Chu Yin squatted down beside Ling Hao, and she took a shot to probe the other's breath.

Fortunately, although weak, people are still alive.

She only knows how to blow up ghosts, but how to turn ghosts into people is too difficult for her.

"Ling Hao, wake up?"

Chu Yin stretched out her hand and patted Ling Hao's face lightly.

The young man's face is still very beautiful, even with his eyes closed, he can see his fatigue.

I don't know if she is not strong enough, she patted the other party so much that there is no sign of waking up at all.

The very loud voice is a ripe melon, no, it is an empty stomach.

Chu Yin gave her pulse, and the pulse was beating normally. With more information, she could not judge from the pulse.

Fortunately, there is a system to use.

"You scan him to see what's wrong with his body."

The system's own medical function, like a CT machine, scanned Ling Hao's whole body.

[The current physiological state of the creature is extreme weakness, severe water loss, and low blood sugar concentration]

Chu Yin untied Ling Hao's clothes and carefully inspected his skin, but did not see any obvious wounds.

[It shouldn't take long for him to fall]

There are many dangerous creatures in this place. A living person like Ling Hao is a very delicious meal for the ghosts floating in this underground palace.

If he is in a coma for a long time, these ghosts will soon gnaw Ling Hao into a bone.

Accurate data is obtained through a comprehensive analysis system.

People are iron, rice is steel, and they were so hungry after a meal that more than 20 hours passed.

Ling Hao didn't have any supplies. After walking in this labyrinth for so long, and having experienced many fights, it was not easy to survive for such a long time.

There will be no continuous flow of goods to the system.

But now the world is temporarily cut off from the system, this rejuvenation pill is the last stock left in the system mall.

Chu Yin helped Ling Hao up, unscrewed a bottle of unopened water, filled it with clear water, and put the Huichundan into Ling Hao's mouth without any hesitation.

This kind of rejuvenation pill has a very outstanding recovery function for ordinary people, but for Ling Hao, who is now a power user, it is not so good.

After about twenty-five minutes, Ling Hao woke up leisurely. He opened his eyes and what he saw was Chu Yin's face.

Is this a dream? Only in a dream can he rest peacefully like this.

He was so tired, Ling Hao turned his face and saw a little rabbit wearing a hat.

Furry hat, long ears, and a little blush on both cheeks.

When Chu Yin came out today, she was wearing a looser sweater, the one with large pockets. The logo of the brand of this sweater is such a little rabbit.

His head did not sleep on the hard ground, but on a soft and warm pillow.

At this time, Ling Hao realized that the place where he was lying was Chu Yin's legs.

Because he was too excited, he sat up suddenly.

Because the action was too violent, Ling Hao's bones also made a clicking sound.

This feeling is too real, he pinched his face, it hurts.

Chu Yin explained: "I saw the arrow you left behind and found you half an hour ago. I knew it when you came in, but then when I went to find you, I found us The two people are staggered. This maze is really big, but fortunately there are these icons you left behind, they are easy to identify, and I found you."

She knew that the fog in this place might affect people's emotions. In this maze, Chu Yin tried her best to encourage and affirm Ling Hao, so as to prevent the other party from falling into negative emotions.

This situation is the same as what happened to Ling Hao. He finally believes that Chu Yin has found him.

Ling Hao always thought that he was a person who could endure loneliness, but today he found out that this is not the case.

In this desolate underground palace, just seeing Chu Yin made him almost unable to control his eyes.

He lowered his head to avoid his red eyes and uncontrollable tears from being seen by Chu Yin, which made her laugh.

Even though they had worked hard, it was Chu Yin who found him.

I said so much in front of others with confidence before, but I acted unreliably at all, and instead caused trouble for the other party.

When I saw Chu Yin, the emotions that belonged to human beings seemed to be unsealed and all of a sudden returned to Ling Hao.

These are not very positive emotions, but they are not bad either.

"This is for you."

Chu Yin gave Ling Hao a large piece of chocolate, and the system can only put down the same thing.

