How difficult it is to weed, Song Kangming knows.

A person can take care of a little more than half an acre in a busy day.

Of course, you definitely have to spray herbicides a little faster.

But it's still not comparable to this AI laser weeding machine!

"Boss, what you said is true?!"

Song Kangming blinked in confusion and looked at Lu Ming in disbelief.

If this is all true.

Then this AI laser weeding is a bit hanging!

"Of course it's true!"

Lu Ming looked at Song Kangming and said with a smile:

"Isn't this all the drawings here, can there be a fake?"

Song Kangming: ...

The drawings are here.

But the problem is that I can't read it!

Even if you fool me, I don't even know.

However, with Song Kangming's understanding of Lu Ming, he felt that Lu Ming would not joke about this kind of thing.

In other words.

Since Lu Ming said so, it proves that this thing should be true.

Song Kangming looked at Lu Ming, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

No doubt.

The AI laser weeding technology proposed by Lu Ming is very high-tech.

So much so that Song Kangming felt that the weeds did not deserve to be destroyed in such an advanced way.

But then again.

Is there really a market for this thing?

To know.

The own agriculture is still a smallholder economy.

And this AI laser weeding technology looks like a technology that only big farmers can use in the economy.

It's like the agricultural model of Eagle Sauce.

If this thing is placed on Eagle Sauce's side, it will be fine at all.

After all, Eagle Sauce's agricultural model is destined to replace manpower with machinery.

And the agricultural model 20 type of their own and eagle sauce can be said to be completely opposite.

Small plots of land, cultivated by manpower.

Although these years have also entered the stage of semi-mechanization.

But that's only semi-mechanized.

His own small plot of land is destined to be unable to compare with the big farm of Eagle Sauce in a short period of time.

Therefore, Song Kangming is skeptical about the concept of AI laser weeding proposed by Lu Ming.

He felt that the current agricultural development of the Xia country.

The peasant uncle was more willing to take up the hoe and take two strokes.

Thinking of this, Song Kangming looked at Lu Ming.

With a somewhat tangled expression, he said:

"Boss, your AI laser weeding is undoubtedly a good thing. "

"But the question is, can it really adapt to our agricultural model?"

In other words.

When this thing is produced, does anyone really buy it?

When Lu Ming heard this, he smiled slightly.

He had long known that Song Kangming would ask this.

Of course, this is not to say that there is anything wrong with Song Kangming asking this.

After all, Song Kangming, as the general manager of Oss Agricultural Machinery Factory, should be on par with economic benefits.

After all, they are factories, not charities.

Everything is done to make money.

"I've thought about your question. "

"There shouldn't be much demand on our side, but don't worry about no one buying it. "

"You can refer to the operation mode of the Oss Z10. "

"This is a new industrial chain!"

Lu Ming looked at Song Kangming with a smile.

When the Oss Z10 was first launched, many people felt that plant protection drones like the Oss Z10 were not suitable for the agricultural situation on the rabbit side.

After all, agricultural incomes are inherently low.

In this case, no one wants to spend a lot of money on a plant protection drone.

But what about the facts?

The sales of the Oss Z10 in the Xia country are very good.

And behind this is actually an industrial chain.

I buy a drone, and then I pay to help you spray and fertilize.

Many of them have indeed embraced this agricultural model.

The same thing.

The same is true for AI laser weeding.

It is completely possible to replicate the operation mode of the Oss Z10!

If you can weed once for ten yuan per acre of land, I believe many people are still very willing.

Take the Shanlu region, for example.

At present, in rural areas, many farmers and uncles grow wheat and corn and other very convenient crops.

When the species goes down, everyone usually goes out to work.

Only when it is time to sow or harvest will they come back to be busy.

In this case, you ask the farmer uncle to remove the weeds?


After all, the farmer's uncle weeds the weed, and the level will be delayed for half a day to a day.

Delays mean delays.

How much is a day shift?

Therefore, many farmers and uncles do weeding while they are off work.

But who wouldn't want to take a break after work?

If someone tells you at this time, you pay me ten dollars, and I will help you weed.

Guess what Uncle Farmer would choose?

Therefore, Lu Ming thinks that AI laser weeding technology can completely follow the old path of OsZ10.

Drive a new industrial chain.

Having a new industrial chain means having economic benefits.

