Seeing that no one replied, Zhao Ling went down to the group chat.

Zhao Ling knew that his previous words had only touched the fragile nerves of some people.

However, Zhao Ling also believes that no one is a fool, it is impossible for anyone to withdraw from the group, and of course there is no button to withdraw from the group.

"I don't know what to do up there..."

I took out my mobile phone and searched, and sure enough, there was an overwhelming amount of ghost disaster information on the Internet.

In the past, some supernatural information will be cleaned up by the network supervision department in time, unless it is compiled at a glance.

But this time, the video picture text, overwhelming, unless the Internet is banned, no one can stop it, this is the torrent of the general trend.

As an international metropolis, Shenzhen City was so big before that there were not so many blind people.

Moreover, so many supernatural phenomena that even the most staunch atheist will be broken.

Near the evening, Zhao Ling received a phone call, it was Liu Yunyun.

"The preliminary decision is out!" Liu Yunyun said.

"Say!" Zhao Ling said briefly.

"Don't admit it, don't deny it, but not when it didn't happen!"

"What do you mean?"

Liu Yunyun explained: "The top will not admit it in the name of the state, or use the media belonging to the national mouthpiece to broadcast it, and directly deal with it cold!"

The meaning of inappropriate not happening is that the public can discuss freely from now on, and no longer find one to delete one.

The top will disclose the basic information such as the certificates of our relevant departments to all low-level civil servants of official departments, and will no longer be known only by municipal leaders and relevant departments in the past! "

Zhao Ling thought a little and understood the meaning of the above.

Such cold treatment is right to minimize the possibility of messing up.

Let ordinary people discuss freely and officially silently, so that there is a buffer!

If it is admitted in the name of the country, it will not only have an impact on the scientific worldview, but also on the overwhelming majority of people.

In this way, ordinary people will slowly accept it after all!

"Is there anything else?" Zhao Ling continued to ask.

"About the manor, there is a ready-made one, ask if you want it!" Liu Yunyun's voice was a little gritted.

"Didn't I say let Xiaomei decide?" Zhao Ling said unhappily.

"Eight years ago, a tiger was shot on top, and this tiger built a manor in the Maoxiong Nature Reserve.

On the surface, it is a wildlife protection unit that is reported!

After the tiger was knocked out, it was originally going to be demolished, but in the end it was not demolished because it was too valuable!

According to estimates, the total cost price of this manor is about 10 billion, which is 10 billion eight years ago, and many decoration things are not yet popular, and they are completely ahead of the times.

If you repair it now, I am afraid that the cost can reach 30 billion, and with a unique attribute premium, I am afraid that it can reach 50 billion!

The pavilion and loft inside are innumerable and can be called art!

If you cover a total area, it is 10,000 mu, that is, almost 6.7 square kilometers! Liu Yunyun gritted her teeth and said.

"Hiss..." Zhao Ling gasped when he heard it.

So big, even if you walk in a straight line, according to the daily walking speed of ordinary people, it takes nearly two hours to complete one side!

"The meaning of the above, next time you come to a friend, just party at the manor!"

Hearing Liu Yunyun's continued telling, Zhao Ling took a deep breath and shook his head slightly: "Forget it, that kind of area, I'm afraid that all kinds of expenses every year, add up to hundreds of millions, I can't afford to live!" "

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