A few days later, the United States had joined forces with other members of the League of Nations to issue a campaign against the Universal Group and explicitly ordered the country to go into a state of war.

The United States used the naval power of 32 countries to wipe out the Huanyu Group in the cradle.

“Chairman, it’s not good! Did you watch the news? Wang Jing hurriedly ran in from outside.

Jiang Cheng nodded.

“Now the Alliance for International Cooperation has gathered its forces and is heading towards us. The rest of the small countries don’t have much power, and even if they unite against the 32 regional powers, it will be difficult, and the leaders of the Dragon Guard have not yet made a statement, and I don’t know if they will cooperate with us. Although the space-based weapon has been successfully tested, do we really want to use it? Once please use the lethality is extremely large, I…”

“Stop! You don’t have to worry, I’m ready for everything, you just stay here obediently and help me with the company’s affairs. Jiang Cheng quickly interrupted his Rory Bar 23 words.

Jiang Cheng had already considered these things, and naturally Wang Jing didn’t have to worry about them.

You must know that when building space-based weapons, he has already made a general prediction of what will happen in the future, and the attitude between countries is similar to what he expected, so there will not be any big problems.

Wang Jing stopped talking at this time, but there was still a vague worry in her heart about this matter.

“Report to the sir, Team Rocket is done!” The N-type missile is checked! …… All the data have reached the target! All parts of the personnel have arrived at their respective posts and can enter a state of war at any time! Report complete, please instruct! A senior officer reported.

The leader of the U.S. coalition army nodded and reported the army’s readiness to Timas.

Because the Huanyu Group still did not say it, the people of all countries thought that he was afraid, the fishing ships were out of control, and the previous fear of the Huanyu Group was swept away, especially the people of the United States felt that the United States would definitely win a complete victory in this war.

After receiving this news, George Mapu still hesitated not to go to war, but his attitude obviously angered the masses, and the citizens of the United States of America marched in the streets, and under the pressure of the fishing ships of the masses, most of the senior leaders such as George Maple supported the immediate war.

George Mapu paced back and forth in the hall, worried about this matter, although the International Cooperation Alliance was initiated by the United States, but in fact, he still had a deep jealousy of the Universal Group in his heart, after all, his own country’s space-based weapons were destroyed by the Universal Group.

Most countries didn’t know that Universal Group already had a complete set of space-based weapons, and George Mapu had no idea how they had come up with so much material.

He already had a deep shadow over the explosion of the space-based weapon behind him, and if something like this happened repeatedly, his face would really be lost.

“Your Excellency, President, please hurry up and make a decision. The demonstration is almost at the door of the chamber, you see, alas! Timas was slowly worried in his eyes, and said that he could be said to be a very sincere minister.

As soon as he spoke, the ministers behind him echoed him.

George Mapu slapped the table and finally decided to open

“Immediately issue an order, now unite the remaining members of the League of Nations, and we will officially go to war with the Universal Group!” The United States will undoubtedly win! ”

At the command, the politicians cheered one after another, and the nationals of the United States who learned of this also cheered and celebrated.

“Oh well! Be sure to let Huanyu Group know how strong we are! Give them a little color to see! Hahaha! ”

Mothers hugged their children in their arms, looked at the confused sea, and had a vague sense of foreboding in their hearts.

With the noise of the people and the pale cyan light of the dawn, George Maple could not help but meditate in his heart: the war is about to begin.

After the order was given, the warships sailing on the Taiping Ocean immediately received the information, immediately ordered the warships to set sail, all kinds of shells were transported to the warships, and the soldiers entered and fought in a state of battle.

Facing the brilliant sunrise, the warship officially set off.

Jiang Cheng looked at the surging speech made by His Excellency George Maple, President of the United States of America, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth; the United States of America really did not measure up to its own strength in doing so, knowing that the Huanyu Group had mastered a complete space-based weapon, and even dared to take such a risk.

“Chairman Jiang Cheng, so what are we going to do this time?” Or do you want to be quiet? Wang Jing was very helpless about Jiang Cheng’s appearance of power, and with the experience of the previous times, he had not taken the initiative to take action, anyway, Jiang Cheng who he had considered would take into account.

“No, this time we need to be clear.” Jiang Cheng looked at him, the outline of his cheek more esoteric under the illumination of the light.


“Publishing a video, it is said that we in the World Group will never take the initiative to attack, but anyone who dares to harass us in any way will be destroyed!”

Wang Jing quickly nodded, and after going out, he quickly ordered the people to finish the matter.

He deliberately published on multiple platforms to ensure that people in all countries and regions can see their Huanyu Group’s policies very clearly, avoiding conflicts caused by unclear expressions.

Long Yuan’s side had not sent any news of cooperation, and it seemed that it did not intend to participate in this matter.

The military powers such as the Eagle Alliance’s Northern Bear Kingdom and the Three Kingdoms have sided with the United States.

After this news was sent, the people of all countries fried the pot again.

“Oh, Huan620 Yuji is really arrogant!” Morgana’s anger reached its extreme after receiving the news, and she had been very unhappy with the style of the Huanyu Group since a long time ago, and had been working against her.

Even if the Huanyu Group has mastered a complete space-based weapon, the three countries of Afghanistan have also mastered the space-based weapon, although it is only the first generation, but it should not be much worse than the Huanyu Group.

The army of the International Cooperation Alliance alone has more than a dozen warships, and the weapons of the Rocket Team Missile Team have also adopted the latest weapons, and the number is also crushing the Huanyu Group, Morgana does not think that this side will lose, and even has a very large degree of certainty that she can win.

“Order our warships to sneak up on the World Group, use that aircraft carrier fleet, and give them a dismount.” Morgana smiled coldly, very sure of her army.

“Get the order, the carrier fleet set off!” A sneaks in the direction of the Huanyu Group from the rear, while Team B takes cover on the side, looking for the weakest place to wait for an opportunity to sneak attack. After receiving the order, the aircraft carrier fleets of the three countries quickly formulated a battle plan and set out in the darkness towards the Huanyu Group.

Although Jiang Cheng expected that various countries would adopt some invisible actions, he did not expect that the three countries would directly send their only aircraft carrier fleet to sneak into the Huanyu Group. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read – collect

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