds of thousands of people died every year."

He couldn't believe his eyes.

How could such a common disease really have such power?

Another dynasty.

Wu Zetian's face was full of worry.

Her attention was focused on two strings of information

【The infection rate and prevalence rate among adults are 10.7% and 4.4%, respectively, and those over 65 years old are 7.2%.%】

【High-risk groups such as pregnant women, infants, the elderly, and patients with chronic underlying diseases are at higher risk of severe illness and death after contracting influenza. 】

She is getting older now.

Isn’t it true that the probability of getting sick is increasing and it is very easy to become seriously ill?

But soon, she thought of a solution[]

Eat more allicin.

But she remembered that allicin can improve immunity and is not toxic or has any side effects.

There is also a disadvantage, that is, it smells like garlic after a mouthful.

It made her very unhappy.

Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Yuanzhang was not worried at all about catching the cold.

He is very confident in his physical condition.

Nowadays, he handles memorials for 8 hours a day, a full 16 hours, and he still doesn't feel tired!

Even riding a horse and killing people with a knife is no problem.

The slight wind and cold could not touch him at all.

Zhu Yuanzhang was worried about Zhu Biao, Zhu Xiongying and Queen Ma. The three of them were not as strong as him.

Especially Zhu Xiongying.

He has seen that children are more likely to get sick.

Zhu Yuanzhang thought of this and immediately ordered:"Xiong Ying, you are young and have nothing to do, so don't run around. If you see someone getting sick, remember to stay away from them.""

"Okay, Grandpa Huang." Zhu Xiongying replied with wide eyes.

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded with satisfaction.

This alone is not enough.

Reducing the number of infected people is the most important thing.

He began to think about whether to make a treatment pamphlet for the people.

The Ming Dynasty already had a precedent. That is"Da Hao".

But it deals with criminal law, and its purpose is generally to popularize the law for the people, so that they can file a lawsuit if they are wronged.

Now, if a pamphlet for treating diseases is added, the people should be able to accept it.

【Popular science continues】

【Start popular science fifth place】


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