I use deputy job plus talent

Chapter 244 The beauty of Luoshui is known to the world

In order to take good care of Song Fulu, the Li family specially arranged a maid and a book boy for Song Fulu.

The maid's name is Cui'er. She is pretty, sweet, and has nimble hands and feet. She was sold to the old man of the Li family by a stranger, and was given to Song Fulu by the old man of the Li family to take care of Song Fulu's daily life.

The book boy is a member of the Li family, named Li Cheng. His father died of illness, and his mother was having a hard time. She also hoped that her son could read and write and have a good future, so she sent her son to Song Fulu to be a book boy.

Song Fulu had no objection to this. Many trivial matters must be handled by someone, and you can't just handle all the messy things yourself.

In this way, Song Fulu would have more time to study and improve the main world's exercise system.

Although it is not possible to comprehend and improve for a long time due to consumption, it is still okay to take a little time every day. At most, use less mental power, and it is okay to slow down the progress.

As a low-energy world that is not even extraordinary, the time ratio between Leguo and the main world is as high as more than 900 to one. In other words, for one day in the main world, more than 900 days have passed here, which is close to three years.

Song Fulu had enough time to fulfill the original owner's wish and take some time every day to improve the system of exercises.

The content of the provincial examination may be difficult for other scholars, but for Song Fulu, who has a photographic memory and is an erudite scholar, it couldn't be easier.

Let alone god-level exercises and secrets, even spiritual-level exercises and secrets are far more complex and difficult to learn than what is required in the provincial examination. Song Fulu learned the contents of the provincial examination thoroughly in just a few days. , and there is a 99% certainty that he can pass the provincial examination and achieve a good result.

Song Fulu consolidated for a few more days, and then spent most of his time on understanding and improving the system of exercises. He occasionally took the time to give guidance on Li Cheng's study, or Cui'er's cooking skills, and his life was quite fulfilling.

Under Song Fulu's care, the two daughters' lives are getting better and better, and their status in their husband's family is getting higher and higher, and they are no longer as submissive as before.

As for the two so-called sons, they were directly kicked out of the Li family's genealogy and became people without ancestors. Although they could still live a comfortable life, they were far less comfortable than before.

Especially when they saw their two sisters getting better and better under the care of Song Fulu, and their lives were prosperous, but as sons, not only did they not get much benefit, but they were kicked out of the Li family tree, Li Tengzhong and Li Junzhong felt jealous. Burning, I can't live for a moment.

Afterwards, the two people came to beg for mercy many times and wanted to recognize Song Fulu as their father, but Song Fulu drove them back directly and even got beaten.

Seeing that their father had made up his mind and had no intention of forgiving them, Li Tengzhong and Li Junzhong did not beg for mercy. They were so angry that they even shouted that they wanted to change their surnames and no longer be members of the Li family, thus breaking Song Fulu's inheritance.

Song Fulu didn't care about this. If it were the original owner, he might be worried. But Song Fulu was not the original owner, so he didn't care whether the inheritance was passed down or not.

Moreover, Song Fulu, who was a modern person in his previous life, didn't care much about this kind of thing. There are many families without sons in modern times, and I don't know what these families are like.

Seeing that Song Fulu didn't care at all about their surnames, Li Tengzhong and Li Junzhong were completely desperate. Li Tengzhong's good wife An Xiaoyu even divorced him because of this. Li Tengzhong was originally unwilling, but under the coercion of his wife's four brothers, I had to sign the divorce letter honestly.

Li Junzhong's family was also in a state of turmoil. Although there was no reconciliation, it was not too far off.

When the neighbors learned about this, they clapped their hands and cheered.

"Those who do not honor their parents deserve this."

"Captain Li is a bit merciful. If it were me, I would have to go to the Yamen to accuse them of being unfilial."

"I heard that these two guys have never shown any respect to their parents since they got married. They are really heartless and unjust."

No one objected to Song Fulu's taking part in the provincial examination. They just asked Song Fulu to pay attention to his health and not to let anything happen to him.

As for whether Song Fulu can pass the provincial examination, basically no one is optimistic.

In everyone's eyes, it was a blessing that Song Fulu could pass the college examination. Is the provincial examination so easy to pass? Let alone Binghu Town, even in Tang County, there has not been a candidate for the exam for decades. It's my lord.

