I, the Lord of God, recruit witches to make money

Chapter 243 Big Pineapple Detective Agency

The velvet curtains swayed gently in the wind, and the air in the suite hall suddenly became awkward, limited to the feeling of white stone.

He forgot how inappropriately Huajianju was currently dressed, like a lazy girlfriend who was unkempt at home.

The wrinkled top was also folded at a corner, exposing the white and slender waist on the left side to the heating.

The lens stays right there.

To turn or not to turn?

A thought flashed through Shiraishi's mind. Transferring means a guilty conscience. Failure to transfer can easily lead to misunderstandings.

The brief hesitation also belonged to him.


On the mobile phone, Miyu Kiryuin did not delay, her almond-shaped eyes widened, and said: "Sister Hanama, why did you show up in Shiraishi-kun's room without wearing pants?!"

This sentence instantly attracted the attention of the other two miko.

Kannagi Rin, who was avoiding the camera, came into view instantly, with bruises still on her fair face.

Look inside with two big panda eyes.

The little man transformed from the ghost in his heart was also lying on the shoulder of Oniryuin Miya, watching quietly.

"Don't talk nonsense!" Shiraishi retorted subconsciously.

Huajian Ju also lifted up her temples with her hands and said sternly: "That's right, I'm wearing my underwear properly!"

Putting his hands on his hips, he looked upright like I'm not an exhibitionist.

Kannagi Rin clenched his silver teeth. If it weren't for the screen, he might not have wanted to pounce on and bite someone, "Shiraishi-kun, what's going on?"

"That's it... I drank until late at night yesterday. Maybe it was too hot because I turned on the heater, so it ended up like this."

Shiraishi blamed everything on the heater because he really didn't do anything.

"Don't think so wildly."

At this point, Shiraishi's tone became serious, and he stared at Kannagi Rin's face and asked: "You don't look like you are wearing makeup, what happened?"


Kannagi Rin suddenly realized that he had been exposed, and his expression was slightly embarrassed. He didn't know how to describe what happened yesterday, and said sarcastically: "There are various reasons for this... Well, I just fought with someone and lost. Please don't worry. I’ll win it back!”

"You guys."

Shiraishi wanted to take the opportunity to reprimand and change the subject.

Kannagi Rin, whose aura was weaker than that of Downwind, quickly made an excuse, "Ah, the food is ready, we have to eat, we won't talk now, goodbye."

"Me." Miyu Kiryuin raised her head and wanted to say that she didn't talk enough.

The video has been disconnected.

Seeing the end of the call, Shiraishi secretly breathed a sigh of relief, raised his head and said, "Huajama, did you show up at that time on purpose?"

"What's the purpose?"

Huajianju tilted her head, with a trace of confusion on her face, and then she figured it out. She clapped her hands together and said with shock on her face: "Hey, you actually have this kind of hobby...

Wow, I didn’t expect that a real case happened around me, where a witch was recruited to play a training game.

You had such a good time. "

Shiraishi stood up directly and said angrily: "Don't slander my innocence. I didn't recruit a miko with that kind of idea."

God knows, at first he really didn't think about anything embarrassing happening with the witches, he simply wanted them to make money for him.

"Oh~" Huajian's chrysanthemum raised his head slightly, and his narrowed eyes revealed a look of sharp contempt, "Well, well, I understand what you mean, you absolutely, absolutely don't have that idea!"

"Actually, this is not a shameful thing. Some people raise their wives from babies until they become adults."

Huajianju took off her shirt, squatted down and rummaged through her suitcase for her own clothes, and said casually: "I don't discriminate against those people. As long as it's not forced, there's no problem with love.

Although the behavior is a bit abnormal, it is not illegal. "

"I'm not a pervert, and you are more like a pervert. How can a woman change her clothes in front of a man?"

"I'm wearing my underwear properly. It's no different from a swimsuit. It's just that your interests are too broad."

Huajian Ju refuted his words and took out black leather pants from the suitcase. The pants were loose at the corners and not the slim-fitting type. Together with a sweatshirt printed with skulls and blood patterns, it formed her winter outfit.

