Xue Ruyi said that it was okay, but there were five finger prints clearly printed on her pink neck, which was particularly eye-catching.

"What's wrong, what's wrong?"

At this moment, Sun Yunyue happened to come out of the gate of the mall, seeing that something was wrong, Sun Yunyue stepped forward a few steps, and when she saw Xue Ruyi as if she had been beaten, Sun Yunyue's little face that charmed the dead and did not pay for her life immediately revealed a little cold: "Damn, who is it?" "You don't

care, take care of Ruyi."

Chen Zhiyu dropped a sentence, and then, the sword walked towards Fan Dechang.

At this time, Fan Dechang had already gotten up from the ground, seeing Chen Zhiyu approaching him, his face was indescribably ugly, although he tried his best to hide it, he could still see the fear.

Obviously, he didn't expect Chen Zhiyu to be so domineering.

"What a domineering fist, boy, who is your master?"

"I don't have a master. Chen Zhiyu responded coldly.

He really doesn't have a master, the Beidou God Fist was pawned by him from the Heavenly Court Pawnshop, if you have to say Master, then it should be said that it is Tota Li Heavenly King, Nezha's father.

"Okay, if you don't say it, I'll admit it today, and say goodbye!"

Fan Dechang arched his hand at Chen Zhiyu, then turned around and left.

It can't be done, this thing is also a bachelor, and it will be driven away immediately, but unfortunately, how can Chen Zhiyu let him leave so easily, it doesn't matter if he hurts him, but if he hurts Xue Ruyi, this matter must be said.

"Go, where to go. Chen Zhiyu caught up with him with a sword and reached out to take Fan Dechang's shoulder, but at this moment, he saw Fan Dechang turn around suddenly, and a white light went straight to Chen Zhiyu's heart.

Fan Dechang had an extra butterfly knife in his hand at some point.

Seeing that it was too late, the knife instantly reached Chen Zhiyu's heart, and Chen Zhiyu saw this, hurriedly dodged, he reacted fast enough, but the next second he still felt a cold heart.

Butterfly knife *** His heart was two inches down.


With a wild scream, the iron arm waved, and slammed on Fan Dechang's shoulder, followed by a click, Fan Dechang's shoulder was smashed by a punch, and he himself fell out like a sandbag, throwing out two meters away.

As soon as it fell to the ground, the cargo crawled to its feet, and then rushed to the van on the side of the road.

He got into it and yelled at the driver, "Damn, drive."

Zhou Dong was startled when he saw Fan Dechang's hideous expression, and without saying a word, he immediately drove up, and at the same time, Chen Zhiyu chased after him, but unfortunately the speed was not as fast as the car, and he almost caught up.

"This, what's going on, Master Fan, are you okay!" Xing

Shirong saw Fan Debiao lying on the seat, hugging his shoulders, his face was extremely ugly, and he was startled.

Fan Dechang looked back at Xing Shirong and grinned: "That kid is good, he is really skilled, but his experience is too shallow, he was stabbed by me, and he was either dead or disabled, it seems that the price we negotiated before has to be negotiated."

"What? You stabbed him, then, what's the matter? As soon as he heard this, Xing Shirong almost peed his pants, his eyes widened, and he said with a frightened face: "I, I'll let you break his legs, how did you kill people?" "


, murder is a capital crime!" "Grass, look at your straw bag, murder is a capital crime, but you have to catch Lao Tzu, so let's do it, you are giving me 500,000 yuan, Lao Tzu will fly away, even if he is caught in the end, it will definitely not implicate you." "

What are you talking about, 500,000, why don't you grab it!" Hearing 500,000,

Xing Shirong's eyes almost popped out.

Why did he run out again and ask for money.

If you open your mouth, you will want 500,000 yuan, why don't you rob the bank!"

Fan Dechang's old face darkened, and there was a hint of murder in his eyes.

This thing is a typical murderer, from the fact that he didn't blink his eyes and dared to stab Chen Zhiyu with a knife, it can be seen that he is in a hurry, and it is not a problem to kill someone, and Xing Shirong noticed his murderous intention, and he was so frightened that he almost peed his pants.

"Don't get me wrong, it's not that you don't want to come out, it's just that you really don't have that much money for a while. Suddenly

, I saw Fan Dechang shake his cuffs, and a sharp butterfly knife appeared in the palm of his hand, directly across Xing Shirong's neck, and then Fan Dechang said coldly: "Do you think Lao Tzu is discussing with you?"

"Either give money immediately, or, die immediately." "

Don't hide it, Lao Tzu has made some mistakes recently, and he is going to run away, and taking over your business is completely convenient, if you don't do it according to Lao Tzu's requirements, Lao Tzu will stab him in seven or eight transparent holes in you

!" "Ah, don't, don't!" Xing Shirong was completely urinated at this time.

Zhou Dong, who was driving in front, didn't expect Fan Dechang to aim the knife at them when he changed his hand, and he was scared enough, so he hurriedly said: "Master Fan, don't be like this, I am friends with Brother Xiao Song, for the sake of the face of friends, I have something to say." "

Fuck you, drive your car honestly, or I'll stab you first!" Fan

Dechang glared at Zhou Dong and said with a fierce face: "Don't have anything to do with me, it's useless." "

Don't talk about Xiao Song, even if the Heavenly King Lao Tzu comes, today's 500,000 must be received.

"Let's say, whether it's money or death.

"I, I want my life, I'll give you money!" Facing the knife that sealed his throat with blood, Xing Shirong could only choose to compromise: "But I don't have it on me now, you have

to go home with me to get ......" "Then what are you doing in a daze, go!"

"Okay, good ......" Xing Shirong agreed, and then turned to Zhou Dong and said: "Go home, ask your sister for money." "

Well, okay...... Alas, something is wrong, it seems that there is a car chasing us......"

Zhou Dong looked at the rearview mirror, and his face changed greatly.

Fan Dechang hurriedly turned around and looked at the back of the car, but at this time, there were several luxury cars, biting their cars and chasing them closely.

"Grass, what's going on?"

"I don't know, it could be the police!" Zhou Dong exclaimed.

"No way, the police are not so arrogant, you see those cars, all of them are luxury cars, and the most inferior ones are worth hundreds of thousands...... You two rabbit cubs, are you provoking some big shots?"

Fan Dechang looked at Xing Shirong with a surprised expression.

Xing Shirong hurriedly waved his hand: "It's not us, we have the courage to offend the big guys, speaking of Fan Ye, will these people come for you." "

I have a lot of enemies, but I don't have such a big heart, don't worry about it for now, hurry up and drive and get rid of them."

"Ah Fan Ye, are you kidding, our broken van, running eighty is fast, how to run with a luxury car, or let's stop and ask, what's going on...... Ah!"

Before Zhou Dong finished speaking, Fan Dechang stabbed him in the thigh.

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