I, the only superpower on earth

Chapter 104 The Bottom of Broken Dragon Mountain


The two figures collided with each other and fell on the deep valley, like a huge boulder falling to the ground, splashing a large swamp mud on the wet and soft soil.

And the recoil force, which was enough to crack the heavy machinery, was transmitted to the bodies of the two people, not only did it not smash them to pieces. On the contrary, the moment it landed, one of the figures adjusted its body posture in the downward rush, then kicked the ground backwards, and rushed towards the other person!


Heels on the ground, mud and water flying across.

The distance of tens of meters is almost crossed in one step!

"Why can he adjust faster than me?"

Suspicion flashed in Yang Luo's mind, so after standing up on the ground, facing Lin Heng's rush, his immediate action was not a counterattack, but a gesture, and his hands stood in front of him like a frame. Stopping Lin Heng's first attack in front of him in an instant——

That was a punch!

Then one palm!

And then another punch!

A fist hit Yang Luo's hand frame hard; then Yang Luo's hands were like locks, trying to trap his arm, but Lin Heng turned his palm upwards and directly split it open , and then leaned forward with another punch, hitting Yang Luo's chest hard!


The ground that his feet stepped on was soft swamp mud, and there was no room for friction to support the ground at all, so under this heavy punch, Yang Luo instantly retreated tens of meters, and his body was smashed into the rocks!

Because of the erosion of miasma and moisture all the year round, the rocks here have long been covered with moss, and the surface of the mountain is also slippery and softened, so Yang Luo's body, under the impact of Lin Heng's punch, half of his back Embedded in the mountain!

Lin Heng was so powerful that he wanted to continue to charge forward, but the moment he rushed forward, when his figure was running like thunder, a strange feeling appeared in Yang Luo's eyes.

——Not because he found that Lin Heng's strength was too strong.

——It was because Lin Heng's attack was too weak!

The force of that punch just now seemed to be extremely ferocious, it threw him upside down for tens of meters, and he was embedded in the mountain. But in his feeling, the power of that punch was not that strong, it didn't even make his blood surge and he was slightly injured!

This represents the strength between them... Maybe there is a gap of more than 50%!

"In that case...why do you pretend to me!"

Yang Luo grinned grimly, let out a long howl, and leaned against the rock, this time, he punched Lin Heng with both fists without hesitation!

The next moment, the two fists crossed each other, and there was an explosion-like sound in the air!



Just when Lin Heng and Yang Luo were fighting—it was also the first battle between extraordinary humans in this world. Over the Duanlongshan platform, there was the sound of helicopter wings whirling, and the rope ladder was thrown down. Jiang Chaoan, who was wearing a uniform, climbed up the platform vigorously along the rope ladder. He was not polite to Xu Jingyuan who came in a hurry. One sentence cuts to the chase:

"What has happened now?"

Xu Jingyuan pointed to the platform of Duanlongshan, with a stern expression on his face:

"They are fighting in the deep valley below... There has never been such a situation in the past. It is difficult to assess how long their battle will end, and whether we can catch up."

"Can I use a drone to take a look below?"

Jiang Chaoan immediately asked.

Xu Jingyuan seemed to have thought about this kind of question, and immediately replied:

"The geographical environment under Broken Dragon Mountain is very complicated, and the magnetic field environment is very abnormal. It is a natural signal shielding field. The signal generators that can be called from nearby are not enough to make the drone work here. So we contacted the Road Bureau After the communication, some nearby troops will be mobilized—especially armored vehicles to explore the road at the bottom of the valley, and only in this way may it be possible to slightly affect the battle below.”

Can't you send some people to investigate the situation first?

Such a question was still in his mouth, but Jiang Chaoan had already got the answer.


Accompanied by the huge roar coming from the deep valley, the whole mountain seemed to vibrate at this moment. The huge force caused Jiang Chaoan to vibrate both physically and mentally, and even had some doubts about who was fighting here. Is it two people... or two heavy troops?

He and Xu Jingyuan looked at each other, and they both saw the blankness and powerlessness in each other's eyes.

"This...is the Transcendent..."


Thousands of kilometers away from the battleground.

It is also above what humans call the Pacific Ocean.

Xigu is lying on the sea surface, it looks like a small dot floating with the water, if you look down from a high altitude, you won't even be able to see his existence at a glance.

No one would have imagined that his body contained enough power to turn the entire Pacific Ocean upside down at this instant, stop the earth from turning, and plunge the entire solar system into darkness.

And in his eyes, beams of electromagnetic waves from thousands of kilometers away are reflected in his eyes, and the photons are reconstructed into a realistic picture in his eyes, and the battle scene between Lin Heng and Yang Shishi is reflected in the field of vision, Three-dimensional, extremely clear.

"The world's first extraordinary battle with human cognition has finally appeared. My original idea has been pushed forward one step further."

The corners of Xi Gu's mouth curled up slightly.

"It's a pity... there are only battles, but there are still many elements missing-for example, the stage that attracts everyone's attention, the exciting competition, the story of the dark horse's counterattack all the way, the cheers and applause that resound from the world...

"...But there will be some of these, there will definitely be... It won't be long."

There was a smile on his lips, but his vision was slightly off, and electromagnetic waves from another place were also leaked into his eyes:

"Oh... have you started tracking me down?"



Special Intelligence Headquarters.

The man was smoking a cigarette, flipping through the piles of materials piled up in his hand, but what he paid the most attention to were the names on it. These names were all circled in red, and highlighted:

they are, respectively--

"Suyuan Royal Name Venerable God"

"Suyu Bookstore"

And "Mizuhara Manami".


The perspective returns to the bottom of Broken Dragon Valley.

The battle here continues.

Just now the fist-to-hand fight was over, and the battle between Yang Luo and Lin Heng had already come to an end in an instant.

On the rock where Yang Luo was leaning against, with his back as the center, there were spider web-like cracks, the largest of which was tens of meters long and several meters deep.

And in his mouth, his gums were bleeding a little because of the blow just now.

But an injury like this is meaningless to Yang Luo, whose physical fitness and resilience have surpassed the limit of human beings, so he just gently wiped the blood froth from his lips, and looked at the man who was injured because of picking himself up. With a full blow just now, there was a crisp sound of ribs and arm bones being broken, and the man who was dozens of meters away flew backwards, showing a disappointed expression.

"... So you, that's all?"

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