Konoha 60 years.

Naruto curled up on the bed, huddled in a corner.

It was raining heavily outside.

Naruto’s mood was extremely bad.

The scenes were constantly looped through Naruto’s mind.

A miserable childhood.

The white eyes of the villagers.

He is like a monster, completely out of place with this village.

Plus the failure of the graduation exam.

“Why does it have to be a doppelganger?”

“Why are they all bullying me?”

“What did I do wrong?”

Naruto’s fists clenched, and tears involuntarily slipped from his eyes.

“Father, mother, if only you were alive.”

“I won’t be.”

“Why are you gone?”

“I really, really, really miss you guys!”


A black aura appeared on Naruto’s body.

Naruto gradually fell asleep.

But this black breath has become more and more intense with the passage of time.

Gradually, it coalesced into a lump.

Constantly changing shape.

Until it turns into a human form.

After a long time.

Naruto woke up.


“My head hurts!”

Naruto only felt his own headache crack.

But at this moment, Naruto saw a figure appear next to his bed.

Naruto’s pupils shrank, and a stirring spirit immediately sobered up.

“What are you?”

Naruto subconsciously moved back and stared at the figure next to the bed.

A youth.

Golden hedgehog head.

On his forehead he wears Konoha’s brace.

He was wearing ordinary ninja clothes.


He has a somewhat similar face to himself.

I don’t know why, Naruto felt a strong sense of intimacy from the young man’s body.

It was a feeling Naruto had never experienced before.

Naruto’s heart jumped and he thought of a possibility.


Bofeng Shuimen nodded.

Two lines of tears immediately flowed from Naruto’s eyes.


Naruto pounced and pounced on the body of the wave feng shui gate, holding the wave feng shui gate deadly.

“Father, it’s really good that you’re back.”

“Where have you been all these years?”

“Why didn’t you come back?”

“Do you know that I’ve had a bad and unhappy life all these years.”

“They all treated me like an orphan, a monster.”

“But I know, I’m not.”

Naruto poured out all the grievances he had suffered over the years.

Wave Feng Shui Gate put his hand on top of Naruto’s head.


Naruto let go of the Wave Feng Shui Gate and looked up at the face of the Wave Feng Shui Gate, revealing a smile.

“Father, it’s good that you’re back.”

“I’m finally not an orphan that no one wants.”

“Father, when you come back this time, you won’t leave again, right?”

Bo Feng Shuimen shook his head.


Naruto cheered, a big smile on his face.

“Father, are you hungry? I have food here. ”

Naruto quickly found his treasured snack and handed it to Bofeng Shuimen.

Bofeng Shuimen took it.

“Father, is it delicious?”

Bofeng Shuimen nodded.

Naruto’s smile was even happier than ever.

Naruto noticed that his father seemed to be speechless.

But Naruto didn’t care.

“Even if my father can’t speak, it’s my father.”

“I have a father, and that’s more important than anything else.”

Naruto looked at the wave feng shui gate and said, “Father, let’s go out later and go shopping in the street.” ”

“You haven’t come back for so many years, you must want to see this village.”

Bofeng Shuimen nodded.

Naruto’s idea was simple.

On the one hand, it is to let his father, who has not returned to the village for many years, to see how Konoha is now.

The other is that Naruto wants to go shopping with his father.

In the past, when he saw the scenes of children being carried by their parents on the street, Naruto looked forward to it.

Now there is finally an opportunity.

Also, Naruto wanted the villagers to see it.

I am a man with a father.

He is not an orphan himself.

Himself is not a monster.

Naruto hoped that the villagers would stop resisting themselves, disgust themselves, treat themselves as monsters, and give themselves white eyes.

Naruto wished he could be like countless ordinary children.

Naruto wished he could live a normal life.

“Father, let’s go.”

Naruto looked at the wave feng shui gate next to him and walked out of the room.

Bo Feng Shuimen nodded to follow.

The sun was shining.

Naruto felt that his life, full of shadows, finally appeared a ray of light.

This feeling made Naruto feel good.

The two came to the street.

Naruto smiled, ready for a new life and a fresh beginning.

But soon, Naruto was disappointed.

Because Naruto found out that the situation hadn’t changed much.

The eyes of the villagers looking at themselves are still full of jealousy, resistance, disgust…

When a child approaches him, he will be immediately stopped by adults.

Some of the older children still secretly throw stones at themselves.

He is still a monster in the eyes of the villagers.




Naruto couldn’t figure it out, couldn’t understand.

“Why is that?”

“Obviously, I’m not an orphan anymore.”

“Obviously I have a father.”

“Why are you still doing this to me?”

“What did I do wrong?”

A black aura appeared from Naruto’s heart, more and more, more and more.

Naruto’s whole body trembled with anger.

The next moment.

These black auras entered the body of Bofeng Shui Men as if they were attracted by something.

The aura of the Wave Feng Shui Gate seemed to have become a little stronger.

Not far away, a figure saw Naruto, and his face was happy.

Summer three-day promotion, charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: August 13th to August 15th)

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