I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon

Chapter 573 Human Nature (2)

"Immortal..." Wang Gui struggled for a long time, finally gritted his teeth, kowtowed and asked, "I don't know why the immortal said this..."

The immortals who descend to earth are indeed unparalleled in their magical powers.

But... what He said is really hard for people to believe!

The world he lives in is false.

Is he just a wandering soul floating in this nightmare-like fantasy?


Are they the poor souls who repeat this reincarnation again and again?

The real world has already been turned upside down!

It is true that Taizu went on an expedition to Yinzhou!

But that was more than three hundred years ago!

The Great Ancestor of Great Xia has long since passed away, and the Great Xia Empire has become a federal empire similar to Zongzhou.

The emperor ruled from the top of the arch, and the wise men and women everywhere guarded the land.

The country is prosperous, science and technology is developed, and the people are prosperous!

But he and his companions were forgotten in this false illusion.

It can be said that I don’t know the Han Dynasty, nor the Wei and Jin Dynasties!


Obviously beyond Wang Gui's knowledge.

Because the script limits him to a descendant of the Xia and Shang dynasties in Luzon.

Lingpingan looked at this tall and thick man and smiled slightly: "I won't lie to you!"

He looked at the others again.

The skin of those people was tanned to a wheat color by the scorching sun of the Brave Sea.

There are slaves from Kunlun State, and there are also descendants of the Xia people who were transferred by the colonists from Luzon, Johor and other places.

"I won't lie to you either!"

As he spoke, he flicked his fingers slightly.

In the nightmare space, he has a certain degree of freedom.

Space seems to be able to afford part of his madness.

Therefore, his power is released.

Although not even one percent.

But the methods he can use are not what humans, or even creatures, can do.

Just like this moment, his fingertips moved slightly.

Points of light bounced in all directions.

These light spots are the underlying memories of this nightmare world.

It records the countless reincarnations and zeroing experiences of these people in this world.

As the light entered the body, everyone fell down and retched.

All kinds of memories were running rampant in their minds.

Reincarnation after reincarnation, the cleaned memories are released again.

They are formed and die.

They resisted and failed.

They won, but then fell into the abyss again.

The people among them, in a certain reincarnation, followed Wang Gui wholeheartedly, accompanying him through life and death, and never left him.

But in the next reincarnation, he became a traitor for various reasons.

He turned around and picked up the sword, pointed it at his past comrades, his companions from the last reincarnation, and swung the sword without hesitation.

In the next reincarnation, he became that loyal follower again.

Their struggles are like jokes.

Their bloodshed, their impassioned actions, their battles, their resistance, their blood, their sacrifices.

They are all just routes that have already been determined in the script.

"Ah..." One after another people squatted on the ground, crying and laughing.


I'm fake...

The world is also fake!

There are people who collapse, there are people who are desperate!

There are even those who intend to commit suicide.

Lingpingan just watched quietly without interfering.

To his surprise, Wang Gui, as the protagonist, did not collapse or despair, nor did he seek death and survival.

He just lay on the ground, looking struggling and hesitant.


He stood up and grabbed a Kunlun man who was about to commit suicide with his sword.

"Abu!" He grabbed the opponent's knife: "You can't die!"

"Death won't solve the problem!"

He kicked another person who was trying to commit suicide with another kick: "Lin Dalang, you have been by my side in dozens of reincarnations. I remember that we were forced to go to heaven and earth without any door more than a dozen times. , but we have not given up hope!”

Then, he yelled: "Everyone, be quiet!"

"What does it look like when a man cries?"

I have to say that the protagonist’s charm and personality are truly invincible!

Wang Gui just roared, immediately calming the scene.

Everyone, including the slaves from Kunlun State, fell silent.

He is worthy of being the protagonist of the plot with shadows of heroes such as Song Jiang/Liu Bei/Cao Cao!

Lingpingan looked at it, but became curious, and asked: "Wang Gui, you don't believe what I showed you?"

Wang Gui turned around, looked at Lingpingan, clasped his fists and said, "What the immortal said is true! Even if you don't believe it, you have to believe it!"

