Sarutobi frowned even tighter.

Head down, silence, thought.

Suddenly, Ape Flying Sun Chopper thought of something.


This is the blood succession limit that belongs to the Moonlight family alone.

It can make the body transparent.

Only very few people of the Moonlight Clan can awaken this blood succession limit.

At present, in the entire Konoha, there is only one person in the moonlight wind.

“It’s either throughout.”

“Either these two dark ninjas have fallen for illusion.”

“But these two dark ninjas have no traces of illusion.”

Ape Fei Ri looked at the two and said.

“You two stay here first.”

“Yes, Naruto-sama.”

Sarutobi came to the window, and another dark ninja appeared.

“Go and let the sunset red, the moonlight wind, Yamanaka Haichi come over, and find another medical ninja.”

“Yes, Naruto-sama.”

Ape Flying Sun returned to its previous position.

“By the way, you guys said Naruto behaved strangely today, what kind of weirdness?”

“Naruto-sama, Naruto has been talking into the air today, calling the other party father, like someone next to him, but in reality, there is nothing next to him.”


Ape Fei Ri cut his pupils and shrank.

Who Naruto’s father is, many people don’t know, but Sarutobi knows it all too well.

It is the fourth generation of Hokage of Konoha, known as the golden shining wave feng shui gate.

At the same time, he is also a disciple of Jiraiya.

But Ape Flying Sun Chopper was more certain that Bofeng Shuimen had long been dead.

Died in the Nine-Tails Rebellion that year.

Died because of the use of ghoul sealing on the Nine Tails.

That ninjutsu, after using it, is absolutely impossible to live.

And even if the wave feng shui gate is still there, it does not have that ability.

The Wave Feng Shui Gate does not have a blood succession limit similar to that of Escape.

There is no such secret technique.

Ape Flying Sun Chopper knows the situation of Bofeng Shuimen very well.

In addition to basic ninjutsu and sealing techniques, he is good at two ninjutsu.

It is called Spiral Pill, which was created by Bofeng Shui Men himself imitating the tailed beast jade.

It is called the Flying Thunder God Technique, which was created by the second generation Hokage Senjuma.

“It definitely can’t be Watergate.”

“What happened to Naruto?”

“I’ll check it out later.”

Sarutobi didn’t quite think that a father really appeared next to Naruto.

At the same time, I don’t think that Mizuki’s death will have much to do with Naruto.

Soon, the medical ninja came over.


Sarutobi pointed at Mizuki’s corpse.

“Check this body, I want to know the true cause of his death.”

“Yes, Naruto-sama.”

The medical ninja begins the examination.

It didn’t take long for conclusions to be drawn.

“Naruto-sama, the death of this ninja was caused by Ku Wu, and there were two fatal wounds, one in the throat and one in the heart, and according to the wounds, they were attacked almost simultaneously.”

“Other than that, there are no other attacks.”

Sarutobi nodded.

“Okay, go down.”

“Yes, Naruto-sama.”

Sunset Red and Yamanaka Haichi arrived at the same time.

Ape Flying Sun simply said the matter.

“Sunset Red, you check these two dark ninjas to see if they have any traces of illusion.”

“Haiichi, you used memory invasion on Mizuki’s corpse, I need to know what he went through before he died.”

Sunset Red and Yamanaka both nodded.

“Yes, Naruto-sama.”

Sunset Red came to the two dark ninjas.

For illusion, Sunset Red can be said to be a master.

Except for the Uchiha clan, almost no one in Konoha will be stronger than Sunset Red in terms of illusion attainment.

Therefore, the ape flying sun chop let the sunset red come to check.

If even Sunset Red can’t check it, then it proves that either there is no illusion, or the illusion among the two dark ninjas is extremely strong, reaching the level of top-level Uchiha illusion.

“Naruto-sama, I didn’t find traces of illusion on them.”

Sarutobi nodded and looked at Haichi Yamanaka.

Yamanaka withdrew the hand placed on top of Mizuki’s corpse and opened his eyes.

“Naruto-sama, in Mizuki’s memory, what I saw was the same as what you just said.”

Yamanaka said: “After Mizuki tricked Naruto into being rejected, he attacked Naruto and threw his shuriken out, but the shuriken did not hit. ”

“Immediately afterwards, Mizuki was violently attacked.”

“However, this attacker, Mizuki can’t see, as if it is invisible.”

Ape Flying Sun was silent for a moment.

“Sunset Red, you go back first.”

“Yes, Naruto-sama.”

The two dark ninjas also left.

Only Sarutobi Hinata and Yamanaka Haichi were left in the Hokage’s office.

“Haichi, what do you think about this matter?”

Yamanaka said, “If it’s magic, only two people can do it.” ”

“One is Uchiha Itachi, and the other is Uchiha Shuishui.”

Sarutobi recalled Uchiha stopping the water, and his pupils shrank.

“Don’t be gods?”

“However, Uchiha said that Uchiha Shuishui was dead, and that Uchiha Shuizu had been seized by Tuanzo before he died.”

“But if it were another god, it did.”

“Could it be that Uchiha didn’t die?”

“Or was his eye used by someone else?”

A figure appeared in the doorway, it was the moonlight wind.


“The wind is coming, sit.”

Ape Flying Sun Chopper said the matter to Moonlight Wind again.

“Swift Wind, do you think this will be a penetration?”

(On the first day of the new book, ask for some data, alas)

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