I set off the Night Parade of Hundred Demons in Tokyo

Chapter 408 Homophones to Revive Meanings

Chi You was the chief of the Jiuli Tribal Alliance in ancient China and the leader of the Ox Totem and Bird Totem clans.

In Chinese mythology, he is the master of war and the god of war!

There are eighty-one brothers (about 81 clans and tribes), all of whom have extraordinary abilities and are brave and good at fighting.

Worth to talk about.

Chi You and Emperor Yan belonged to the same tribe, but due to conflicts, they left Emperor Yan to develop on their own.

Legend has it that Chi You did something different and was ordered by God to conquer Yan and Huang, so he fought with Emperor Yan. Emperor Yan was defeated by Chi You.

So the Yan Emperor and the Yellow Emperor joined forces to fight against their enemies. Chi You led eighty-one brothers to fight the Yellow Emperor in Zhuolu, and was eventually defeated by the Yan and Huang tribes.

Chi You's power has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people since ancient times. If Emperor Yan and Emperor Huang had not joined forces, the outcome of history would have been rewritten.

Huangdi and Yandi are the ancestors of the Chinese country. Their status is so high that no one in ancient and modern times can surpass them. They are supreme beings.

However, Chi You forced them to join forces to fight against the enemy, and Chi You was defeated.

It is precisely because of this that even if he is the defeated side, it has been spread throughout the ages and is a household name to this day. He has been often praised by the world since ancient times. Even the Yellow Emperor respected him as the "Soldier Lord".

According to legend, Chi You's fighting prowess was astonishing, his martial prowess was all over the world, and he was so brave that no one in the ancient times could compete with him.

Even the Yellow Emperor was unable to defeat him, so he invited the gods to help him defeat him. In that battle, the sky was dark and the earth was dark, and blood flowed like rivers.

And for such an ancient great figure who is on par with the Yellow Emperor and the Yan Emperor, or even worse, Shangchuan Zun is actually related to him, and is a descendant of Chi You!

Rao has experienced major events one after another and witnessed many scenes that shocked the past and present, but knowing that Shangchuan Zun was related to Chi You also surprised Director Takahashi and others.

"Shangchuan Zun is a descendant of Chi You, Yoshimura, are you sure?!"

Professor Kitayama couldn't help but ask.

As a history professor, he is an authority on history. China and Japan have a deep connection, and he also knows the history of China very well.

He couldn't figure out how Kamikawa-san's Ashiya family could be linked to Chi You.

Don’t talk about anything else, just talk about years and time.

Chi You was a figure from the ancient times. Kamikawa-san was separated from him by many years. How did Yoshimura Murayoshi and the others investigate Chi You? You must know that the older the time, the more difficult it is to investigate.

Otherwise, I would not have investigated Kamikawa-san's origins last time. After a long investigation, I accidentally obtained clues from others and found out that he was a descendant of Ashiya Michitoshi.

And now, Yoshimura Murayoshi actually found out that Kamikawa Zun was related to Chi You. How did he do it?

"You had a hard time checking the Ashiya family last time, so why did you find the ancient Chi You?" Professor Nakata also questioned.

Others felt much the same and were skeptical.

They had made speculations about the relationship between the Ashiya family and Chinese mythology, and they all agreed with this view.

But speculation is nothing but speculation, and it is believed that the Ashiya family is related to Chinese mythology, but it has never been thought that the Ashiya family is related to Chi You or is his descendant.

After all, that was Chi You.

Furthermore, they have never thought that the Ashiya family is a big force in Chinese mythology, because there are only two people born in the Ashiya family, one is Kamikawa Takashi and the other is Ashiya Michitoshi.

The power of his family is unknown, and it is difficult for people to associate it with the great power of Chinese mythology.

In the final analysis, the most important point is that the Ashiya family is just an ancient force in Japanese mythology. When comparing Japanese mythology with Chinese mythology, there is still a big gap. As an ancient family in Japanese mythology, the Ashiya family feels placed in Chinese mythology. Not eye-catching.