"What's more!" He took a deep breath and said: "With the enlightenment of the immortal, I have clearly understood the common wisdom and know the true origin!"

"I'm not a nobleman!" He struggled, and then his expression became solemn: "But I am also a nobleman!"

He raised his head and looked at the sky, which was as clear as a blue sky.

"To be precise... I am a piece of many souls, stitched together!" A strange look appeared on his face.

"Those souls are probably the naval officers who once fought bloody battles with Qin and Lu's thieves in this sea area..."


He recalled some residual memories.

In this sea area, countless tragic naval battles occurred during the Hundred Years' War.

Breaking diplomatic relations, intercepting, battleship bombardment...

During the Hundred Years' War, the Daxia Navy, at least in the Brave Sea, was sunk by Qinlu's colonial ships, with thousands of large and small ships sunk.

There are even tens of thousands of army soldiers, spilling blood on the islands of the Brave Sea.

To liberate enslaved people.

For the well-being of their descendants, countless people died in the sea.

This is why the brave sea is also called the ‘righteous sea’.

And Wang Gui is the nightmare space, cultivated from the countless dead souls buried here, as the 'protagonist'.

Naturally, he is heroic.

But he's also a stitch monster that's been sewn back together.

‘Wang Gui’ is just an illusion.

An image composed of countless fragmented consciousnesses stitched together.

Like a clay figurine made by a child.

Lingping listened quietly, knowing that what Wang Gui said was the truth.

Because his eyes can see the other person's body, which is a soul made up of countless different fragments put together.

A will that seems shaky but is actually indestructible!

Lingpingan then understood why he came to this nightmare world.

This is the guidance of his heart.

As a gentleman, he subconsciously sensed that there was someone here with whom he could learn and communicate.

"Confucius said: When three people are walking together, there must be my teacher!" He sighed: "What a golden and good advice!"

This person, after understanding his existence.

Not only did it not collapse!

On the contrary, it became stronger!

Lingpingan could see that the cracks in the soul in his body were gradually melting and merging with each other.

this means……

Perhaps he will become a real individual with his own consciousness and ideas.

He may no longer be a Stitch Monster.

But a real person.

This is amazing!

It’s so surprising!

It also makes Lingpingan admire him!

So, he asked: "Wang Gui...why are you not like others? Shouldn't you be more afraid and scared of this fact than these people?"


Others, just knowing the first level of truth, since they are fake, have already collapsed, and even seek death and survival.

But Wang Gui knew the crueler truth.

Not even ‘fake’.

Everything about him is pieced together.

He is not even himself!

Those false memories fabricated by the nightmare space are not his own.

Lingpingan asked himself, if he encountered such a thing.

I'm afraid I can only use my own fine traditions - shrink my head and pretend that this doesn't happen. As long as I don't admit it, no one can hurt me!

Just like he had noticed something strange before.

He always found a way to deny it.

You can always think of something different.

Until the truth is fully revealed, it can no longer be denied.


Even so, he has actually been shrinking, retreating, and denying.

Wang Guishaa laughed and said with emotion: "Why should I be afraid? Why should I be afraid?"

"There is no such thing in my memory!"

"Those people...those heroes, there is no fear in what they left to me..."

"What's more..." He looked at Lingpingan and clasped his hands: "The immortal told me... we won in the end!"

"Our sacrifice was not in vain!"

"Emperor Taizu, Emperor Taizong and Emperor Gaozong have not broken their promises to the world and us!"

"Our hometown, our hometown, and our descendants all enjoy peace, prosperity and stability because of us..."

"In that case...what else do we have to regret? And what else can we be afraid of?"

"Confucius said Cheng Ren, Mencius said Qi Yi!"

"We have been benevolent and righteous, serving the world and the world. We have died for benevolence and righteousness. We have truly deserved our death and can rest in peace!"

Lingpingan listened, not very understanding.

Because he is just a bastard who wants to wait until death and win as an equal.

Even now this rice insect has discovered that he is actually a monster and may destroy the world at any time.

