The vast ○○ plains of Mississippi.

Where the green wave should have spread, it was covered with black and red waves.

The former was the Hunter Army, and the latter was the Roman Empire Army.

“To each unit location!”

The situation was similar to the previous battle.

It's a big battlefield to fight in divisions into units.

This was also the case in the battle with the Red Dragon Army.

But the size is different.

The level is also different.




The number of dragons was also almost five times higher than that of the Red Dragon Army.

Maybe thirty-five?

It was truly overwhelming.


Among the dogs, there was one that flapped its wings even bigger.

it was load

“Damn it, there’s Rod.”

“How the hell do you call a guy like that?”

There was also talk of Rod during the operation report, so no one was so embarrassed.

The question was how to catch it.

Much larger than other dragons.

The horns that seem to pierce even Will Cyjeon easily.

A wing that creates a strong wind just by flapping it gently.

A vast amount of breath energy gathered in the mouth.

Besides, it was red.

The Red Dragon, said to be the most difficult, appeared as a Lord this time.

“Move as you work!”



Because we also have a strong support.

Lieutenant General Yoo Kyung-pil.

He, who was also my direct supervisor at the Korean Special Warfare Command, is now the commander of this dragon killing unit.

[Activates the Gear Sword.]

As one of the members, I immediately activated the Igear Sword.

This is because it is difficult to deal with with normal skills.


It was only a week or so ago that I fought the Red Dragon Army.

At that time, only one long sword and three daggers could be handled with the Igear sword.

still the same

Four bags were still the limit.


All four of them are long swords.

Considering that a long sword is more difficult to handle than a dagger, his proficiency has risen dramatically in a short period of time.

But we cannot be satisfied here.

Through this battle, I want to raise the proficiency further.

So, I want to use a stronger Igear sword.


numerous armies.

The mana and auror that dwell there.

and magic.

A battle was about to begin on the ground as well.

This one has already started.

“Shoot it!”

A number of dragons and elite hunters from different countries collided.

My sword was already reaching for one.

Perhaps the battle that will determine the owner of this land.

You must win.

* * *

The other side of Hunter.

General Morris looked at the dragons rushing in without hesitation and didn't pay any more attention to them.

it was so reassuring

Even more so with the load.

‘You get a buff when Rod is with you. It will be different from the existing dragons.’

It would have been more powerful if he came forward, but he didn't have to.

Just loading will be enough.

In the beginning, there was something else he had to do.‘That guy is that guy.’

The head of the Hunter army was running from the other side.

The identity was largely identified.

Captain Rayvard, Chief of the U.S. Chief of Staff, Hunter.

The United States is one of the strongest countries on this planet, and the Hunter Chief of Staff and General are at the top of the hunter rank.

If only he had taken the general command of the hunter forces of each country.

You must have had great skills.

But General Morris did the same.

The strongest, no, hegemony of the Rum Empire in the Prasia Continent.

The leader of the 1st Imperial Knights there.

There was nothing to be pushed, whether by position or by strength.

“Magic Division, support attack from the rear!”


“Only protect the mages for the escorts!”


“The rest of the knights follow me and defeat the enemy!”


I just want to push forward with tactics or whatever, but General Morris was not vigilant.

Because he's not the only one who's been negligent.

And he was fully acknowledging the power of the Hunter Army.

‘Most of the generals. Even if it’s worse than that guy called Labrador, everyone does it one at a time.’

The Archmage blows Tempest and Meteor from behind.

If the knights attached him in front of him.

No matter how great the generals are, it will not be easy to withstand them even if they are at the level of a Grand Swordmaster.

Many dragons, including Lord, are also fighting in the sky.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!


Things were already going that way.

Storm coming from the other side.

A huge fireball one step higher than Hellfire.

Tempest and Meteor began to imprison the Hunters.

Even the Imperial Army of Rum could suffer damage, but not all of them are wizards of the outlying territory.

An archmage belonging to the imperial family.

That level of control is enough for you to know.


“Destroy them all!”

Along the way through the large magic, the knights attacked the Hunters one after another.

Each of their swords were full of auras.

Aura Blade.

It wasn't an ordinary Auror Blade.

It was an enhanced Auror blade that only the Grand Sword Master class could use.

Watching what was going on as expected, General Morris paid attention to a man.

Captain Raybird.

No matter how good things go, you can't leave him alone.

Because he has the power to erase Tempest and Meteor as well.

Of course he had nothing to worry about.

“Your opponent is me.”

For that reason, from the beginning, I was running towards only Captain Raybird.

“Are you Morris?”

Captain Raybird was also watching only General Morris.

Soon the two swords collided.

It was a sword that was not much different from other hunters or knights, but its wavelength was different.

It was different and exploded.


The power of the strongest in each world.

The earth cracked and the sky shook.

* * *

dragon hunting.

Considering that the stats, skills, and gear swords have improved compared to the time of the Red Dragon Army, it should be relatively easy now.

But it wasn't.

It was rather difficult.

[Dragon Lord's buff continues.]

[The combat ability of nearby dragons increases.]

It was the load.

Just as the commanders increase the combat ability of the nearby allies with their command skills, the dragon also increases the fighting ability of the nearby dragons.

There is only one answer.

You have to grab the load first.

“Attack from the road!”

Lieutenant General Yoo Kyung-pil knew this and was aiming the sword only at Rod from the start.

Of course, I was dealing with normal dragons.

Because there were many hunters stronger than me.

The load was theirs.

I was faithful to my role.

Four long swords were lifted as swords, and each one faced a normal dragon while poking around with a dedicated sword.

