[Popular science continues.] 】

[2. The era of sailing. 】

[On the basis of the canoe, people created a new type of boat, the plank boat. 】

[The advent of wooden plank boats in China can be traced back to the distant Shang Dynasty~. 】

[Later people - built ships directly from planks. 】

[The earliest plank boats were the simplest "three-plank boats" composed of a base plate and two string plates. 】

[The whole ship is composed of only three plates, the two ends of the bottom plate are roasted by fire and upturned, the two sides of the gangway are closed into the bottom plate, and then connected with iron nails, the seams of the plates are blocked with planed bamboo fibers, and finally coated with dye. 】

From canoes to plank boats, it is a major leap in the history of ancient shipbuilding in China. 】

[At this point, human beings are no longer limited by the shape and size of the wood provided by nature, and can process the materials according to human wishes. 】

[On this basis, various Hongge giant ships and building ships and arks have also been produced one after another. 】

[Thus bringing many brilliant and spectacular scenes to the ancient Cao Yun, sea traffic, and water warfare. 】

[The appearance of boats and boats was originally the need of human beings to fully load goods, transport and produce, but in the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties of the slave society, boats and boats, like horse-drawn carriages, also became tools of war. 】

[Battleships were developed from civilian ships, but because warships had to be equipped with offensive weapons and defend against enemy attacks, their structure and performance were much superior to civilian ships. 】

[Therefore, it can be said that the battleship was the highest embodiment of the level of shipbuilding technology at that time. 】

[Judging from the literature, there were many types of warships of the naval armies of various countries at that time, including "Yuhuang", "Three Wings", "Sudden Attack", "Lou Ship", "Ge Ship", "Bridge Rainbow" and so on. 】

[Yu Huang is also known as Yu Huang. 】

[The bow of the ship is decorated with a "crane head", which is specially for the monarch to ride, so it is also called "Wang Zhou". 】

[In wartime, it served as a command flagship.] 】

[Three wings refer to the large wing, the middle wing, and the small wing, that is, the combined name of three light warships of the same type. 】

[A small warship that swoops out into a clash of enemy formations.] 】

[Ge ship: A kind of warship with a spear on board. 】

【The peak of Qin and Han shipbuilding:】

[A history of the development of Chinese boats, up and down for thousands of years, can be divided into three main development periods - Qin and Han dynasties, Song and Yuan dynasties and Ming dynasties. 】

[The Qin and Han dynasties were the first peak period in the history of shipbuilding in China, with many types of ships, large scale, and basically complete ship power and mooring facilities. 】

[The actual ship of the Qin Dynasty has not yet been discovered, but a huge Qin and Han shipyard was found in Guangzhou. 】

[Han Cheng Qin system, the shipbuilding industry has an unprecedented vigorous development situation. 】

[Due to the different uses of ships, they are also divided into many types in terms of manufacturing form: a boat is a kind of inland river transport ship, a boat is a narrow and long boat, a boat is also called a square or double-gang boat, a fighting ship is a kind of warship with defensive devices, a precursor speedboat used to transport soldiers to land and attack, a scout is a small boat used to observe the enemy's formation, a small boat with a light and fast red horse boat, and a light and agile small warship of the offensive type. 】

[The building ship is the most famous ship in the Han Dynasty, and it is also a ship that can best reflect the shipbuilding technology level of the Han Dynasty. 】

[Building ship, as the name suggests, is to build a building on a ship, generally according to the size of the ship on the deck of several floors, up to three floors. 】

With the development of shipbuilding technology, not only the types of boats are increasing, but also various shipbuilding facilities are becoming more and more perfect. 】

[The propulsion tools of the Han ship are:]

[篙, a kind of boat holding tool.] 】

Oar, a wooden tool used to propel a boat by manpower. 】

[Oar, is a high-efficiency, can control the course of manpower propulsion tool. 】

[The sail, also known as the canopy, is a wind driving device hung on the mast, which uses the force of the wind on the sail surface to push the ship forward. 】

[Mast, also known as mast, root, and tree, is a thick wooden pole erected on a ship to hang sails and sail the wind. 】

[On the basis of the rudder oar, a tool to control the course by its own rotation was produced-rudder.] 】

[In order to make the ship moor in the water, people invented the anchor of berthing. 】

[The slow development of shipbuilding technology from the Three Kingdoms to the Sui and Tang Dynasties:]

[From the Three Kingdoms, the Two Jin Dynasties, the Northern and Southern Dynasties to the Sui and Tang Dynasties, in this long period of more than 700 years, although the development of China's shipbuilding industry has entered a low tide period, it has not stagnated. 】

