The deep and magnetic voice has a strong rendering power.

Most people will straighten their backs subconsciously if they are given a mouthful of chicken soup.

For example, Huajian Ju thinks that this big-backed woman speaks quite nicely. She is indeed a brave and courageous woman.

And people like Peter have another meaning. Bravery and courage are all nonsense.

But he felt that there was nothing wrong with what George said. If a Nine Realm powerhouse really wanted to run away, what else would he need to say?

Just give up and quit.

The reality is that Shiraishi said he would take action when necessary.

One sentence made the people present hear different meanings. This was the effect George wanted to achieve.

He thought that Baishi didn't really want to care about the affairs of the City of Dawn, and would only step in to clean up the situation when they couldn't handle it.

Just like the last expedition against the Western King.

However, the situation this time was different from last time. In terms of numbers, they were at an absolute disadvantage.

Putting aside the threats of the high priest and the God of Winter, the dense red dots also showed that the enemy should not be underestimated.

How should they solve it?

George was still thinking about countermeasures in his mind, and the picture displayed on the round table changed. A large number of red dots began to disperse rapidly, and they were not as dense as they were at the beginning.

"What's going on?" Huajianju couldn't help but wonder in her heart. Looking at this posture, it seemed that she wanted to take a detour.

The defense of the Dawn Wall should not be too difficult for the High Priest to break through.

George immediately judged the reason and said with a sullen face: "They want to drag us into a trial of life and death and transform us into believers of the God of Winter."

He once considered the idea of ​​using the gods to break through the ninth realm, but quickly rejected it. The divine power given by the gods has a subtle connection.

He can always think of bad things and would rather die than accept the so-called test of divine power.

"If that's the case, what we have to do is destroy the fulcrum of their formation and then counterattack."

Arthur expressed his opinion.

"agreed, agreed."

Everyone raised their hands to express their agreement.

The wind and snow suddenly rolled in, and the earth-shaking sound gripped the heartstrings of everyone on the city wall, like a huge and extremely ominous omen.

Jack stared at the wind and snow in the sky, the flames of revenge in his heart rising, not affected by the cold at all.

Tulisa gritted her teeth, and the fear in her heart became more and more intense. There was something terrible hidden in the wind and snow, releasing endless malice and distorting the space.

The wind and snow stopped outside the city wall, and there was no intention of invading. It was just like a high wall, blocking all the sunlight on the front.

"what happened?"

Miguel whispered, looking at the Dawn Wall at his feet. He couldn't be afraid of the defense underneath.

Or do you want to use this silence to affect their morale?

Miguel glanced at the soldiers on the left and right, and they showed a hint of fear towards Feng Xue.

Everyone only knows that there are enemies in Fengxue, but what kind of enemies they are cannot be known.

The fear caused by the unknown triggers tension, and if it lasts for too long, it will inevitably affect morale and combat effectiveness.

Commander... Miguel suddenly thought of the key question, who is the commander on the scene?

Without the strength of the Eighth Realm, who can assume the heavy responsibility of commander?

Such a crucial question was only remembered at this moment, and Miguel had to admit that he was also affected by the fear.

This is not a good thing.

Miguel is a veteran of many battles. He took a few deep breaths to calm down his mood.

Don't look too nervous before a battle.

"The enemy's goal has been determined."

The gentle voice sounded directly in Miguel's head. It was so familiar and belonged to the director of the FBI.

He condensed his eyes and glanced around, but did not find George's figure, "Miguel, Jack, Tulisa, you will go to the following direction to destroy the formation fulcrum under construction.

The task of covering will be given to others. "

Following George's voice, a picture appeared in Miguel's mind. The route from here to there and the location of the red dot were quite clear.

"The enemy has defenses there, I hope you can defeat them."

"Yes." Miguel replied, looking at Jack and Tulisa, and nodded.

No one wanted to back down.

Tulisa was afraid of returning, but because of her military background, she still couldn't get rid of her character of charging forward without hesitation when given an order from above.

Military orders are like mountains, if you don't obey, you will die.

"It is indeed a place where the elite of mankind gather. The response is very fast."

The high priest murmured softly.

There are no snowflakes falling in this area, and the snow condenses into a dynamic map of the battlefield in the air, like a chess game.

All enemy actions are shown above.

He made no move to break down the wall.