A few months later, Song Fulu was accompanied by his book boy Li Cheng and his maid Cui'er. The Li family even sent a carriage and rushed towards Luoshui City, the provincial capital of Luoshui Province.

The provincial examination was held in Luoshui province, and his two daughters came specially to see him off, nagging him.

"Daddy is already so old. He just wants to take good care of himself and take part in the provincial examination."

"The provincial exam is so difficult. It's normal for dad to fail. Don't be sad when the time comes."

As for other people from the Li family, not many came. Obviously, everyone was not optimistic about his participation in the provincial examination this time, and thought he was just going to feel the atmosphere.

Song Fulu was also speechless about this. He couldn't tell everyone that he was close to 100% sure that he could pass this time. Even if he told everyone, no one would believe it.

The journey was much easier than when I took the college exam. After all, I had to do everything myself at that time, but this time there were maids and bookboys waiting on me, and the old servant who drove the carriage was also busy.

Luoshui City is nearly a thousand miles away from Binghu Town. The distance is not close, especially compared to this ancient time when transportation was extremely underdeveloped.

It took half a month for the group to arrive near Luoshui City. Looking at Luoshui City, which was several times larger than Tang County, several people nearby exclaimed.

"Master, Luoshui City is so big. The city walls are actually taller than the trees."

"Is this the capital of our Luoshui Province? It's so spectacular."

"Thanks to the master, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to see such a spectacular city."

Song Fulu smiled slightly, compared to those giant cities in the main world, the city here is nothing.

With money in hand, Song Fulu chose a better inn to live in this time, and specially reserved a courtyard.

It is said that there are more than 10,000 scholars taking part in the provincial examination this time, but only about 100 will eventually become candidates. The odds of passing the examination are several hundred to one.

It sounds like a lot, but you must know that these talents are all selected from various levels of imperial examinations. A large number of scholars have been screened out before this, and the number of scholars in each province is at least hundreds of thousands.

Among hundreds of thousands of scholars, only a hundred scholars are born every three years. In the past three years, more scholars have been born. One can imagine how difficult it is to pass the exam.

Soon the exam began. Looking at the scholars taking the exam, Song Fulu found that he was also among the oldest.

The average life span of Leguo people is about fifty years old, and sixty years old is already rare. Many ordinary people's life span is only about forty years old, especially farmers. Because of year-round toil, they often do not even live to forty years old. arrive.

Therefore, Song Fulu's lifespan is considered relatively long. If he were left in a rural area, he would have been buried.

Counting all the scholars who took part in the provincial examinations, there were not many who were over thirty years old, less than ten who were over forty years old, and only one Song Fulu who was over fifty years old.

Compared with the college examinations, the provincial examinations are more stringent. The invigilators are specially appointed officials from above to ensure that there is no corruption.

If there is one, they will be beheaded on the spot, and even the family behind them will be affected. This shows that Leguo attaches great importance to the imperial examination.

The test paper was soon handed out. Song Fulu scanned it first and found that it was not difficult, so he started to do it.

In the next few days, Song Fulu stayed in the examination room. The test questions were not difficult and he could complete them easily. However, the room was too small and it was a bit depressing to stay there.

After finally finishing the exam, Song Fulu decided to relax and fulfill other wishes of the original owner.

Caiwen Pavilion is the largest, best and most upscale pavilion in Luoshui City. It is full of beauties and moves people's hearts. It is the hometown that countless literati in the entire Luoshui Province yearn for, and it is also very famous in the entire Le Kingdom.

The so-called beauties of Luoshui mainly refer to the beauties of Caiwen Pavilion.

It is said that this class of literary oirans is the best in the past century. When the results of the provincial examination are released, it will be the time for the oirans to come out of the cabinet.

Song Fulu's goal is to have Caiwen Pavilion, a talented and beautiful woman, and a famous person. If another masterpiece of the ages comes to the world, it will definitely fulfill the original owner's wish.

After letting the bookboy, maid, and old servant wait at the inn, Song Fulu came to Caiwen Pavilion alone.

"Master, you are here. Do you have any beauty you like? If not, can you choose in the front yard?" The madam came up with a smile. He was only in his twenties. It was the time when he was in his prime and the most mature. , but in this Caiwen Pavilion, I can only be a bustard.

Song Fulu said: "I'll take a look in the front yard. Ask someone to find a place for me."

"Okay, Xiangxiang, come here and take me to the front yard to take a seat." The madam called a young and beautiful girl over.