[Rather, it is slowly advancing and developing, accumulating material and technological strength for the arrival of the second peak in the history of shipbuilding in our country. 】

[There are two aspects of shipbuilding in this period that are worth mentioning. 】

[(1).The appearance of sand boats]

[The sand boat is one of the four major types of navigation ships in ancient China (sand boat, fortune ship, Guangzhou ship, bird ship). 】

It is a type of ship developed on the basis of ancient flat-bottomed boats. 】

[According to expert research, the sand boat was built on Chongming Island in the Tang Dynasty, and the end and end were square, which enhanced the resistance to anti-pitching. (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

It has become one of the main types of inland waterways, offshore and ocean-going ships in the Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties. 】

[The sand boat was finalized in the Tang Dynasty, the Song Dynasty called the "anti-sand flat-bottomed boat", the Yuan Dynasty was named the "flat-bottomed boat", and the early years of Jiajing in the Ming Dynasty were commonly known as the "sand boat". 】

[(2).Set up a watertight cabin]

[The compartment is divided into several compartments with bulkheads and sealed, and this kind of compartment is called a watertight compartment. 】

The emergence of watertight cabins is also a major contribution of Huaxia to the world's shipbuilding technology. 】

[It was not until the end of the 18th century that other countries in the world absorbed this advanced technology of our country and began to set up watertight cabins on ships. 】

【Sea ships of the Song and Yuan dynasties:】

[The Song and Yuan dynasties were the most prosperous period of maritime transportation and the most developed overseas trade in ancient history of China. 】

[Thus objectively promoting the rapid development of shipbuilding industry and navigation technology, prompting the second peak period in the history of shipbuilding in China. 】

[Song and Yuan Dynasty ships are divided into inland river ships and sea ships, and the sea ships made in Quanzhou are the most famous. 】

[In recent years, many shipbuilding sites have been discovered in Quanzhou Bay, and many shipbuilding materials such as masts, ship plates, ship nails and ropes have been unearthed. 】

[In particular, two Southern Song Dynasty ships were discovered in 1974 and 1982, which are now 24.20 meters long, 9.15 meters wide, and 1.92 meters deep. 】

[The whole ship is divided into thirteen watertight compartments with twelve partitions. Its displacement is at least around 400 tons, and the load capacity is about 200 tons. This pointed bottom boat with a flat and wide upper part and two sides of the board has changed the flat-bottomed shape of the sand boat, which can be regarded as one of the early ship types of China's Fu ships. 】

[The ancillary equipment on river ships and sea ships in the Song and Yuan dynasties has been improved and more perfect than the previous generation:]

[(1). Bamboo sac Song and Yuan Dynasty sea ships in the middle of the two sides of the suspension of bamboo sheds, called bamboo sacs. 】

[Its function is to dissipate waves and slow down the ship's sway from side to side, so as to enhance the stability of navigation.] It is also a sign of the draft limit. 】

[(2).Balanced rudder Song and Yuan Dynasty ships have two main rudders, the rudder can be raised and lowered, and it is used alternately according to the depth of the water. The rudder surface of this balanced rudder is flattened and broadened to increase the rudder surface area and improve the rudder's ability to control the course. And because part of the rudder area is distributed in front of the rudder post, the distance between the rudder pressure center and the rudder shaft can be shortened, the rudder torque can be reduced, and the operation is more flexible. 】

[(3).The bathymetry stone is the water stone, and the lead stone is tied with a long rope for bathymetry. 】

[The Song and Yuan ships have been equipped to measure the water depth often to prevent the ship from running aground. In addition, it is also possible to use bathymetry to measure the seabed, determine whether the ship is berthed, and identify the position of the ship. 】

[(4).Navigation equipment Song and Yuan Dynasty have begun to use instrument navigation. 】

[In addition, navigation signs appeared during this period to indicate the safe entry of ships into port.] 】

[For example, the Quanzhou Guanlock Tower, which was built in the Shaoxing period of the Southern Song Dynasty (1131-1162), was the navigation sign for entering the port at that time, and it is still used today. 】

[Superb shipbuilding technology and advanced navigation facilities made the shipbuilding and navigation industry in the Song and Yuan dynasties far ahead of other countries in the world. In particular, the application of the compass in navigation was a "great revolution in the art of navigation", which pushed "the primitive age of sail to the end and heralded the advent of the age of measurement and sailing." "】

【...... 10].

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