Before Chu Yin put all the pure chocolate in this place, in order to enrich her inventory, she took Bichocolate to the factory for processing, and made them all into nut-filled chocolate.

In the backpack grid of the system, time is still and there is no need to worry about food spoilage.


Unconsciously, she is not very good at feeding Ling Hao chocolate, for fear that he will accidentally choke to death.

"Thank you."

Ling Hao took the food in his hand very seriously. He opened the beautiful packaging of the chocolate and took a bite of the brown chocolate. The slightly bitter taste melted in his mouth, slowly With some sweet aftertaste.

The last time I ate Chu Yin's chocolate, Ling Hao slowly finished it, and only had a simple chocolate flavor.

But this time, when eating the center part, Ling Hao bit into a hard thing, which turned out to be a sweet almond, and it was quite large.

In such an environment, the almonds still maintain a rare crispness. The fried almonds are fragrant, like poached eggs hidden under the noodles. There is a special surprise.

After Ling Hao finished eating the chocolate, Chu Yin stuffed him another piece of candy and handed him two bottles of water.

The boy unscrewed the cap of the bottle and drank it.

"Can you hold on now? Would you like to rest here for a while?"

Chu Yin looked at the time: "You were already in a coma when I came here. We can take turns to rest and wait until our physical strength recovers before finding our way out."

The secret she was looking for has been found, and the top priority is to take Ling Hao out of this place to prevent him from contacting his past memories.

This place is the ghost king's territory after all, Chu Yin can feel that Shen Gang has no ill will towards her, and everything today was revealed to her intentionally.

But what is Shen Gang's attitude towards Ling Hao, Chu Yin is not sure.

He did not let Ling Hao die from beginning to end, but he planned to take away all the people around Ling Hao who were important to him.

Huichundan has actually eliminated Ling Hao's physical fatigue, but his heart still feels very tired.

Considering that there is enough food and water resources, and the people of Chu Yin are also by his side, Ling Hao did not try to be brave: "Let's rest first."

In order to avoid dispersion, the two were very close, but when he was awake, Ling Hao didn't have the face to sleep on Chu Yin's lap pillow.

He sniffed the extremely light fragrance of Chu Yin and fell asleep quickly.

It's just that Ling Hao was always restless in his sleep, he woke up abruptly several times, and when he opened his eyes, he was sure that Chu Yin was standing beside him.

"Chu Yin?"

Ling Hao asked aloud, Chu Yin replied softly, "I'm here."

After getting the answer, he closed his eyes and forced himself to sleep.

No need for Ling Hao to say anything, just by looking at it again, she knows that he sleeps like this, and the quality of sleep is very poor.

So when Ling Hao woke up for the third time, Chu Yin held his hand, and a red ribbon was tied around their elbows.

To be precise, it was tied together by this red ribbon.

Chu Yin smiled at him: "I thought about it, if the fog hits, it would not be good to separate the two of us. If we hold hands, I can sleep peacefully later. a little."

Ling Hao's eyes were still a little bloodshot. He looked at the hands of the two people and felt Chu Yin's body temperature. This time, he finally fell asleep in peace.

When he woke up, Chu Yin fell down and rested on his shoulder.

Her chest rises and falls regularly with the frequency of her breathing. In the quiet enough aisle, the sound of such shallow breathing is clearly audible.

Ling Hao watched Chu Yin quietly for a long time, then reached out and gently brushed aside the scattered hair on her forehead.

Some very bad and vicious words, when meeting, he wanted to say, because at that time, he was like a balloon that was about to be blown up.

If he doesn't vent, he feels like he's going to die.

But when he heard Chu Yin's voice, he dismissed that thought. She was like a breeze blowing away his accumulated anger.

The balloon was stabbed with a needle, and the gas inside was released quickly, but the balloon did not explode/explode.

Those are very negative things, he doesn't want to tilt his bad mood on Chu Yin.

She is the light that shines in these darkness, just keep shining like this.

Ling Hao quietly looked at Chu Yin's peaceful face, and then like a moth to a flame, he slowly lowered his head and gently kissed his light.

The author has something to say:Today's third edition has an update

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