He actually had nothing to worry about.

Just going with the flow.

Therefore, although he was quite grateful for Wang Gui's generous words.

But it’s just sentimental.

After all, it is impossible to empathize with it, and it is even harder to understand.

He didn't understand what made Wang Gui change like this.

A weird thing that was sewn together and started to fit together!

Especially, when Wang Gui finished these words.

Lingpingan discovered the cracks in his body and almost disappeared.

This means that through these words, he further consolidated his existence.

He is who he is.

No longer a stitch monster.

"Is he really a hero and has his own spirit?" Lingpingan thought.

The books he had read told him that nothing was impossible for heroes.

It is said that when time comes, heaven and earth all work together.

They can create any miracle!


This miracle does not help Lingpingping.

After all, he couldn't be a hero.

If he, a monster, used a little more tactics, Lingpingan felt that he might not be able to resist.

I'm afraid he will surrender faster than Fran!

Fortunately, the part of him that is a monster is gentle to his humanity.

Or it can also be said that it is full of malice!

It's like a child who caught a tadpole and put it in a bottle. He was very curious to see the tadpole grow four legs.

Subjectively, children have no ill intentions towards the tadpoles in the bottle.

In fact, it is full of malice!

"Brother Wang..." Lingpingan used honorifics, which meant that he recognized this noble king, recognized that the other person could communicate with him in terms of personality, and even was the person he was learning from.

He thought for a while and asked: "I dare to ask Brother Wang, do you think you are the 'Wang Noble' now, or are you those who were buried in this sea?"

This is critical!

who I am?

This is also a problem that Lingpingan has to face.

After all, he couldn't guarantee that as a monster, he would be patient enough.

Monsters are something that humans cannot understand.

Even he can't understand it!

Lingpingan is very clear if his humanity is wiped out.

Then he would be a complete monster.

He regards all living beings as grass and grass and treats all worlds as stupid dogs.

If you are happy, destroy a world for fun.

Not happy, break a world to relieve troubles.

You might even be like those naughty kids in the park, smashing a star just to pour the flames of the star into a fragile world and mold it into a toy, one that is made and thrown away just for fun. Toy.

This is what he, as a monster, is most likely to do!

And, he may not even have any ill intentions when doing these things.

Just for fun or just want to have fun.

What does it have to do with destroying you?

If I destroy you, what will I do to you?

This is his monster side.

A cold-blooded, chaotic, aimless monster.

It's also something he used to do a lot.

Turning over unconsciously in your sleep, or when you wake up, excitedly beating the eternal drum under the noise of the band.

All will cause terrible disasters!

Wang Gui blinked and said, "Of course I am Wang Gui!"

"Why?" Lingpingan didn't quite understand.

"Because I think I am Wang Gui!" Wang Gui laughed.

"I identify with everything I have done in countless reincarnations in the past!"

"I don't regret any choice I've made!"

"Even though, in my reincarnation, I made mistakes in my decision-making, which led to the deaths of my comrades around me!"

"Even if I was caught by the enemy, I would be cut into pieces!"

"Even if I made poor choices, countless innocent people were implicated, and the corpses of the deceased were scattered all over the sea!"

"But I don't regret it!"

"Even if you ask me to do it again, I will do it again!"

"So I agree with my choice!"

"Even if you are shattered to pieces...even if you are wiped out in ashes..."

"Of course!" Wang Gui bowed to Lingpingan, the immortal in his eyes: "I also want to thank the immortal for his enlightenment and information!"

"Because the immortals let me know... what I did was right!"

"It's also because the immortal told me that the sacrifices of me and my comrades are not without value!"

"We are dead!"

"But our descendants are still here!"

"When we die, our descendants will be us!"

"Now, although I know that I am pieced together by many people..."

"But what does it matter?"

"We all agree with each other's choices!"

"We all understand our actions too!"

"In that case..."

"So is it important to worry about whether I am a noble person now?"

Lingpingan listened, his eyes burning, as if he had some realization.

He seems to have got the point!

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