I, the only superpower on earth

Chapter 201 New Universe

Xi Gu read the names of the two superhuman beings who were fighting, and shrugged.

For their fight, Xigu neither felt good nor felt it, but just accepted their existence very naturally.

Even if it might lead to a conquest between the two great powers and the death of tens of millions of people, his perception of this has become a little indifferent.

It has to be said that although he still considers himself a human being, Xigu is getting farther and farther away from human beings no matter how he behaves or his temperament...

So in the face of the struggle between the two, Xi Gu just took a glance to confirm that no one between the two of them would die at this time, and after leaving behind the "sacred relic" crystallized by spiritual transformation, he didn't pay any more attention.

Even on weekdays, a battle like this may not necessarily involve more of his thoughts, not to mention, there are more important things to deal with in front of Xi Gu.



Sea Valley.

Core talent: growth (one-tenth of daily all-round strengthening (the so-called "daily" in this strengthening, that is, the minimum interval between time quanta after passing through about 10 to the 43rd power multiplied by 3600 and then multiplied by 24 required time unit.)

Derived ability: Violent Flame (can create out of thin air a flame that does not need to consume external energy to produce and support, and this flame can interfere with external things);

Derivative ability: flesh and blood derivation (can devour other creatures, and keep their consciousness in the same spiritual space as the capable person);

Derivative ability: super-derived regeneration (can make one's body regenerate quickly, and support the continuity of life in units of cells);

Derivative ability: Psychic power (without physical contact, it can interfere with the material existence in the real world through spiritual ideas, and at the same time can directly involve in the spiritual consciousness of other creatures);

"Derivative ability: motor reconstruction (can interfere with electronic signals and complex industrial mechanical equipment through mental interference, and at the same time transform itself);

Derivative ability: data dominance (one's own analysis ability, computing ability, and ability to understand data have increased significantly, gaining comprehensive control over external information, and turning everything into data through analysis and calculation);

Physical strength: 2e+25kg (standard strength);

Perception level: quantum level;

Body movement speed: 1/2 the speed of light;

Body toughness: black hole level;

Life Essence Level: Black Hole——Universe

Suppression against the laws of real physics: 99.57%



Xi Gu looked at the lines of information in front of him.

Not commensurate with the short text on the surface of the information, a huge amount of almost astronomical amount of information emerged from his mind, and he presented the logic, principles, and reasons behind the information... one by one.

Shigu smiled.

"...I have read a lot of online novels before, and the protagonists of some novels also have golden fingers to digitize their bodies—but, I am afraid that there are not many protagonists who are already invincible, only to realize that they will change from the protagonist of an invincible novel to a data stream Protagonist."

he murmured.

Having said that, Shigu shook his head again.

"To be able to transform and awaken two abilities at once - it's a pity that Navalli regards his 'motor reconstruction' ability as the core... But he doesn't know, in my opinion, this thing called 'Data Master' Ability is the most important thing. This way, I can fully understand my path and make the best use of my strength and abilities.

"However—he also vaguely understands the distinction between his two abilities, and he didn't completely confuse them. It's just that in his opinion, the power of 'motor reconstruction' is more important. The previous decades of life have made him I was completely immersed in the ocean of electronics, so his choice was to use the power of "data dominance" to make himself closer to the computer, and even electronicize his whole body, so as to achieve the goal of "integration of man and machine". In my opinion, It's kind of misguided...but maybe it was a better choice for him."

Xigu strolled on the soft ground, raised his head, and looked up at the entire universe in front of him.

——and the blue planet in front of me.


That's right, the current him is not above the earth.

The land under his feet is called "the moon", "moon", "Luna", "месяц"... There are many kinds of designations, but no matter which designation it is, there is only one target in the end.

It is the silver-white earth satellite that will appear in the night and hang in the sky.

At this time, Xigu was standing on the satellite.

Of course not for tourism, but because he has a more important purpose.


Close your eyes slightly.

Xigu's consciousness sank into the deepest part of the spirit, the place where the infinite is condensed - the singularity.

The strings are still oscillating here, transmitting messages from other universes.

Compared to a few months ago, these messages are clearer. However, with Xigu's current strength, pure brute force is still unable to break through the boundaries between universes and allow himself to reach another universe.

Just like what I felt a few months ago - it's still a hundred million billion times weaker.

Power alone, that's all.

But... after possessing the ability of "data master", this time Xigu felt a little different.

If it can't be broken by brute force alone...

So - what about resonance?

While meditating, Xigu deeply sensed the messages from other universes, and the power of the "data master" continued to shrink inward, while analyzing the aura of those messages, while testing the boundaries of the universe.

After a long time, Xigu finally locked on a target.

"... Immortal... Xiu... Birth... Death..."

Intermittent messages, the meaning of which is vague, but after the simulation of "data master", the boundary between the space and time of the universe behind this message and the time and space of the present universe where Xigu is located is the weakest, most likely in the In the case of insufficient power, the one that passes through the resonance.

"Under normal circumstances, it will take me more than a year before I can enter other universes... But according to the fitting of 'Data Master', I can try to differentiate a part of consciousness now, go to this universe, and try to pass .”

Xi Gu thought about these situations, calculated various situations in his mind, and slowly made up his mind.

"I've always wanted to see more interesting things to make the world more interesting... Now that I have the opportunity to try it so much in advance, why not try it?"

A smile gradually formed on the corner of his mouth.

Xigu looked at the sky again, the earth was hanging above, and in the farther universe, countless stars were shining there, projecting the brilliance that existed hundreds of millions or even billions of years ago.

"Of course, before entering the new universe, I still have to deal with the current affairs on the earth-well, let's inform all extraordinary beings of this decision. Next, I will melt a large amount of 'evolutionary blood' in In the light refracted by the moon, the physical fitness of all people on earth will slowly increase over time... and it is possible to awaken the power of 'body transformation', or even 'spiritual transformation'...

"Hehe, it sounds a bit like the 'Emperor Ointment' in the myth - next, I don't need to plant supernatural seeds one by one, just wait quietly for new strong men to emerge from the human race up.


"—New universe, here I come."

It's just two hundred chapters, and a new map can be opened - then go to other universes and let Xigu play the main role... After all, a person is too invincible on earth.

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