That's when the Petunia family is horrified by what "Lucy" has to say.

At the same time, Virginia.

National Guard Headquarters.

Army Lieutenant Colonel Sam Giderina held his rifle and looked at a tower on the street not far away that came suddenly like a giant on the top of a mountain. His arms were trembling, showing his composure, but he still couldn't suppress it. Horrified eyes.

The M16A4 assault rifle held tightly in his hand has a three-point launch function, has a capacity of 30 rounds, and has a stable hit rate. It has followed him for many years and is Sam's most trusted weapon—even a "partner."

Since he was promoted to lieutenant, this rifle has been issued to him. Whether in state riots caused by hurricanes or conflicts caused by demonstrations, he has always held this M16A4 tightly.

——He still clearly remembers a demonstration seven years ago by voters supported by the defeated party due to a certain presidential election.

At that time, he was holding this rifle and leading dozens of National Guardsmen, facing the rioting tens of thousands of demonstrators, facing the parade scene where they had turned into smashing and looting, facing the transgression of boundaries, Fires were started and the mob that had gathered opened fire decisively after warnings.

Three bursts of bullets passed through the mob's chest, causing a stream of blood. He held the handle of the gun firmly, staring closely at those who were bloodied by this scene and wanted to force them over. Taking a step forward, he frightened them with a loud voice.

At that time, I had only a few members of the National Guard behind me, but I was fearless.

Although the bloodshed, the mob that caused the death and the people who were injured hated him to the bone, and attracted the pursuit and condemnation of the lawyer-but at this time, Sam's boss brought him the National Guard. The team secretly rewarded and saved Sam completely.

And it was also from then on that Sam's rank took the fast track to promotion. He went from lieutenant to lieutenant colonel in seven years, and his promotion speed was far faster than his peers.

And Sam also associated the glory and fearlessness at that time with the rifle in his hand.

He loved the rifle, the slight deviation in its front sight; the subtle feel of pulling the trigger;

A good rifle is like a soldier's lover.

For Sam, as long as he has this rifle in his hand, even if there is no soldier behind him, but there are groups of enemies in front of him, he is full of confidence and believes that he can overcome everything.

... But, why - obviously behind him is the Pentagon, and there are many colleagues, but when he holds the gun, he feels so hesitant, as if the ground he is stepping on is not a solid ground , but like a fluffy cloud?

The "towers" gradually approached, and at the same time, small silver gadgets flew out of the "towers", like elves in Nordic stories, but those silver gadgets What came out of the room was not the gentle and pleasant voice of an elf, but the mechanical and indifferent command tone of an assembly line.

"The war has already begun, and you can choose to lay down your arms—so you can be regarded as 'standard citizens' and enjoy the same civil rights as ordinary people in the new era; or you can resist stubbornly and become our enemy..."

"You still have twenty minutes to surrender..."

"You have fifteen minutes to surrender..."

Sam held up his rifle, aiming at the silver gadgets and the "towers" behind them. He gritted his teeth and looked at the "towers" one after another, but he didn't dare to take any action.

Just a few hours ago, the National Guard suddenly discovered that all communication equipment was unavailable, and all network signals were cut off out of thin air. Even the most dependent intercoms could not communicate with each other.

When Sam and his subordinates were in a panic, "towers" and those silver gadgets suddenly appeared from the horizon visible to the naked eye, like a torrent that was unstoppable.

It is the duty of the National Guard to fight against the sudden appearance of an enemy with unknown purpose-and it is also in such an emergency when the electronic signal is completely disordered. But it is a pity that due to the disorder of electronic signals, those weapons equipped with real-time combat information platforms are difficult to use, and it is also difficult to carry out effective information communication in the first place.

Fortunately, Sam was performing his duties at the headquarters. Under the assignment of his boss, he gathered a group of subordinates who were being trained at the headquarters through the oldest method of information transmission - shouting, and rushed to the border of Arlington, where the Pentagon headquarters is located. , to deal with and fight back those enemies that appear suddenly.

At the beginning, Sam was quite enthusiastic. With the idea of ​​defending his home and country, he led hundreds of troops, less than 50% of the usual, with guns that had returned to the level of World War II. The Luoluo troops went to the forefront to defend against these mechanical enemies.

But soon, Sam's emotions changed from high to frustrated, and then from frustrated to weak, and in the end, only boundless fear remained in this powerless.

He watched as a round of volleys fired by himself and the soldiers hit those "towers" without causing any traces, but those "towers" crushed many fellow robes with ease like giants...

He watched the armored vehicles under the National Guard rush towards them like a torrent of steel, but although the ammunition that bombarded the "bastion tower" left some traces on it, the traces of damage were almost in the blink of an eye. It disappeared in a short time, and the "base tower" replaced a fort out of thin air. A thunderous sound sounded, and the entire tank army was smashed to pieces in the roar...

He watched the crazy soldiers roaring and rushing towards the tower, but almost instantly, his body was covered by those silver gadgets into liquid, and then one by one, their faces became stiff, and they could only stand in a daze. Zombie-like characters in place...

He looked at the pilots who had lost the guidance of the communication station and the radar device, manipulating the fighter jets to forcibly ascend to the sky, intending to drop bombs from the sky, causing a core blow to these mechanical enemies. But when they flew into the air, they drew parabolas one after another, and exploded into balls of fireworks in the distant hills...

This is an irresistible enemy, an existence that cannot be defeated by the spirit-the electronic technology and mechanical technology that are the foundation of human society are like toys in their hands, stripped of the glorious coat of scientific and technological construction for hundreds of years, the only The only thing that can still be decided by oneself is this frail body.

——The more he fought against it, the stronger the enlightenment in Sam's heart, and at the same time, the stronger the sense of despair.

Fortunately, those enemies don't seem to want to kill a lot, or in other words, they intend to save the lives of other humans. Therefore, while fighting and retreating, Sam and most of his subordinates did not die on the battlefield, but were able to retreat to the Pentagon headquarters.

However, Sam knew well that this was just the result of the other party's laissez-faire.

The silver baubles that the enemies unleashed were flying around as they advanced, doing what they called "standard citizenship" here and there, like building a new order of their own while destroying the old one.

—Because of this, the progress of those enemies was slowed down, so that Sam still had room to rest.

...However, even if you take a break, what can you do?

Those enemies obviously don't care about controlling the Pentagon - for this world-famous important stronghold, they just release those silver baubles flying around and slowly approach it.

- It's like a cat playing with a mouse.

Seeing those distant "fort towers" getting closer, Sam's hands trembled, thinking that if he died in battle today, would anyone still remember him in the future?

Just when Sam was thinking about how to die in battle would be more honorable, a young man's panting voice suddenly came from behind him:

"Sir Sam, come with me! Lieutenant General Kelman of the Ministry of Defense wants to see you!"

I worked all night last night until 8:00 in the morning. I didn’t wake up in the afternoon. I also had a headache, which delayed the update for a day.

Try to find a day this weekend to make up for the update.

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