Fighting for God is not just an empty slogan, but is demonstrated through practical actions.

Only when he finds that those believers are unable to achieve their goals will he choose to take action.

The goal he set this time was to arrange nine icicles outside the wall, and use the nine icicles as the fulcrum of the formation to form a large trial formation.

Without going through the indirect test of the formation, the God of Winter's direct appearance would only make everyone crazy.

Narcissa looked down at everyone and did not interfere with the high priest's arrangements.

Whether the believers win or lose, He is sure to make a profit.

From the moment it descends, the glory that belongs to God will never fall.

Outside the west wall.

Light blue flames erupt from the bottom of the disc.

Her long burgundy hair was tied into a short ponytail for easy movement. Snow fell on her skin, making it difficult to recognize her for a moment, as if the snow had melted immediately.

The green eyes revealed the coldness of a killer.

Adolf sat on his magic motorcycle, pouring magic power into it to ensure high speed.

Giants made of ice and snow, followers of the God of Winter, are all blocked by others.

Her mission is to destroy the icicles in the west and prevent the formation from forming.

The wind and snow slapped on my cheeks.

She was fearless and kept speeding up.

Magic, onmyoji, voodoo, and all kinds of Nianpai methods are performed on the snow.

The one-eyed ice giant roared and stepped forward. Adolf didn't even frown before the monster-turned-giant soldier rushed towards him.

The two sides struggled and beat each other, making a roaring sound, and the splashing snowflakes were quickly drowned by the wind and snow.

"Haha~" A cheerful voice sounded from the back seat.

Adolf finally frowned, yes, her partner for this mission was Gao Liujing.

Even though they are extremely annoying in character, the cooperation between the two parties in combat has to be said to be quite "nice".

How co-produced is it?

In other words, it doesn't look like two people fighting at all.

It is only natural that George would send them to destroy the Fulcrum.

Having said that, Adolf still felt uncomfortable psychologically with being so in tune with the annoying guy.

Phew, an ice wall appeared on the road ahead, and the next second, the extended blade cut the ice wall open.

The updated version of the powerful mecha is close to the high-level goblin.

Adolf was quite disgusted with this kind of attack.

If you think about it carefully, there seem to be a lot of disgusting people and things around you.

Hey, Shiraishi is better, from head to toe, every part makes her fall in love.

With those thoughts running through her mind, Adolf suddenly broke out of the area where the wind and snow were falling.

One meter behind you is the harsh environment of a howling snowstorm, with heavy lead-shaped clouds above your head.

It's calm ahead.

On the wide flat ground, a circle of people gathered around the blue icicles, pouring divine power into them, trying to make the icicles taller and taller.

It is their mission to destroy the icicle.

But before that, they need to solve four problems.

Those who can support are already mingling with the believers of the Winter God Sect at the back.

"Four people from the Seventh Realm." Gao Liujing noticed their strength and said with a smile: "It's really troublesome."

"That's not a troublesome expression on your face."

Adolf complained, her green eyes staring at the four people in front of her. They were all wearing snow-white robes, and their faces were as cold as hers. They seemed to be characters who were not easy to mess with.

"How do you know if you haven't looked back?"

Gao Liujing jumped from the back seat and reached for the card holder at her waist.

"You can tell what's on your mind just by the tone of your voice."

"Hey, it turns out that Adolfo-chan cares so much about me, I feel like grinding tofu~"

Adolf didn't understand, but he understood that she couldn't say anything good, so she said angrily: "Fake!"

The four believers of the Winter God Sect did not continue to listen to their bickering. One of them squatted down and slapped the ground on the ground. Cold air surged from his palms.

The snow that was originally spread on the ground instantly condensed into transparent ice crystals and spread straight forward.

Gao Liujing pulled out a card drawing, and crazy lines of ink emerged from the drawing, forming the appearance of a ghost with a hateful face, and its lower body was a soft cloud.

She leaps into the clouds.

Phew, a man in white robes came skating, waving his hands forward, and a cold wave of divine power burst out towards his face.

The evil ghost with black lines suddenly floated upwards to avoid the cold wave, and he clenched the thick ghost gold rod with both hands and smashed it down.

The so-called ghost gold club is a large mallet with a short handle and metal nails. It is similar to a mace and has a very powerful armor-breaking effect.

Another white-robed believer waved his hand from a distance and shot ice arrows at the ghost golden rod.

