Although there were new troubles, Jiang Cheng was still quite calm.

The space-based weapons in the space matrix have detected that the drawings and technology have all been leaked.

At present, all countries in the world are beginning to develop new space-based weapons, and they are still based on their own drawings, not only that, but the three countries of Afghanistan have taken the initiative to use space-based weapons.

They did not keep their promise to themselves.

Jiang Cheng sent Wang Jing to negotiate.

Inside the office, Wang Jing dialed the phone, Morgana and her own special line.

“Iron Lady, you did not follow our agreement, we said yes, space-based weapons, absolutely do not take the initiative to use.”

Morgana said: “We are forced to helpless, after all, other countries in trade and economy, give us a high trade fortress, we have no way.” ”

“Well, I believe you, but this is a warning, and I said that space-based weapons can only be used for defensive purposes at this time.”

“You remember, I have the ability to give you space-based weapons, and I have the ability to destroy it.”

Morgana chuckled, “Are you threatening me?” You know, no one in the world dares to talk to me like that. ”

“You have met now, and I warn you again, space-based weapons, the ultimate goal, for peace, do not challenge my bottom line again.” Wang Jing said slowly.

Morgana didn’t reply and hung up the phone.

Jiang Cheng took a sip of tea and looked at Wang Jing lightly, this was his last warning, he generally did not like to say too much, if Morgana still had to pester, he would destroy the space-based weapons of the Three Kingdoms.

The most that can be done is to return some of the money, after all, the three countries of Afghanistan have now abused the power of the space-based in the world.

Morgana on the other side of the phone, thinking for a long time, the Universal Group’s Maritime Legion, can not be underestimated, the United States have been compensated by them, the current problem, or should, unite with other countries that develop space-based weapons, together to suppress the Huanyu Group, so that you can use the space-based series with confidence.

Now that all countries in the world are developing space-bases, Huanyu Group wants to restrain countries? It’s ridiculous! Morgana picked up the phone and dialed the Eagles Prime Minister Tyukiel…

Jiang Cheng had been waiting for news, waiting for news that the three kingdoms had quieted down.

I have warned the country that if it still wants to challenge the bottom line, it will take action.

The space-based weapon, in the matrix for the Dragon Kingdom, installed a space-based of its own, which can be launched at any time, of course, this matrix is placed separately, and he said good to the Dragon Kingdom.

The only function of this space-based root is to supervise whether the three countries of Afghanistan have used their own equipment well.

If it is abused, then it can destroy the space-based matrix of the three countries at any time.

Three days later, Jiang Cheng watched on TV, the three countries of Afghanistan, the United Eagle Alliance, the Gaul Kingdom, the Sea Cold Country, the Southern Cold Country, and the United States of Rice, a total of ten countries, together to develop the Heavenly Foundation Weapon.

If the Huanyu Group still dares to be stubborn, it will destroy the Huanyu Group.

Of course, Jiang Cheng knew their true intentions, it was impossible to destroy the Yu Group, if Jiang Cheng himself was willing, soon the Huanyu Group would be able to form an invincible legion in the world.

The reason why they are united is that they have no two purposes, first, the development of space-based weapons in a bright and just way.

Second, it is to put pressure on yourself.

In their view, we ten countries develop together, you have the kind to declare war on our ten countries, no seed, you honestly let us research and develop, in the final analysis, you are just an arms dealer company.

Where is your reason to be the leader.

In this regard, Jiang Cheng just thought it was funny.

Immediately, I clicked on the computer and sent several satellite videos to Morgana, Tyukiel, and George Mapu’s mailbox.

The main countries, that is, these three countries, if they retreat in frustration, the rest of them will be easy to deal with.

The problem now is to take the dominance of space-based weapons in their own hands, on the one hand, it is indeed for peace, and they also want peace, and they do not want to see war.

The second aspect is for the value of space-based weapons.

This weapon cannot be widely opened now, even if it is the lowest level space-based weapon, in his hand, he can immediately have a batch, “male ~ child” level of space-base.

This is a truly normal level, used out, are can destroy the world, and now, space-based weapons, absolutely can not become a conventional state.

Jiang Cheng sent a video of the office of Qiuquil, Morgana, and George Maple, and they understood the meaning.

While waiting for Morgana’s reply, a set of “boy” level space-based global monitoring matrix was once again exchanged from the system, and now the global information is in his own hands.

However, as far as this blue star is concerned, it does not intend to change too much, and when the space-based series is completely completed, it will drive to the interstellar world.

The meaning of the video is obvious, space-based weapons can take their lives at any time, do not think that a joint organization can be used against the World Group, that is simply impossible.


Soon, not only the Eagle Alliance, the Three Kingdoms of Afghanistan, the United States of America, but the entire alliance spread the news.

Jiang Cheng has a space-based matrix, and it is also on a global scale.

For a moment, the entire alliance was panicked, although Jiang Cheng would not throw the Sword of Skodama into the city, but he was provoking turmoil and blowing up the space-based matrix of various countries, and Jiang Cheng could have done it.

It was said at the beginning that the space-based matrix could only be owned by the Dragon Kingdom and the Argentine Three Kingdoms in the early days, and the two countries were not allowed to use it actively.

Moreover, other countries must not steal intelligence, otherwise they will be dealt a fatal blow.

Now the drawings thrown out of the three kingdoms of Afghanistan have also leaked.

These big people are accustomed to elegant rebellion, although they put on the skin of civilization, in the end it is the fist that is the key.

Therefore, no one took this convention seriously, but now that it was over, it was hard to stubble, and Jiang Cheng actually began to fight back.

Gradually, there were already countries (Morpho Hao) that kept sending emails to Jiang Cheng, indicating that they would terminate the space-based plan, but this was the last concession, and if Jiang Cheng had other ideas, the country had unquestionable dignity.

Jiang Cheng looked at the emails in the computer, probably this is the meaning, the space-based plan can be terminated, but only so far, they all vaguely told Jiang Cheng, where the bottom line is.

Jiang Cheng himself understood the meaning, but he did not think of that point, even if he could easily handle it, but it was not OK, a country’s resistance is a farmer who cannot but care.

Jiang Cheng waited for a while and made the seven letters of submission public.

This international alliance actually collapsed in this way, no one wanted to fight with Jiang Cheng, even the Eagle Alliance, after all, Jiang Cheng was likely to hold a space-based high-level weapon on a global scale, which was no joke.

If a space-based is thrown down, if it is on the ground, it is not as simple as the tsunami in the last United States. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read – collect

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