If there is economic benefit, it is natural that someone will go to this business.

When Song Kangming heard Lu Ming's words, his expression was a little stunned.

That's right!

Although he doesn't know how much this AI laser weeding machine costs.

But such a high-tech thing is certainly not cheap when you think about it.

If it is a single farmer's uncle, I am afraid that there is a high probability that no one cares.

After all, with such a machine, how many years of land do I have to plant to recover the cost!

It's not a good deal. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But if you follow the path of the Oss Z10, then it's perfectly fine.

I can buy an AI laser weeding machine and then rely on this to help others weed for a fee.

In this way, we can quickly return on the cost and generate profits.

Weeding is a problem that most farmers need to face.

This is why I think that this is the market has a very broad prospect.

I think there will be a lot of people who will buy it.

"Boss, if that's the case, I think it's doable!"

After Song Kangming understood what Lu Ming meant, he nodded.

Although it is not a large farm economy like Eagle Sauce, who said that small fields cannot be mechanized?

If the cost of one person is too high, then build it into an industrial chain.

One person contracts an area.

This is also a disguised large-scale farm economic model.

And with the development of the times, there are fewer and fewer young people working in agriculture.

The demand for this kind of contracted industrial chain is bound to become more and more intense.

Thinking about it, Song Kangming looked at the drawings on the desk again. []

"Boss, can your AI laser weeding machine really accurately identify all kinds of weeds?"

When Song Kangming mentioned this, his expression became a little suspicious again.

You know, no matter how powerful AI is, it's also AI.

Especially in terms of intelligent development at this stage, it is far from reaching the level of safe use.

It's like this AI laser weeding.

High-tech is quite high-tech.

But are you sure it won't clean up crops as weeds?

If that's the case, then this AI laser weeding machine is a bit of a chicken rib!

And this is also the problem that Song Kangming is most worried about.

After all, the crops sown by the farmer's uncle must not be accidentally injured by the machine.


Xia is so big, and the climate is also complex and changeable.

It can be said that there are many types of weeds.

In addition, the crops grown by everyone are also diverse.

Can this AI laser weeding machine really accurately identify all weeds and adapt to all areas?

When Lu Ming heard this, he nodded with a smile.

"You don't have to worry about that, if you don't believe me, can you still trust that studio?"

"Since they said yes, then yes. "

"It's a big deal, let's assemble a testing machine first and test it~"

Lu Ming gave a more reasonable answer.

Although he has 100% trust in this studio.

But Song Kangming's suspicions are also justified.

I didn't lose anything when I tested it.

And this test can also be used as a publicity gimmick.

Use this to advertise your new product 810.

Regarding Lu Ming's arrangement, Song Kangming naturally had no objections.

It's just that after coming out of Lu Ming's office, his brain is still buzzing.

When Lu Ming said at the gate that he wanted to build a weeding machine before, he thought about various possibilities.

But I have never thought of such a high-tech way.

I can only say that I am worthy of the boss.

This pattern is big!

It's just a weed, and it actually uses laser technology and AI technology!

You know, these two technologies are rare even now.

One of the absolute high-tech industries!

And what about themselves?

It's just an agricultural machinery factory.

You play like this, how can those high-tech industries still gain a foothold!

Song Kangming was thinking crankily while arranging the tasks assigned by Lu Ming.

And with the implementation of new projects on the Oss side, as well as the development of various preparatory work.

Yan Jianlong's side also quickly learned about the new actions of the Oss Agricultural Machinery Factory.

"What the hell? AI laser weeding technology?"

"Weeding?, they use lasers?!"

Army base of the Northern Theater of Operations, Office of the Supreme Command.

Yan Jianlong looked at Lian Shaofeng in disbelief.

What an international joke!

Lao Tzu has grown so big, the first time I heard that a laser is needed to remove weeds!

What's the deal!

The weeds in your field are stainless steel!

From time to time with a hoe or what's going on?

This horse is too outrageous!

"General, Oss is indeed engaged in this AI laser weeding machine, according to their plan, this machine can completely replicate the industrial chain of Oss Z10. "

Yan Jianlong: ......


Lu Ming, this kid really dares to do it!

Isn't he afraid that no one will buy it then?!

PS: Thank you for the monthly pass support of "Time", "White Tea is Not Tea", "Coffee", and "South-South in the South", thank you guys!!

Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!。

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