Yoshimura Murayoshi did not hide anything and answered truthfully:

"The investigation on the relationship between the Ashiya family and Chinese mythology did not make any progress at the beginning. We checked all the surnames in China and there was no compound surname like Ashiya.

It was not until recently that investigators found out that there seemed to be people with the compound surname Shangchuan in China that they raised eyebrows.

When I heard the news, I immediately sent someone to investigate, but later I discovered that the person with the surname Shangchuan was not the compound surname Shangchuan at all.

His father's surname is Shang and his mother's surname is Chuan. His parents added both surnames together and gave him the name Shangchuan. The pronunciations of Shangchuan and Shangchuan are the same in Chinese, and the investigators were misled because of this.

I mistakenly thought that China had the surname Shangchuan.

Although there is no Shangchuan surname in China, our investigators got clues from it and found that the investigation clues may be wrong.

We have always traced the relationship between the Ashiya family and Chinese mythology from the perspective of Japanese characters, without considering that if the Ashiya family comes from Chinese mythology, then the name should follow the Chinese perspective.

Then we looked up the Chinese pronunciation of Ashiya to see if there were any surnames with similar Chinese pronunciation.

There is another reason why we checked like this.

Our investigators have found that in ancient China, the ancients often liked to use homophonic sounds to imply certain people and things that could not be stated directly.

For example, in the Qing Dynasty in China, there was a small allusion circulated by the Jiangnan generation. It was said that a tavern was in a sluggish business, so a scholar wrote a couplet.

Don't care about the east, don't care about the west, just be in charge of the wine.

If it continues to prosper or decline, just drink it.

The word "guan" here is homophonic to "guan", and the word "ba" is homophonic to "bar".

As soon as the couplet came out, it was hung in front of the tavern. The customers found it interesting and came in to drink. From then on, the business got better and better.

In addition, there are many homophonic poetry couplets and so on.

Not only homophonic poems and lyrics, but also homophonic names are a major Chinese folk culture.

People in China are not as casual about naming as us Japanese. People who rely on mountains will have the last name Yamanaka, and people who rely on water will have the last name Mizuno. If this were placed in China, it would be too stupid.

People in China are very knowledgeable in naming. Since ancient times, there has been a saying of correcting names. As the saying goes, "If the name is not correct, the words will not go smoothly, and if the words are not right, the things will not be accomplished."

The quality of a name has a great influence on life and destiny, and this influence comes from people's cultural psychology.

Name culture is part of the traditional Chinese culture and enriches the Chinese language.

Names involve a wide range of content and are closely connected with certain factors such as history, nation, culture, society, customs, etc. Even in modern China, names are studied as a specialized knowledge, which is called "nameology".

In ancient China, and even in modern times, naming customs often seek good luck and avoid bad luck due to homophonic phenomena. When naming, you should avoid unlucky homophonic names, and at the same time, you also hope to have a good name with homophonic sounds.

For example, few people add a word that is homophonic to "thief" in a person's name. Even if they do, it will not be just a single word, but other words will be added to neutralize it and make it full of beautiful meanings.

This method of naming names with homophonic sounds is called the method of naming with homophonic meanings.

People like to take advantage of homophonic phenomena when naming their children. For example, people with the surname Yu are named 'Yu Deshui', people with the surname Niu are named 'Niudecao', and people with the surname Zhu are named 'Zhu Manting', which is homophonic to 'Zhu Manting', which means satisfaction. House pearls are a feast for the eyes.

Based on the Chinese naming culture, our investigators considered whether the Ashiya family's surname was actually a homophone.

So I started looking for surnames with homophonic sounds about the word "Ashiwu", the word "Lu", and the word "house", hoping to find clues from them. "

Yoshimura Murayoshi said a series of words, and rushed all the way back to get the investigation report. His mouth was dry, and when he hurriedly said this, he picked up the usual drink on the table and took a sip.

Then he continued...

(PS: An author friend said something to me today, which I think makes sense. He said, "My friends keep writing novels with me all day long, and it seems like I can accomplish anything big if I don't write novels." .)

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