When Jiang Cheng spoke, these three were the leaders of the Wing Clan, the Dwarf Clan, and the Ape Clan, and they all frowned and were not easy, but it was really that their scientific and technological capabilities were backward, and if they were to fight abroad, they would inevitably be used as cannon fodder.

Take the Winged Clan, for example, their talent is their own wings, but in addition, the backwardness of scientific and technological capabilities can only make their flight faster, and they have always thought that they are the overlords of the sky before they encounter humans.

But the kind of guns of the Terran race made her very jealous.

Not to mention, in the vast cosmic sea of stars, there may be more people who can match the existence of the Winged Clan, and at that time, before waiting for the energy crisis in the gap between time and space, nor waiting for the internal turmoil to be thin, they will die outside the domain first.

Not to mention the dwarf, who are short in stature and weak in strength, are the perfect candidates for cannon fodder, and they would rather die in civil strife than go out to fight now.

The ape tribe, on the other hand, belongs to the human race that has not fully blossomed, and does not understand what they are talking about, so it is very humane to look in the direction of Jiangcheng, only to see that Jiangcheng nodded, and everyone also nodded.

“What are we going to do now?” The patriarch of the dwarf tribe said.

Today’s situation is three to two, and it can be said that the overall situation has been decided.

But the people of the Feather Wing Clan were still a little unwilling, they really did not want to go to the outside world, they would rather shrink in the gap of time and space, waiting for the arrival of civil strife thousands of years later.

Jiang Cheng saw these two, so he mobilized the images that had just erupted in the granary, “You see, maybe after ten thousand years, we will have a civil strife, and this will never be too long, maybe more than ten years, maybe only a few years, the civil unrest will break out in full force.” ”

Everyone looked at the pictures recorded in the projection, looked at the Giant Clan, and Wang Jing, and they clearly saw that the two opposing sides were these two people, and if it were not for the arrival of Jiangcheng, I am afraid that the internal turmoil of the Time and Space Rift would have arrived at that time.

Casually, everyone’s mood is a little dull now.

However, Jiang Cheng did the next thing, so that all the people ate a reassuring pill, they looked at the Jiang Cheng in front of them, only to see the latter slowly take out a set of data. This is simulated using artificial intelligence big brains.

As we all know, the technology of Aqua Blue Star is the most advanced among all races, and when they first came into contact with the armies of Aqua Blue Star, they also suffered a lot of losses, and they were psychologically in awe of the level of Aqua Blue Star’s science and technology.

With the data calculation of the big screen, line after row of data, shockingly presented in front of them, they only felt that their heads could not turn around, and they looked at Jiang Cheng with a shyness: “Are they telling the truth?” Are all these data you have calculated true? ”

“Are you questioning our Aqua Blue Star AI big data budget?” Jiang Cheng asked rhetorically.

The dwarf clan and the Wing Clan patriarch were silent.

They are very clear that Aqua has a black technology, that is, the artificial intelligence big data budget, which can speculate about the changes in the environment in the next few years, or even more than ten years, and the data they see now is that at the latest fifty years, the gap between time and space will erupt into civil strife due to various energy problems.

The bright red fifty earth number stung the eyes of everyone fiercely.

“I agreed, and we Winged Clan promised to go out and find a new planet of life.”

“I also agreed, and on behalf of our dwarf clan, I promised to contribute my part to the search for a living planet.”

Jiang Cheng looked at these two people who had already nodded, showed a faint smile, and then looked at the other three clans around them, they had originally agreed with Jiang Chengdi’s approach, and at this moment they all nodded their heads, indicating that they were willing to follow Jiang Chengdi’s footsteps.


“Well, let’s go tomorrow!” Jiang Cheng stood up.

Then, the representatives of the various groups present here clapped their hands one after another to express their congratulations, although the time spent in the gap between time and space was not too long, but in this short period of a few hours, it has already reflected Jiang Cheng’s position in the hearts of all ethnic people.

In a certain way, Jiang Cheng is not only the ruler of mankind, but also the leader of the people in the entire gap of time and space, and there are two different voices in the parliament, and Jiang Cheng does not have any blame, everyone has their own choice.

The most fundamental reason is that although this universe is very large, it is too few suitable places for habitation, just take the spacing between the stars and the planets on the ground, it is too close, it is easy to grow grass, it is too far away, and it is ice and snow.

At the same time, there are also very harsh requirements for the constituent elements of the planetary life material, which must have water and oxygen, which are one of the most basic elements for people to survive.


“Hey! What are you doing? ”

Su Qingdi’s voice came.

At this moment, Jiang Cheng heard the voice behind him, turned his head violently, and after finding out that it was Su Qing, he stopped repairing the ground in his hand and said, “I’m repairing the spaceship, aren’t you going to enter outer space in two days?” ”

“I’m repairing the weapon system now, the current weapon system is a little broken, what meteorites are encountered in outer space, space junk, ah, can also be blasted out with one blow, I will have to repair the defense cover later.” 」

In fact, the most important component of the spacecraft is the life support system, which Jiang Cheng intends to put in the final maintenance, and there must not be any mistakes.

“My life support system must be able to function normally when attacked, and I must establish a backup system and an emergency cooperation system, otherwise don’t wait for a laser ray from the enemy to come over, and the life support system on my side will be broken.”

Jiang Cheng drilled into the inside of the spaceship and began to call up all kinds of spacecraft data.

“Oh, I made you a cup of coffee and put it here, you remember to take a sip later.” The other person puts the coffee on the table and should leave. Jiang Cheng turned his head, looked at the steaming coffee of that generation, and felt full of joy.

“The life support system stays working properly…”

“The oxygen supply system is running…”

“The weapon system is trouble-free…”

“The shield opens normally…”

Jiang Cheng watched a piece of normal data pass in front of his eyes, then turned on the pager and said to people of all nationalities: “Now we can assemble here on the spaceship, and we will hold the oath ceremony in three days.” ”

“This time, we will never come back until we find a planet suitable for life to live in.”

Jiang Cheng’s voice, through the broadcast system, is transmitted to everyone’s ears.

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