Chapter 0430 – Fruits of Victory!!


Loki jumped up from the couch excitedly.

“It really did!”

Although there must be a reason for that kid to release water in it, even if there is some water release, being able to defeat the “fairy spirit” that released water from Lv.8 is indeed a manifestation of strength.

“I didn’t expect your child to actually succeed.”

Although the Loki clan suppressed the strength of the “fairy spirit” in the confrontation just now, it was not difficult for Hestia to see that the suppression was only temporary. Once the power of magic passes, the children of the Loki family will definitely fall into disadvantage all of a sudden.

But I didn’t expect that the children of the Loki family would really decide the winner in five minutes.

“That is!”

Loki is proud to hold her chest up, and her child’s outstanding performance allows her to stand tall and raise her head in front of the little man.

“My children have always been excellent, even in the face of disadvantages, they know how to make up for them.”

“It’s really good.”

Although it is not as good as her Bell, it is difficult to pick out the whole Eulari again.

“I don’t know how much power Bell Jun controlled just now, and how much strength the immortal essence exerted.”

“…… Yes. ”

As a spectator 03 deity, Loki is unaware of this problem.

But soon Bell replied in the picture.

“Please don’t worry about Lord Loki.”

“Although I limited the output of the “fairy spirit”, the strength of the “fairy spirit” still reached the peak of Lv.7. I think this time Commander Finn can usher in a big upgrade. ”

“Lv.7ah.emmm, although it is still a lot worse, but it should be the best for Finn and them.”

It was not Lv.8’s opponent that made Loki feel a pity, but this pity was also thrown aside by Loki.

Their own children can win the fairy spirit belongs to all the preparations, even take their lives to Bo, which is a glimmer of opportunity.

But if you face the immortal spirit whose strength is Lv.8, maybe even Bo will not have the opportunity.

Even if he wins now, there is an element of luck, which Loki himself admits.

As for the fairy spirit of Lv.8, it will have to wait at least until their children are fully upgraded to Lv.7.

“It’s the best.”

Hephaestus felt the same way.

“Actually, just now your children are already very reluctant. If you want them to defeat the Lv.8 fairy spirit, guess if your child will completely collapse in the first magic? ”

This left Loki speechless.

Maybe the gap between Lv.7 and Lv.8 is really just one level, but such a level can really force people to death.

The gap in strength between adventurers and monsters really can’t be one level worse, otherwise even if it’s only one level, it will definitely force the adventurer or monster to death.


Bert had lost all his strength while lying on the ground, and now he could even feel a burning heat in his breath.

The magic just now exceeded the strength that his body could withstand, even if he kicked the magic out with all his strength, it still had a great side effect on his body, and the magic power that swallowed him left no part of his body unaffected.

“Mr. Burt!”

Bert, who heard the voice, barely opened his eyes and saw the shy elf looking at him with tears on his face.

The burning heat made his voice impossible, and he could only barely say “ahh”

of hoarse voice.

Lephia then remembered that Bert needed a panacea, and she quickly took out the panacea from the space waist pack and let Mr. Bert lean on her leg, only then twisted the bottle and carefully sent it to Bert’s mouth.


The panacea entered his mouth, and the powerful power swept through Bert’s body in an instant, most notably his throat.

The throat, which had just been burned by the magic of the magic reaction, slowly recovered its state.


His voice was still a little hoarse, but Bert’s face was already much better

“What about Finn?”

“No problem with the regiment commander, Tione will take care of it over there.”

Hearing this, Lefia immediately looked over to the regiment leader, but soon saw that Thiony was holding the regiment leader over there to take care of it, and she was also a little relaxed.

The head of the regiment was held by an Amazon woman?

Even without looking up, Burt seems to be able to see that picture.

“Amazonian women are happy and crazy now.”


Lefia didn’t react for a moment, but she looked at Thione with a happy look, and it seemed that red hearts were coming out of her eyes.

“Silly elf, Finn agreed to the woman’s marriage proposal and forgot?”


Only then did Lefia remember that the regiment leader agreed to Thione’s marriage proposal.

“Doesn’t that mean that the Regiment Leader and Thiona are really going to get married?”

Lephia’s eyes widened.

The leader agreed to Thione’s marriage proposal because he guessed that he might not be able to come back this time, but this time the trial really survived. Doesn’t that mean that these two people will get married when they return from this expedition?

Burt doesn’t think the Amazon woman will pass up this opportunity.

“That woman will definitely pester Finn to fulfill the promise of the marriage proposal, how thick do you think that woman is?”

This left Lefia speechless for a while.

Although it is a little unsuitable to say this, she herself also feels that if she has the thickness of Thione’s face, maybe she and Sister Es… Ahem.

The blushing Lephia quickly stopped her fantasies, this time was not suitable for the gap between speaking, the panacea played a role in Bert’s body, the burning in the body subsided little by little, even the coke on the leg returned to its usual flesh-color 770, but the lost right leg was still lost.

After devouring the fairy magic, the magic completely ate the body, and after kicking out that kick, Bert’s right leg had lost its activity, and that part had completely turned into char, and naturally it would not recover because of the panacea.

“Mr. Bert, your legs”

Lefia couldn’t bear to look over.

“Hmph, it’s just a leg.”

Burt snorted absently.

“Have you forgotten this stupid elf? That guy’s runestone. ”

“…… Yes! ”

Lephia was stunned for half a second, and then remembered that the person’s rune seemed to have the ability to regenerate severed limbs.


At this time, Ace had already arrived in front of Bert.

Having just finished the “fairy spirit”, she no longer has the state she was in just now, and as the skill stops working, the improved ability has also slipped down, and she is still in a bad state after consuming a lot of mana.

Bert looked over, and there was a hint of gratitude on the puppet-like face, which made the corners of his mouth rise slightly.

“Finally walked up, Ace.”

He longed for his companions and didn’t want to lose them again, but this time he didn’t have to worry.

None of his partners are weak, at least not for him to face the lost experience again.

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