Shiraishi didn't continue to speak. The more he spoke, the darker his words became. He simply walked towards the sink.

Huajian Ju took out a small mirror, used a comb to straighten her single ponytail, and became a cool beauty again.

As for that kind of makeup technique, she didn't bother to learn it. She was naturally beautiful and didn't need any makeup.

She turned around, put away the pajamas on the ground, and stuffed them into the suitcase. Then she remembered that the clothes she had thrown into the washing machine had not been taken out yet, so she ran to dig them out.

There is a dryer next to it, which looks very user-friendly.

Throwing it inside, turning on the dryer, Huajian Ju stepped out, and the doorbell rang.

The waiter brought breakfast.

Huajianju stepped forward, opened the door, and ordered: "Put the round table on the balcony for me, and by the way, the wine cabinet. I like whiskey and brandy. Calculate how much it costs to drink them all."

When I go down, I can pay the bill. "

"Yes, dear lady, please leave it to us."

With a smile on his face, the waiter pushed the wine cart into the suite and placed the desserts on the balcony of the suite. When leaving, he and another colleague picked up the empty wine bottles on the ground.

Shiraishi washed his face and brushed his teeth, walked around them, and walked to the open balcony.

Geraniums are blooming on the edge of the balcony, and in front is the towering Eiffel Tower. A large number of modern Parisian buildings without losing the classical beauty are arranged around the tower, forming a beautiful scenery.

Exquisite desserts are served on a round table on a small silver plate.

Rich life is so simple and unpretentious.

After breakfast, Shiraishi and Huajianju didn't delay and went to the ground floor together.

As soon as the card was swiped, I didn't bother to ask how much the drink cost.

Huajianju held the knife and strode out.

At the door of the hotel, the driver from yesterday ran over and said with a smile on his face: "Where do you two want to go? I am very familiar with all the attractions in Paris."

Huajian Ju thought for a while and asked: "Do you know the Big Pineapple Detective Agency on Enghien Street in the 10th arrondissement of Paris?"


The driver nodded repeatedly and added: "The security in District 10 has never been very good. You'd better be mentally prepared."

"Don't worry, I'm not a friendly person either."

Huajianju replied lightly.

Shiraishi didn't ask why he was looking for the Big Pineapple Detective Agency. When they had breakfast just now, the two of them had already discussed today's schedule.

The Big Pineapple Detective Agency is the secret base of the FBI in France. Anyone who asks them about Chika Saito will never be wrong.

Huajian Juming's task on the surface still needs to be carefully investigated through the process.

The two got into the driver's car and headed towards Enghien Street in the 10th District.

Halfway through the taxi, someone suddenly rushed out from the side of the road. The driver hurriedly stepped on the brakes and yelled, "Fake, are you crazy?!"

The other party didn't speak, but just split his head open, like a flower blooming in spring.

The bloody muscles were inlaid with white bones, and the driver's face turned pale with fright. Fairy? !

Shiraishi glanced at the Huajianju next to him, as if asking who would kill it.

After actually provoking two people, this spirit is seeking its own death.

Huajian Ju, who has always had an impatient personality, was not in a hurry. The spirit would never do anything to expose itself in public unless something forced it to do so.

"Don't worry." Huajianju said. The spirit in front of him did not attack the taxi. He flicked his muscles and stabbed the side with the blade.

The huge fireball was cut open, and when the scattered flames were about to touch the taxi, a thin purple film covered the surface of the car first, preventing the flames from penetrating the windshield and choosing to disperse.

The driver was shaking all over and holding the steering wheel tightly, as if this would bring him a sense of security.

The flames dissipated and the trace of the goblin disappeared. The slightly scorched marks on the ground proved that a fight had occurred here.

"Is it over?" The driver's tone was full of panic.

Shiraishi said: "Well, keep going, I'll give you a tip of fifty thousand dollars somewhere, then go back and relax."

"Thank you boss."