Bang, bang, bang, a series of sounds caused the Ghost Golden Rod to deviate from its original attack direction.

Boom, cracks were created in the previously frozen ground.

"Be careful, our combat experience is incomparable to those of extraordinary beings like them."

The man reminded.

"Haha~" Gao Liujing's eyes narrowed into a crescent shape with a smile. The divine power of these people from the Winter God Sect has reached the seventh level, which does not mean that their combat power has reached the standard.

If I have to say it, they have different microcontrollers.

The white-robed believer who was rescuing his companions raised his hand and wanted to continue to release ice arrows from a distance. Suddenly, a transparent evil ghost emerged from the ice under his feet, with a body shape similar to that of a ten-year-old child.

A black tiger struck out the heart, forcibly digging out the warm heart of the man in white robes.

His face was full of shock, and he didn't even understand when the other party made his move.

"My card paintings don't have to be pulled out before they can be used. Sorry, it's too late to tell now."

Gao Liujing raised the corner of her mouth slightly and put the conspicuous card holder on her waist, just to make people think that she needed to take the card out of the card holder.

The hugeness of the evil ghost is deliberately eye-catching, so as to create the impression that her paintings are so large, so that people will ignore the sneak attack of the small evil ghost paintings.

Details and thought into combat is why she is able to take down a cultist with ease.

"Bastard!" The previously rescued believer used his divine power and waved his hands forward one after another with cold air.

The surging cold air condensed upward.

Gao Liujing pulled out a card, and wild mist-like lines poured out from it, and the cold air condensed the lines into a large piece of ice.

She jumped away from the tall evil ghost, circled the fog around the scene, and used the enemy's cold energy to create a huge ice wall. The surface was as smooth as a mirror, but also uneven.

A series of twisted figures were reflected.

The man looked left and right, only to feel that there were countless people around him, and there were countless enemies staying there.

"Haha~ Who am I?"

The sweet voice couldn't inspire any extra thoughts in him, and the chill spread from his heart to his body, and he roared: "Asshole, get out here!"

The cold energy gathered in his hands, but he did not continue to wave randomly for fear of falling into the enemy's trap.

Another huge ghost-like figure appeared in the heavily reflected ice mirror, dragging the ghost gold rod, and a rattling sound rubbed in the ears.

He judged the location from the sound, and immediately released the cold air from his hands there. In just an instant, the cold air froze the evil ghost painting in that location.

Poof, a small transparent evil ghost painting emerged from underneath, like a ferocious monkey, and dug out his heart with one blow.

"You're too nervous."

Gao Liujing shook his head. In fact, most people's IQs are enough to be qualified for so-called high positions. However, their psychological quality determines that those people will always lower their IQs to subhuman levels at critical moments.

It's not about talent, it's about experience.

If you are used to big scenes, you will naturally not get stage fright.

Unfortunately, combat never gives people time to adapt.

If you do, you live; if you don't, you die.

Gao Liujing jumped up, and the space showed extremely thin lines. The backhand arranged in the air failed because the opponent did not think of jumping up.

But she didn't think it was redundant.

When it comes to fighting, you must list all the problems you may encounter. Not looking down on anyone is the key to surviving to the end.

Gao Liujing climbed over the ice wall.


When the magic-coated bullet came into contact with the cold wave, it burst into violent flames and blasted out of the passage. Then the second armor-piercing bullet passed through the passage and blew out the opponent's head.

Adolf's fighting method relies on Kungunir to shoot magic bullets with various attributes, including explosive bullets, armor-piercing bullets, freezing bullets, etc.

To activate these bullets, all you need is magic.

She relied on the movement of her magic motorcycle and the lethality of Kungunir to easily kill the two Winter God believers who stayed outside.

"We really hit it off."

Gao Liujing's voice came from the high ice wall.

Adolf put on a pretty face and said calmly: "Don't talk nonsense, solve it quickly."

As he spoke, he raised his hand and pointed at the Winter God Cult believers surrounding the icicles, pulled the trigger, and fired an explosive bomb.

The spell on the surface of the magic bullet flows with light, and as long as it touches an object, it will release high-temperature flames.

Phew, frost covered the surface of the bullet.

Hold the bullet in one hand.

"If you destroy the icicles, the high priest will be angry."

The pupils of Gao Liujing and Adolf both shrank, the eighth realm!

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