Chapter 0358: “Sword Ji”‘s Thanks!!

“The Dark Faction… Those guys don’t do anything good when they get together.”

Grace really hopes that the dark faction can completely disappear, and the continued existence of that crazy group is definitely a bunch of trouble.


Riveria also has the same ~ feeling as Grace.

For the dark faction who kept doing things, Vilia had no good feelings at all, about the things that those bastards did in the dungeons and on the ground, as long as it was the ordinary people of Eulari, they only had this kind of disgust.

“But those guys are really like loaches, slimy and always can’t be caught to death.”

Grace seemed to think of disgusting cheese, and there were only two words “disgusting” on his face.

Lei Yi also feels the same way.

It’s not that they can’t handle those guys, but that every time a critical bastard will always run faster than anyone.

“Yes, we always slip away by him every time we try to catch up with him, but this is absolutely not normal.”

“Yes, it’s not normal.”

Finn dragged his chin and thought about the situation.

These special species must use their full strength to surround and suppress the members of the dark faction they are targeting every time, and it is absolutely impossible to let people slip under their noses one after another.

So, this is the strength of the dark faction.

“It’s definitely no accident that they can slip away every time, maybe many places in the dungeon have built secret spaces that they only know about.”

“Maybe it’s not that you can’t catch up with them, but you can’t find where he slipped in.”

From Lei’s words, Finn could not guess that the Dark Faction Valve had definitely cultivated some secret passages.

If this is really the case, then it is conceivable that the dark faction can slip away in the encirclement every time.

“The nightmare that once occurred on the 27th floor was also caused by the Dark Faction, and the destruction of the Asteria clan was also the act of the Dark Faction.”

Counting the actions of the Dark Faction, it was really bloody.

Everything is something that needs to be written in blood, and that’s what Finn feels crazy about.

The dark faction is different from the clan of gods, those bastards really do not act according to the rules at all, and they do things without compromise, without taboos, it is simply a feast for a group of madmen.

In fact, the last time the Ishtar family incident already said it all.

The dungeon has many passages that are connected to Eulari’s underground, and also connected with the god Ishtar to engage in abduction and trafficking outside.

You must know that those abduction and trafficking transactions are the blood and tears piled up by countless human races.

Finn had also seen the tragic scene under the Ishtar clan after that incident, so he could better understand that the images that were not seen by them would be more terrifying.

Here, Finn has already made a decision.

“I see, after the end of our expedition, I will start searching the dark faction in the dungeon with you.”

This promise sounded sad to Rey, and they had received almost no help from any gods, perhaps for the first time.

“Thank you very much.”

There was some choking in Rey’s voice.

Her shoulders trembled slightly, she should have been more calm as a “heretic” who went out to talk, but years of hardship and grievances still made her emotionally difficult to control

—They’re really human.

Finn somewhat understood why the Great God of Ouranos would want to draw these special species into the sub-human range, they are indeed not ordinary monsters that only attack adventurers, they are just humans with monster impulses.

At this thought, the determination in Finn’s heart became even stronger.

“You’re welcome, help is always mutual.”

“Although we are caused by the indisputability of the gods in the family, I don’t think you are monsters either. You are supposed to be human, it’s a pity that fate played a joke on you. ”

Lei Yi did not feel sorry for herself, she controlled her emotions very well, and she had some smiles on her face.

“I also used to resent my identity, because of this identity we are “heretics” of humans and monsters, and we can’t blend into either side.”

“But I don’t think that way at the moment.”

Fate is often unfair, and there will be no such thing as fairness. All the “heretics” complained about fate.

But after complaining, you still have to face the real problem.

Now Rey is no longer the little girl who complained about the unfairness of fate in the past, what she does now is to face her fate and use her meager strength to change.


It’s hard to do.

Bell watched from the side, murmuring silently in his heart.

Fate is difficult to change, “heretic” is destined for fate, without experiencing something, “heretic” will never see the rainbow coming.

This may not be fate, but reality.

It’s just that this reality is not a high-end game that “heretics” can play.

So what the “heretic” can do is to protect himself, find a backer in this high-end game, and then smoothly walk out of the road of “Win”.

“In this way, the ‘heretics’ are like the moon, and without light shining on them, they themselves will never be able to shine.”

Thinking about this wonderful metaphor, Bell was a little laughed at himself.

Look at several members of the Loki family, all of whom seem to have accepted the status of “heretics”.

Bell knew that it was not in sympathy, but in the acceptance of the brilliance of humanity.

They saw the human brilliance of the “heretic”, which made them accept the identity of the “heretic”.

“Bell Craney.”

Ace listened to the side for a while before walking towards Bell Cloney, who had been standing next to her.

“Kenji, what’s wrong?”

“…… Thank. ”

“Your parents’ business? It was just my whim. ”

Bell naturally knew what “Kenji” was talking about, but he also had to admit that it was his whim.

“After returning from the dungeon with you and Deputy Captain Riveria, I accidentally saw the soul hidden in your body, and it was just aroused with curiosity.”

“It’s a nonsense, you can be angry.”

But there was no anger in Ace’s doll-like face, which really made Bell feel a little emotional.

“I’m not angry.”

Ace didn’t feel angry, she said exactly what she thought, and she only thanked Bell Cloney for what he had done.

Speaking of this, Ace bent down slightly.

“I’m grateful.”

Bell could see that there was only pure “gratitude” in “Kenkihime”, as she said, there was no emotion at all.

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