The driver felt that his hands were no longer shaking and his back was straight again. It was a wise decision for him to get up at five o'clock and squat there. Fifty thousand US dollars!

One trip is enough to earn several months of income.

The driver is on the road again.

This time, we didn't encounter any accidents and arrived at Enghien Street in the 10th District. The driver slowly drove to the signboard of Big Pineapple Detective Agency and stopped.

The three-story building was no different from the surrounding buildings, all in a row, except for the conspicuous Big Pineapple Detective Agency sign on the second floor.

Shiraishi swiped his card and didn't bother to ask how much the fare was, so he just swiped $60,000.

"Thank you, boss!" The driver's face was full of excitement. He wanted to kneel down and kowtow to the eldest brother of the sponsor. If he needed a rest, he said, "I'll wait here. You two can go wherever you want."


Shiraishi turned around and wanted to go up the vermilion stairs on the side. Someone asked from the side, "Are you looking for the big pineapple?"

The voice sounded a little wary.

Shiraishi stopped and turned to look at the side street, where the brown-haired boy was standing.

Wearing a flaxen down jacket and cotton jacket, he has some freckles on his face, and his body posture looks like his muscles are tense, as if he is ready to attack Shiraishi and Hanama Kiku at any time.

Huajianju raised her hand and said, "Yes, we got the white swan from the black swan."

"What kind of shameful code is this?"

Shiraishi complained.

"Sluggish, blame those bastards at the FBI."

Huajianju rolled her eyes. She didn't want to shout such a shameful code, but if she didn't shout, she wouldn't want to connect.

The vigilance on the young man's face disappeared, and he smiled and said: "I am Red Swan, it turns out to be you, follow me."

Hey, what kind of incident am I involved in?

The driver looked confused. Doesn't a secret organization need to avoid passers-by even if they use secret codes on the street?

Oops, he has an old man and a young man, and he doesn’t want to die on the street.

But Huajianju dared to be so upright and just didn't care at all.

She hoped that those people would know what she was doing so that Takagi Kakuo and Qing Yeren could go smoothly.

As for whether Big Pineapple can still lurk after being exposed?

None of her business.

That's what the FBI needs to worry about.

"My name is Gavel Swan, Mr. Big Pineapple's adopted assistant. It has been more than ten years. We thought the FBI had long forgotten the Big Pineapple Detective Agency."

The young man walked on the rusty red iron stairs, each step making a sound.

Huajianju said with a face filled with astonishment: "More than ten years? The FBI said you are elite agents..."

"We are elite agents who have been lurking for more than ten years without being discovered. We are much better than our colleagues who died accidentally."

Gavier's tone was a bit proud, perhaps because of the approval from the FBI.

But he hasn't been assigned a mission for more than ten years. Rather than being an elite agent, he is more like a useless agent who gave up because he was deemed to be too poor in ability.

Shiraishi thought to himself and glanced at Huajama Kiku next to him. She had a similar expression on her face.

The two sides looked at each other, quite implying that everything was unspoken.

The topic was initiated by Huajian Ju, and she was the only one who answered, "Yeah, no one has talked to me for more than ten years. It's really rare that you can still maintain such vigilance just now."

"Well, that's another story."

Gavel's back was turned to the two of them, and the awkward expression on his face was invisible, but his tone was obvious, "Anyway, you guys come in first and have a cup of tea."

Hands opened the door of the detective agency.

Huajian Ju's purple eyes turned cold, she grabbed the boy's shoulder with one hand and pushed him into Shiraishi's arms.

He caught it and said, "Don't panic."

The gentle voice calmed Gavel's panic.

Behind the door, extreme darkness poured out from the inside, instantly transporting the three of them to a dark world without light.

Huajian Ju's face was calm. In front of her sensitive physique, she could detect the location of the enemy without any sight.

There were two people in total.

One person is responsible for blocking the sight with magic, and the other is responsible for hiding the aura, quietly approaching the assassination.

Could it be someone sent by the Holy Knights?

It doesn't matter.

