Chapter 68

On the Helios, everyone, especially Olbia, looked at Rhode with a complicated expression.

She wanted Rhode to go to O’Hara, but she didn’t want Rhode to face the two monsters in the Navy.

Moreover, the Navy’s demon slaughter order has always been five vice admirals and ten warships.

This configuration is enough to sweep the entire first half of the Great Passage.

“Tiger, let’s go. Next destination! O’hara!! ”

At the time of accepting Olbia, Rhodes was ready to face the world government and the navy.

Moreover, with the current strength of Tiger, Brooke and Anilu, in the face of the five vice admirals of the Navy, although it is difficult to take advantage, it also has the power of a war.

Hearing Rod’s words, Tiger nodded. Instead of a look of fear on his face, he was a little more eager to try.

“Let’s go! Target, O’Hara! ”

With where they are now, it’s not too far from O’Hara, but it’s not too close either.

“Hall, drive the boat as fast as you can!” Rhode said to Hall next to him.

The news from Doflamingo seems that the Navy side had set out a few days ago.

If you want to get ahead of the navy and get to O’Hara first, every second counts.

“Got it, Captain!”

Hall maneuvered the buttons in the control room.

After adjusting everything, Hall pressed the start button in the center.

The large launcher at the tail of the Helios slowly opened.

The speed of the two power propellers also reached the fastest.

Suddenly, the people on the ship suddenly trembled, and the speed of the ship was raised a notch.

This sailing speed was more than twice as fast as the warship that Rhode was riding on before.

The price of opening that large thruster was that the fuel that could have supported the ship for more than a week could only last half a day at most. Frequent replenishment by Rhodes is required.

As for fuel, there is the Rhode humanoid fire engine. Don’t worry.

It would have taken two or three days to reach O’Hara.

Under the Helios, it took Rhode more than a day to reach O’Hara.

O’Hara was calm. Ships still come and go in port.

However, as soon as he leaned over, Rhode noticed that at the port, there were almost a dozen intelligence officers from the world government.

“Brooke, don’t make any movement, solve these people!”

Rhode didn’t want the people of the World Government to know that he had arrived in O’Hara.

Captain, the only one who can do this is Brooke.

Because, now Brooke, has been able to do out-of-body exercises.

In an out-of-body state, Brooke’s attack directly injured the soul, leaving no room for anyone to resist at all.

“Captain! Leave it to me! ”

After speaking, a white soul body flew out from Brooke’s body. Quickly flew towards O’Hara’s port.

On the boat, Olbia looked at the familiar island with a complicated look in his eyes.

The island, most likely, will be history after today.

Although Rhodes came.

But in the face of five vice admirals and ten warships in the navy, Rhode could only save some of the people at most.

Want to keep O’Hara? It’s almost impossible to do.

Ten minutes later, Brooke’s soul body flew back.

“Captain, those spies of the World Government, solved! There was no movement and no attention. ”

After speaking, Brooke’s soul body returned directly to the skeleton.

This ability, which he developed a few days ago, is not very proficient now.

Once you leave the shell for a long time, it will be very uncomfortable.

“Hmm! Nice job! Let’s go to the island! ”

After solving the spies of the world government, Rhode and the six people secretly boarded O’Hara without anyone finding out.

To this end, Rhode also specially put away his pirate flag and the pirate standard on the sail. Nothing is lost.

After landing on the island, Olbia took the Rhodes and the five and rushed towards her brother’s house.

Before going to sea to find the main text of history, Olbia fostered Nicole Robin, who was only 2 years old, in her brother’s house.

This trip to sea is six years.

For six years, Olbia did not return to O’Hara, let alone see his daughter again.

Only Tiger and Rhode, who were the first to join, knew about Olbia’s daughter.

When everyone else learned the news, they were taken aback.

Hurried to Robin’s uncle’s house, Olbia went up and knocked on the door.

“Who? Robin, you go and open the door. ”

A woman’s voice came from the room.


The moment the door opened, I saw a scene I couldn’t believe it.

At his brother’s house, there was no scene where Robin was doing well and happy.

Robin in front of him, because he was holding a dirty steamed bun and thin body, made people feel that a gust of wind could blow down the little girl in front of him! The clothes he was wearing were very tattered.

Seeing this scene, all the persistence and all the beliefs in Olbia’s heart suddenly collapsed.

She didn’t know what kind of life Robin was living when she left, and she didn’t dare to imagine.

Tears fell from her face, bit by bit.

She felt unworthy to be Robin’s mother.


The young Robin, the moment he opened the door, was stunned for a moment. Then a big smile appeared on his face.

The dirty steamed bun then fell to the ground.

Robin threw himself into Olbia’s arms, with a little joy, a little excitement, and a little grievance in his eyes.

“Mom. The doctor said that you went to sea to find and study the text of history. Robin can now read the text of history and can help his mother. So, please don’t leave Robin behind. ”

Hearing Robin’s words, Olbia burst into tears, reaching out to wipe the tears from Robin’s face. Orbia nodded and said, “Hmm. In the future, my mother will take Robin everywhere she goes, and she will not leave Robin behind! ”

Receiving Olbia’s promise, Robin’s little face showed an excited look.

“Uh-huh. Then let’s pull the hook! ”

“Good! We pull the hook! ”

Looking at the mother and daughter in front of them, Rhode and the others left the space for them. And didn’t step forward to disturb them.

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