I Persuade People With Reason

Chapter 258: Rebel 42

With the destruction of Exile Star, all the secrets on Exile Star were revealed and exposed to the eyes of the world, causing a wide-ranging sensation in the empire.

Taboo human experiments, hunting grounds on Exiles, clone corps, genetic fusion of mutant creatures and new humans... Anything that Mephistopheles has done breaks through the general ethical bottom line and is bombed out in a concentrated manner , even some people whose moral level is not very high, have chills in their hearts.

They used to think that exile was a forgiveness for criminals who should have betrayed the death penalty, but now it seems that this is simply sending those guys to hell!

There was a lot of scolding on the star network, even if it was all evil? People would call Mephisto crazy and lawless.

This sounds funny.

But in fact, compared to the ordinary people in the society, this group of potential criminals who do all kinds of evil is the most vicious.

Because ordinary people don't have to worry about what kind of exile they will commit, and this group is obviously very self-aware of their own virtue; in other words, they are the most potential victims of Mephistopheles. Otherwise, the Exiles have already been taken over, maybe they will become the experiments of each other's subordinates in the future.

At the same time as the crusade against this "devil", the former emperor who let Mephisto do what he did was also affected.

No? Not long ago, he was unexpectedly removed from the throne by Yuan Buwei, and there are a few people who secretly sympathized, thinking that it was too ruthless to remove his biological father just because he was recalled, even if he was called back. At that time, the Internet had already made public the fact that the emperor's supporters started the taboo experiment at the Exile Institute, but there will never be fewer conspiracy theorists.

They always thought that maybe this was just an excuse to pull him off the horse to frame the emperor.

And even if it were true? So what? When he first recognized the eldest prince, the emperor voluntarily admitted that he had initiated a taboo gene blending experiment in order to save his son. Such a love for a son turned out to be the evidence of being overthrown by his son?

In short, although it is not easy to express their position on the surface, many people have a sympathetic attitude towards the emperor.

But now, when everything on Exiles is made public, all the conspiracy theorists are gone. What Mephistopheles did? In their eyes, everything was already anti-human, so where else could the emperor who supported the other party deserve sympathy? Maybe this is how the emperor secretly sent his people into the hands of the devil over the years.

At this time, no one thought that the original actions were too ruthless and ruthless. Instead, they felt that the original actions were too ruthless and decisive enough that the emperor had committed such a big crime. To actually be able to retire well on the Imperial Capital Star, this punishment is simply too light.

But this kind of love, the tolerance and generosity of the new emperor is obviously more reassuring - as expected, this is the commander-in-chief who used to be upright and selfless, always on the front line, and fought and sacrificed for the empire! Now it is the emperor who enjoys the benefits of this heavy love and heavy pills, and soon all the people of the empire can enjoy it.

——For example, the greatest benefit, the original liquid of life!

For the new human beings who have always regarded evolution and transformation as extremely important, the meaning of the original liquid of life is unimaginable. This not only means the end of the gene collapse, but also means that they will become completely higher beings, far from those lowly natural people.

This is everyone's chance to get a life leap!

The right team before? The big family is even more excited.

Now, the former emperor is no longer a worry, the Exile Star has been swept away, and even the Desolate Star Territory is willing to follow the new emperor's command, there is no trouble inside and outside, and the emperor's throne that he did not want to do has been seated firmly. When, isn't this a great opportunity to share the fruits of victory and celebrate with the whole world?

The original reason is that he has not yet expressed his position. Under the promotion of various forces, the undercurrent has already begun to flow on the star network.

Conventional at first, of course? Crusade against Mephistopheles. After all, what he did and what he did was really too amazing, and it was a major case in the history of the empire for so many years.

〖Just looking at the video files left in this war, you can feel how perverted that Mephisto is! As expected of the guy who used the name of the devil in the ancient background as the code name, it is estimated that in his eyes, humans and beasts are completely equal, right? This exile star is a den! 〗

〖I go, is this guy a psychopath? I see those people who have been blended with beast characteristics, they all want to vomit, okay? Really? 〗

〖This kind of person is a pervert. I never heard that he was born with a genetic breakdown? Is he a disabled child? Born with a genetic breakdown? Guys have psychological problems, don't they see that their family will throw them out? I think the sin of abandonment by the empire against patients with genetic collapse is simply superfluous. Born with genetic collapse, it is completely waste. What's the point of surviving? They only grow up to realize that they are useless, mentally twisted and reduced to potential criminals, and this Mephistopheles is a prime example. 〗

〖plus one. The theory of genetic original sin is about the same. From a genetic point of view, new humans are far superior to natural humans, and human beings born with genetic breakdown are worse than natural humans, and they are completely defective. Even if the laws of the empire protect their human rights, they are still trash if they survive. Can they make a half contribution to the empire, it will only drag down the family, and there is a great possibility of psychological distortions and embark on the road of crime, which is really meaningless. 〗

〖Hey, hey, have you forgotten about the castaway star? It exists, and it is basically abandoned? A patient born with a genetic breakdown. This time they attacked the Exiles, and they also made a small contribution. 〗

Having said that, the topic has clearly started to go off track. I don't know if it was unintentional or someone was setting the rhythm, or maybe everyone in the entire empire thought so.

〖What kind of credit is this? No? Is it possible to perform meritorious service on the battlefield only by obtaining the improvement through the original liquid of life? If His Majesty is willing to give me a life liquid, I will be able to rush to the front line to fight immediately! So, all this is clearly His Majesty's credit, what does it have to do with Outcast Star? Such a precious thing as the original liquid of life, but it is used on them, is the biggest waste. Only the new human beings with more noble genes can maximize the ability of the original liquid of life and achieve greater transformation and improvement. If it is used on the imperial army, the battle might be resolved sooner. 〗

〖that's right! As a citizen of the Empire, it's hard not to agree? We are His Majesty's true subjects, a group of outcasts from the Desolate Star Region, why are we in front of us? 〗

〖Everyone, relax and don't get excited. I think Your Majesty put the Empire first The most staunch supporters, even without those guys, all of us are willing to fight for your Majesty. How could His Majesty favor one over the other, no? Thinking about improving the strength of the empire, but instead focusing on the desolate star field? I think it won't take long? Everyone will be able to enjoy the improvement brought by the original liquid of life. 〗

〖It makes sense. We are so excited. No? But it's not that everyone has an opinion on His Majesty, that is what everyone worships? "Light of the Empire"! The main reason is that a group of outcasts are actually more valued by His Majesty. We are a little unconvinced. If it is us, can we do better? 〗

At the end of the day, this group of people seems to have entered the "favourite" mode, as if everyone is a fan of the original, and the original should also return their corresponding trust. As for the so-called "trust"? Of course, it is the large-scale popularization of the original liquid of life.

Others began to imagine the future and shouted the slogan of conquering the Covenant——

〖If all the citizens of the empire have been completely upgraded and transformed into a higher level of life. At that time, everyone will be able to completely conquer the Covenant, and the entire empire will create unprecedented glory in His Majesty's hands! 〗

This kind of imagining attracted countless people at once, and the atmosphere on the star network suddenly became extremely frenetic, as if the empire could conquer the star alliance immediately, reach the peak, and create a new future belonging to the new human beings.

At this time, the original live broadcast to the whole empire pushed the frenzy atmosphere to the climax!

According to the news released in advance, he will make a move to change the empire and change the whole world.

The empire was boiling up and down.

What good news will His Majesty announce this time?

... Is it to popularize the original liquid of life on a large scale, or to start a full-scale war on the Covenant and conquer all natural people?

Everyone showed their sincere expectations.

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