Huajianju pulled out the knife and swung it hard in the deep darkness, making a harsh sound and hissing.

You don't even need to look at the enemy's position.

Everything you know will be hurt.

Beichen's Heart Sword Style attack cannot be evaded.


The thick darkness collapsed, and several long stab wounds appeared on the chests of both men, and blood spurted out.

People still have breath.

Huajianju held a knife and said slowly: "Who sent you here?"

"Go to hell, you stinky Bichi!"

One person was still shouting there, his face full of defiance.

The magic array on the back of Gavel's hands shone with light, and then raging flames burned in his palms. His innocent face was also filled with anger and became distorted, "Are you from the Razor Gang?"

The voice was cold.

The two injured men fell silent.

Huajian Ju also noticed that it didn't seem like someone from the Holy Knights came to the door. "Think about it, it's impossible to send such a low-level person to assassinate me, unless there is something wrong with my brain."

Gavel waved his hands forward, and the flames suddenly shot out from his palms towards the two of them. With a loud sound, the growing flames swallowed their whole bodies, "Ah!"

Being burned alive by flames is not a good experience.

Shiraishi shook his head and asked doubtfully: "Why do the Razor Gang want to trouble you?"

While speaking, he first prevented the flames from burning the furniture, and then blocked himself from the wailing sounds of the two people.

The miserable screams may be a beautiful melody in the ears of the avenger, but to him, an unrelated person, it is a kind of torture and it is too unpleasant to hear.

"Mr. Big Pineapple received the case of investigating the disappearance of his wife a week ago. After investigation, we found that the employer's wife was kidnapped to Bolen Manor by the Razor Gang."

Gavel gritted his teeth and clenched his hands into fists, "We informed the people of the Holy Knights about this matter, but they refused to investigate because there was no more concrete evidence.

Because the Razor Gang is the largest gang in the Paris underground world, the people of the Paladins will definitely take advantage of them! "

"Oh, yes, if that's the case, I would like to meet them for a while."

Huajianju sheathed her sword. She was impatient and couldn't stand dark things. If she encountered them, she would kill them without any regard.

"Put aside the matters of Bolen Manor for now, let's let him be buried in peace."

Shiraishi's suggestion added a bit of sadness to the scorched air. Gavel fell silent. He didn't dare to step forward because he was afraid of seeing Mr. Big Pineapple's tragic death.

Huajianju patted his shoulder with one hand and said in a deep voice: "Go ahead, this is what you should do."

"Well," Gavel took a deep breath, stepped over the burnt corpse, and slowly approached the mahogany desk next to the blinds.

The black swivel chair faced away from him.

The blond hair can be vaguely seen sticking out of the back of the chair.

Gavel recalled scenes of getting along with Mr. Big Pineapple in his mind, his eyes filled with tears, his hands tremblingly stretched forward, and he choked with sobs: "Mr. Big Pineapple, I'm sorry, I should have solved the ghost order earlier.

You shouldn’t gorge on Lebanese pancakes on the road. "

Never think about Lebanese naan again…

Tears blurred his vision, and he turned the swivel chair around with difficulty.

Fool! It's a hundred years too early to kill me.

A dummy lay on a chair, with a long note taped to its forehead and a mocking face drawn with its eyelids drawn and tongue sticking out.

"Hahaha, that big pineapple is really an interesting pineapple!"

Huajianju couldn't hold back her smile, her trembling chest was like a grape trellis in the strong wind.

Shaking violently.

The sadness and regret on Gavel's face were all replaced by a kind of shame and anger, the tears disappeared, and deep joy emerged in his heart.

Damn it, I was fooled!

Think about it, how could Mr. Big Pineapple die so easily.


Gavel slammed his hands on the table, causing the pen holder to fall over and the pen to roll out, "You couldn't have informed me in advance!"

Shiraishi touched his chin and said, "If Mr. Big Pineapple hadn't died, where would he be?"

"Yes, we have something important to ask him for help."

