Chapter 57

There was news that the golden lion appeared on Whitebeard’s territory just before disappearing.

It’s too hard to find the Golden Lion.

As a fluttering ability, anything touched by him, the golden lion can make it float.

As long as the golden lion doesn’t want to be discovered, it can almost be said that no one can find him.

However, since the last place where the golden lion disappeared was on Whitebeard’s territory, this also made many people think that the golden lion lost in the hands of Whitebeard and had been killed by Whitebeard.

That’s why there has been no news of the Golden Lion.

Of course, how many people believe this speculation is unknown.

As a former partner, now an opponent.

The golden lion and the whitebeard can be said to be both enemies and friends.

Although Whitebeard and Golden Lion are extremely disagreeable to the concepts of both sides, this does not affect the friendship between Golden Lion and Whitebeard.

Seeing this news, Rhode couldn’t help but feel a little stunned, and in his mind, the golden lion who had a relationship in advancing the city to escape from prison reappeared.

In a way, the golden lion can be regarded as Rod’s benefactor.

Regardless of whether the Golden Lion’s original intention was to help Rhode, Rhode borrowed his strength.

Without the Golden Lion, the difficulty of Rhode wanting to escape from prison can be said to have increased dozens of times.

However, thinking back to the golden lion, Rhode couldn’t help but sigh for this man who had extremely bad luck.

As the three sea pirates who were once on a par with One Piece brother D Roger and Whitebeard.

The Golden Lion, the governor of the sea, is really bad luck.

In the great battle of Ed Waughey, the dozens of fleets of the Golden Lion almost surrounded Roger.

At that time, although Roger’s strength was not worth the golden lion, in terms of power, it was too bad.

The title of Viceroy of the Sea is enough to say it all.

Dozens of fleets, when the battle of Ed Wohai began, encountered an unprecedented storm.

The huge wind and waves swallowed up the fleet under the Golden Lion, and even he himself was hit overhead by a rudder and fell deeply inside.

Because it was too deep, it was very difficult for the rudder to take it off the head of the golden lion.

So, the golden lion did not care about the rudder overhead.

As the governor of the sea, he once again pulled up a fleet on the sea.

It seems that under the influence of the Ed War, the Golden Lion did not form a sea fleet this time, but used his ability to form an air fleet.

The golden lion, with its fluttering fruits, easily pulled up such a fleet.

It’s just that Roger’s arrest made the golden lion can’t believe it.

As a former adversary, the Golden Lion can’t believe that someone in the navy can capture him.

So, the golden lion took his newly formed fleet and attacked the naval headquarters.

He himself, also under the joint efforts of Karp and the Warring States, was imprisoned.

In Advance City, if it weren’t for the Golden Lion attracting most of the attention of Advance City and seriously injuring the ember who was the director, Rhode wanted to escape, but it would not be so easy.

In addition to the news of the Golden Lion. There was also news that also shocked the sea.

The director of Advance City, Ember, was dismissed by the World Government for dereliction of duty, and defected when he was sent to Justice Island for trial!

As soon as this news came out, it can be said that it was a slap in the face of the world government.

The current navy can be said to be one head two big.

Originally, the situation in the New World was not very stable, and the navy needed to spend a lot of manpower and high-level combat power to guard the New World.

Now, the appearance of the golden lion and the defection of the ember also have to be dealt with by them.

The world government has also been asking them to settle the matter between Olbia and O’Hara as soon as possible.

Now the Navy has sent out almost all the top combat power that can be used.

The entire navy is left with only one person to guard.

The defensive strength can be said to be unprecedented weakness.

Seeing this news, Rhode was relieved.

Such a big thing is happening in the New World now, plus Ember’s defection also has to be dealt with.

That navy will no longer waste the top combat power of Karp and Yellow Ape to hunt him down.

If Karp and the yellow ape keep chasing him, then he really needs to find a place to hide.

As soon as Rhode landed on the island, a sneaky figure happened behind him.

“What people? Come out! ”

“Lord Rhodes! I am from the Don Quixote Pirates, and the young lord asked me to tell you that you got the divine tree Adam you wanted. The young master wants to ask when to trade! ”

Hearing the other party’s words, Rhode couldn’t help but re-examine Doflamingo’s intelligence.

Less than half a day after he came down from the empty island, Doflamingo took control of his whereabouts.

This kind of intelligence is indeed terrifying!

“Since Doflamingo sent you. Then you should have the contact information of Doflamingo! I told him personally! ”

However, Rhode also knows how difficult it is to form an intelligence agency, especially if the intelligence is spread all over the sea.

Money, connections, power. All of these are indispensable.

Doflamingo has this ability, more because of his original Draco identity.

Although he has now been eliminated from the Draco, the identity of the Draco once was enough for him to run amok in the first half of the Great Passage, especially on the four seas.

As for the new world.

The few sea emperors there would not take Draco seriously.

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