I use deputy job plus talent

Chapter 104 Lifespan

Not long after being attacked by Snow Girl, Song Fulu's rescue of various cloud valleys also came to an end.

The Yunjing earned in the past few months is enough. It is better to raise the level of cultivation first. The strength in the middle stage of Daoji is still a bit weak.

After practicing for half a month, Song Fulu received news that Jinyang City had been invaded by demons and monsters.

Jinyang City is just a small city. The spiritual energy of heaven and earth is thin. Many monsters and ghosts look down on it. It has been peaceful these years.

Ma Qingshan moved to Jinyang City because of this, but he didn't expect that in just a few years, something would happen to this small city with few resources.

Thinking of Ma Qingshan's care for him in Liaohe City, Song Fulu quickly came to Jinyang City, and what he saw was an abandoned small county town with basically no living people.

There were still demons and ghosts wandering among the broken bricks and ruins. Song Fulu used the magic formula, and thousands of fireballs fell from the sky, landing accurately on each of the demons and ghosts.

Facing the fireball released by Song Fulu, these demons and ghosts, which were the strongest but lower spiritual level, were powerless to resist, and were quickly killed, and no one could escape.

After looking at the gold and jewelry among the broken bricks and ruins, Song Fulu sent a message to the people of Ping'an Trading Company and asked them to inventory the resources and wealth of Jinyang City. Since this place was recovered by him, the resources and treasures inside were naturally also included. Belongs to him.

Without leaving, Song Fulu investigated the surroundings and learned that many people in Jinyang City had escaped before the city was broken. As for the Ma family, which was still famous in Jinyang City, they also escaped. It is said that Headed to the neighboring county.

Seeing that he could no longer investigate anything more, Song Fulu had no choice but to hand over the matter to the people of Ping An Commercial Bank and ask them to help him investigate. Song Fulu rushed towards Liaohe City.

With Song Fulu's current status and strength in the Baiyun Sect, Ping'an Trading Company has listed him as the number one guest, and even proactively donated a large amount of property to him. In the future, Song Fulu will also be one of the shareholders of Ping'an Trading Company and is eligible to enjoy Ping'an Trading's share.

Although he didn't care about the share, Ping An Trading Company had people all over Baiyun County, so it was quite easy to use it, so Song Fulu didn't refuse.

With the help of Song Fulu's fame and influence, coupled with Song Fulu's special care, Ping An Trading Company's business in Baiyun County has reached a higher level. Especially with the fame of the Dragon Scroll Knife King in Baiyun County, Ping An Trading Company has developed faster. In just a short time In a short period of time, the power increased by several percent.

Therefore, Ping An Trading Company was quite attentive to Song Fulu's request and quickly sent out specialized personnel to investigate the whereabouts of Ma Qingshan's family.

Song Fulu was not too worried about the safety of Ma Qingshan's family. Based on his understanding of Ma Qingshan in Liaohe City, Ma Qingshan would run away immediately before realizing the danger and would not stay here foolishly.

Since many people in Jinyang City can escape from here, with Ma Qingshan's alertness and strength, the possibility of escape is very high.

However, even Jinyang City, which is so close to Liaohe City, has been attacked by demons and monsters. The current situation in Liaohe City must not be good.

Now that you are here, let's go and see Liaohe City. If the situation is not good, please move the people from Shiniu Village away. Compared to Baiyun County, this place is still too dangerous.

Without notifying anyone, Song Fulu quietly returned to Shiniu Village.

Because of Song Fulu's care, he would go back to Shiniu Village from time to time to kill the monsters and monsters around him. Also, because of the care of Ping'an Trading Company and the major families in Liaohe City, Shiniu Village was relatively peaceful and had only been disturbed by monsters in the past few years. Just killed dozens of villagers.

Most of the villages and towns surrounding Shiniu Village have been abandoned. People from many villages and towns have come to Shiniu Village to escape, making Shiniu Village several times larger than a few years ago. The number of villagers has exceeded 5,000. Comparable to some towns.

It is said to be Shiniu Village, but in fact some people already call it Shiniu Town.

The villagers of Shiniu Village also know who is taking care of them here, so they all respect Song Baoshi and take good care of him. His status and influence are far greater than that of the village chief.

Thanks to the caring care of the villagers and the fact that Song Fulu often sent some elixirs to improve his health, Song Baoshi was still in good health. Even though he was almost 70 years old, he was still walking fast.

Now Song Baoshi is also the oldest elder in the entire Shiniu Village. For ordinary people, sixty-six years old is already a long life.

The average life expectancy of the villagers here is only about fifty years old. People who are over fifty years old are happy and mournful, let alone sixty-six years old.

When he returned to Shiniu Village, Song Baoshi was not idle at home. Instead, he taught a few teenagers how to make blacksmiths in the blacksmith shop and trained blacksmiths for the village. His face was quite rosy and he showed unusual health.

This made Song Fulu stunned. His original plan to stay for only a few days immediately faded away and he decided to stay longer.

As a spiritual-level superior alchemist with extremely high attainments in medical skills, it was natural that Song Baoshi's situation was not good.

Health at this moment is just a reflection of the past. Although there are miraculous medicines to nourish the body, they cannot withstand the limits of the human body.

To put it in layman's terms, Song Baoshi's lifespan has expired.

Unfortunately, Song Baoshi's lifespan was already long when Song Fulu rose. Even with sufficient pills and elixirs, he could not go any further. If he could advance to a few more small realms, he might be able to extend his lifespan.

Unfortunately, when Song Fulu traveled through time, Song Baoshi was already in his fifties and nearing the end of his lifespan. It was remarkable that those pills and elixirs could extend Song Baoshi's lifespan for such a long time. After all, they were not miraculous elixirs specifically designed to extend life.

Sighing, Song Fulu returned home and prepared some nutritious monster meat to cook for Song Baoshi.

In the next six months, Song Fulu concentrated on staying in Shiniu Village and accompanying Song Baoshi.

As he expected, Song Baoshi's health deteriorated day by day soon after he came back, even though Song Fulu prepared a better panacea for him.

It's a pity that the life-extending panacea is a rare treasure even for Jindan Zhenren. Song Fulu couldn't buy it even if he wanted to, and he could only watch Song Baoshi's body age day by day.

However, Song Baoshi didn't care about this, and kept comforting Song Fulu not to mind. It was God's mercy that he could live to such an old age, and his children were particularly filial. If it had been anyone else, he would have died a few years ago.

Now he has no regrets. Even if he died immediately, he would still be satisfied. The happiest thing in his life was to adopt Song Fulu.

It's just a pity that so many miraculous medicines are wasted on him. If they are used to train young people, I don't know how many Earth-Guan warriors can be trained.

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