Huajian Ju scratched her head. Without that person's help, it would have been easy for the members of the Holy Knights to find out that they were just working for foreigners.

Gavel came back to his senses and said with a surprised expression: "What are you talking about? It's not him, it's her. Mr. Big Pineapple is a woman."

Huajianju looked confused and said: "The woman's name is Mr. Big Pineapple?"

Gavel nodded and said: "This is the title requested by Mr. Big Pineapple. It is said that the first tip of a detective is to obscure other people's perception, so she chose to use the code name of Mr. Big Pineapple. The second is..."

"What is it?"

Huajian Ju hates people who speak half-talk. The boy is still hesitating, "You should say that hesitating is what women do, so you should be more relaxed!"

Gavel was helpless, blushing and whispered: "And she is very big here, so she calls herself a big pineapple."

He gestured with his hand on his chest and his voice became lower.

Huajianju was stunned and laughed loudly, "Haha, that one is really interesting. I really want to meet her, right?"


Shiraishi nodded in agreement, and immediately received a look of understanding from the other party, "Humph, you really have no resistance to women with big breasts."

"What are you thinking about? I just want to make friends with her."

Shiraishi retorted.

Gavier meditated there for a while, clapped his hands and said: "Mr. Big Pineapple should have sneaked into the Boron Manor in Montmartre Heights. She has never been the kind of character who is willing to submit.

It's her style to kill her enemies before they do anything. "

"I like this style."

Huajianju made an echoing voice and said eagerly: "Then let's set off immediately."

"Bollen Manor usually only appears at night. It is a space constructed with magic. It is also the most famous large-scale underground casino in Paris."

Gavier explained, with a distressed expression on his face: "It costs 10,000 euros to buy a ticket."

Poor, unable to even spend a thousand euros, this is Gavier's poor finances.

“A problem that can be solved with money is not a problem.”

Shiraishi said the famous words he wanted to say for a long time, raised his chin slightly, and said: "You just need to lead us to find someone who can buy the tickets.

One per person. "

"Are you so rich?"

Gavier's face was full of shock, that was 10,000 euros!

Hanajian Kiku smiled and poked Shiraishi in the abdomen with her elbow, "This guy has the financial resources to reward him with fifty thousand US dollars. He has enough money to spend as he pleases."

“I didn’t know how to spend it before, but now I understand that tipping people is a fun thing.”

Shiraishi doesn't know what other people think about tipping. He just appreciates his casual tip, which becomes a memory that the other person will never forget.

That feeling of satisfaction is not bad.

Mr. Big Pineapple often wanders in gray areas and is extremely familiar with the underground world of Paris.

Gavier was familiar with the situation in the 20th arrondissement of Paris, and he knew where the entrance to the underground world was located in the 20th arrondissement.

District 18 is the home of the Razor Gang. Going there to buy tickets is courting death.

Gavir chose to buy tickets in the tenth district. He led the two of them to the Kurdish community, turned left and right, and entered a dark alley. He squatted down and tapped on the bottom square grid.

Three long and one short.

"Old Snake, give me three tickets to Boren Manor."

Gavir whispered.

The square grid moved away, revealing a pair of dark eyes, "Are you actually still alive?"

"Nonsense, you think I can be killed by the Razor Gang so easily."

Gavel rolled his eyes and urged: "Get me three tickets quickly."

"Are you rich?" Old Snake knew a thing or two about his financial conditions.

Baishi knelt down, handed over his card and said, "I have money."

The old snake's eyes moved upward, and he asked suspiciously: "Who are they?"

Gavel understood what he was worried about. It didn't matter if he sold the ticket to someone who had a grudge against the Razor Gang, but selling it to someone official was not something that could be solved by peeling off a layer of skin.

"Don't worry, they are not members of the Holy Knights. They are all my personal assistants. I understand the rules on the road."

Gavel assured.

The old snake hesitated a little, his eyes flashed and said: "If you add more money, double it, I will sell it to you."

"no problem."

Baishi agreed immediately, which made the old snake feel heartbroken. He was still not greedy enough.

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