This girl has a charming appearance and charming eyes. She is not inferior to the second- and third-tier actresses in her previous life, and her quality is quite impressive.

Song Fulu followed her to the front yard. On the way, Xiangxiang said in a sweet voice: "Master, if you are tired of waiting in the front yard, you can order a slave's house. The slave's house is not expensive, only three taels of silver a night, and the slave's house plays the piano, flute and sits on the lotus..." Proficient in everything, I promise not to disappoint you."

Her soft words, gentle voice, and charming smile are actually quite moving.

In Leguo, one tael of silver is equal to one thousand copper plates, one copper plate is roughly equivalent to one dollar in the previous life, one thousand copper plates is equal to one thousand yuan, and three taels of silver is equal to three thousand yuan.

With Xiangxiang's quality and craftsmanship, three taels of silver for a night is not expensive. After all, this is the most high-end goulan in Luoshui Province.

"I know." Song Fulu nodded with a smile and came to an empty seat in the front yard to sit down.

Speaking of seats, there are actually fruit tea and snacks. The seats are also soft back chairs, which are quite comfortable to sit on. You can clearly see the stage in the front yard, where the gentry is performing songs and dances.

The movements are skillful, the posture is graceful, and the singing voice is voluptuous. Especially when the distance is very close, it looks unique. It is no less than the large-scale singing and dancing in the previous life, and the feeling is different.

Song Fulu had also seen some ancient song and dance performances in KTVs, restaurants, bars, etc. on the short video platform in his previous life, and they seemed quite decent.

But Song Fulu can say with certainty that compared with the songs and dances of Caiwen Pavilion, the so-called ancient songs and dances in the previous life are more than ten times worse.

This gap is not only reflected in dance skills, but also in the quality of women.

The girls who are qualified to perform on the stage in the front yard are all virgins who have never been married. They are no more than twenty years old. They are basically girls around eighteen years old. It is the time when they are young and lively. All have received professional training, and some have even started training when they were five or six years old.

Body posture, movements, singing voice... and some skills are all excellent, and they are all considered to be stunners.

In the previous life, every one of them could have become a sign in the club, worth tens of thousands of dollars a night, but here they are everywhere.

This is the most high-end gentle workshop in Luoshui Province, and it is also a holy place for the literati of Luoshui Province.

If there is a merchant you like, you can bid directly. After the merchant sees the price, he will choose the one that makes him fall in love. It does not mean that the one with the highest price wins. This is also the only opportunity for every merchant to make a free choice.

After you are no longer a servant, you must comply with the requirements of the madam and the guests and serve different guests.

Of course, if the banker's ability is sufficient, he can also make those poor people go against their will and succumb to the banker's ability.

Although Song Fulu is fifty-one years old, under the adjustment of the golden finger lock panel, he is tall, healthy and strong. He looks like he is only in his thirties. Only a few wrinkles on his face can reveal his age, but to outsiders, Come on, he's about forty years old at most.

Although this age is considered old in Caiwen Pavilion, it is not young. There are several guests around who are around forty years old, and their physical condition is far from that of Song Fulu.

Caiwen Pavilion is divided into three courtyards, the front courtyard, the middle courtyard and the backyard. It covers an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters and is divided into three floors. The total area is hundreds of thousands of square meters. You can imagine its area.

The front yard is mainly for performances and is also where the oiran competition is held. The middle yard is a room where guests can talk with girls and do whatever they want.

The backyard is the small courtyard where the oirans and the red cards live. Not to mention the oiran, each of the red card girls is stunning, and they each have their own special skills. Some are excellent at playing the piano, some are good at composing poems, and some are good at composing poems. Some have special bodies... and some even have the talent to lift people up.

For example, Zhao Jiajia, the literary oiran of this year, is not only stunningly beautiful, good at music, chess, calligraphy and painting, but also has great literary talent and is proficient in the Four Books and Five Classics. Even several Jinshi adults said that she has the talent to do the exams. It is a pity that she is a woman, otherwise she would definitely be able to do the exams in high school. .

It was precisely because of the praises of these Jinshi masters and Zhao Jiajia's extremely beautiful appearance that she was able to soar to the sky, surpassing all other beauties, and became the number one oiran in Luoshui. She became famous throughout the province and won the hearts of countless literati. Yearn for it.

On the day of leaving the cabinet three days later, Zhao Jiajia will perform.

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