As I said before, it was a difficult fight because of the buff.

Adding the breath made it even more difficult.

‘Is it like that when lava is shot like a beam?’

Especially the red dragons.

It seemed to be twice as powerful as the ones I met in the Red Dragon Army.

But he didn't avoid it.

faced head-on

The moment you dodge here, the other allies on the ground will suffer.


The flame breath that collides in front of the sword.

It wasn't just that.

The black dragons' poison breath, the yellow dragon's thunder breath, etc. were also diverse.

I didn't avoid it though.

The former is enduring with all the trouble.

The latter just endures with the body.

had to stop

‘Wow, that’s no joke.’

I had to stop it, but I couldn't stand it.

Iron blood flowed from his body.

Even the best combat uniforms had no choice but to do it in front of the dragons' breath.

But there was only blood.

It wasn't broken or cut anywhere.

The mind was cool too.

Rather, it became clearer.

When I tasted my blood, I wanted to taste their blood too.


He shouted loudly and ran to the dragons again.

Breath was still raging in all directions, and the Archmage below was flying in as far as Tempest and Meteor, but it still could not be avoided.

If you avoid it here, it's all over.

And the latter is being blocked by other allies.

We only care about our enemies.

"kill it!"

A large amount of mana rising above the sword.

I think I now know the true meaning of using the power of breastfeeding.

The blood vessels in the body swell as if they were about to burst.


He screamed and swung his sword over and over again.

Around it, four long swords attacked together under the effect of the Igear sword.

next moment.

Something shuddered and cracked.

It was his body.

Then, the head was smashed like a window.

He could not overcome the power of mana and burst.

This fight means a lot.

It was because he was able to subdue the dragon that had received the buff even from the Lord more simply than when he was in the Red Dragon Army.

right then

[An excellent battle is being waged.]

[All combat abilities are temporarily increased by 30%.]

A welcome reminder came to mind.

It's temporary, but anyway, it's 30% stronger than it is now.

It was good.

don't kill them all

As I clenched my fists, I heard a voice calling me from somewhere.

“Colonel Choi! Join me this way!”

It was Lieutenant General Yoo Kyung-pil.

And this side he was talking about was where Rod was.

"all right!"

He called me to the place where Rod was.

It means that I showed enough strength to hold the rod.

Plus, it's an additional 30% stronger with the previous notification.

He clenched his fists tighter and flew towards it.


Four long swords were also chasing me from the side.

No, there were more.

The daggers that were put on the waist were also affected.“You really get stronger in real time!”

A short word from Lieutenant General Yoo Kyung-pil.

Sure enough, four daggers were flying in the air behind the four long swords.

He won a total of eight swords and was treated as a sword.

I am very happy, but it will not be too late to enjoy that joy after all these situations are over.

He clenched his teeth and looked at the front.


Rod was roaring and shooting at his breath.

It's definitely the first time I've seen it in person.

For a moment, the overwhelming feeling made it hard to breathe.

But if you were afraid of such a sense of intimidation, you would have been holding only normal dragons from the other side.

He wrapped the boiling mana around the sword and ran as it was.


Rod's flapping of its wings created a shock wave like the Tempest or Meteor.

That's why the enemy only had dragons floating around.

because it's good

The consequences of that were already evident everywhere.

Red blood dripping from all directions.

screams of pain.

Considering that most of the targets are generals who say that Nanda Ginda, the situation itself was clearly unfavorable to us.

“It is a fight that can only be won by capturing the rod! Everyone, don't back down!"


Lieutenant General Yoo Kyung-pil encouraged his new troops.

The scariest thing in battle is morale rather than injury.

This is because if the judgment that it cannot be won is lost, the battle that can be won will also be lost.

"let's go!"

Lieutenant General Yoo Kyung-pil led his troops and continued to fight at the forefront.

Even though he was hit directly with the breath, and also the breath of the rod, he never backed down.

His troops were impressed by this and burned their will.

So did I.

After all, injuries can be fixed later.

I threw myself where Rod was.

Four long swords and four daggers attacking Rod after me.

Of course, all of them were holding a sword.

Even with a dedicated sword, he struck the body of the old man.


Unfortunately, the only thing that came back was a dull noise.

Is it unreasonable to load even after receiving a buff that increases combat ability?

No, it doesn't matter if it's a bunch.

Anyway, if this is his shield, you can make even a small scratch on that shield.

Thinking about it, he continued the attack without a break.

how many times did he hit

Conversely, how many times have you been hit?

Even in the midst of the frenzy, the attack did not stop.

Then at some point

Suddenly a squeaking sound was heard.

It was the same sound that was made when catching a normal dragon earlier.

Suddenly, the red liquid splashed out like a fountain.

Its scales were torn apart.

Even the inside of it had its mouth wide open.

“Colonel Choi! Keep hitting!”


The part I was attacking was the right torso.

As directed by Lieutenant General Yoo Kyung-pil, he hit him like crazy.

He also glowed like crazy, but the surrounding generals and Lieutenant General Yoo Kyung-pil were covering it.

After a while.

His body leaned to one side. The right body that I attacked, right there.

The condition was serious right from the start.

Scales and flesh torn apart like a piece of paper.

bones exposed in it.

As a result, a large amount of blood was splattered and the battle uniform was stained bare, but there was a smile on my face.



'Cause I got him

It's not like any other normal dragon, it's because he's caught a rod.

“… … !”

“… … !”

end of blood clots.

A huge body fell to the ground helplessly.

At the end of the Dragon Lord, the Roman Empire army looked at them with unbelievable eyes.

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