I Want To Be Qin II

Chapter 372 I will fight for every inch of land in Great Qin!

Regarding Ying Gao, the officials didn't know what to say. After all, this is a monstrous young man, and this time they all got benefits. An appointment, at this moment, is deliberately avoiding some problems.

Ying Zheng could also see this, but he didn't care. After all, in the Great Qin, no one knew Ying Gao better than him. After all, this man didn't even want to be the crown prince.

With this in mind, Ying Zheng handed the silk book sent by Ying Gao to Wei Liao and the others, and said, "This is Ying Gao's arrangement, all dear ones, read it first, and then decide how to deal with this matter!"

"After all, my Daqin's basic national policy is to go east. In Xihai County and other places, we simply don't have the strength to develop further in a short period of time, but Ying Gao attaches great importance to this place!"

Regarding this matter, Ying Zheng was also a little emotional. For a while, he didn't know how to deal with this matter. After all, it was related to Ying Gao, and it was also related to the stability of Xihai County and Heyuan County.

He knew in his heart that in Heyuan County and Xihai County, there should be at least 150,000 troops left, otherwise, once the salt lake was produced, it would be impossible to keep it.

Under the guidance of interests, it must be an extremely crazy fight.

Not only is it necessary to win the hearts of Gao Gao and others, but also to ensure the stability of Heyuan County and Xihai County, so that they will not be captured by King Rongdi and King Dayuezhi.

After a while, Wang Jian bowed his hands to Yingzheng and said: "Young Master Gao's suggestion is feasible, but I think that the 100,000 troops stranded will not be able to fight against Rong Di and Dayue Clan. Not yet thoroughly trained into an army."

"Just in case, I thought that Li Xin and Wang Hu should be left to command 200,000 troops in Xihai County and Heyuan County, and the rest should return to Xianyang."

"Then send an effective minister to personally serve as the governor of Xihai County, and guard the west for our Daqin!"


Nodding his head, Ying Zheng went through it in his mind, and said to Wei Liao and Wang Wan, "Let Li Xin be the general, Meng Liao, and Wang Hu be the deputy generals, leaving 200,000 troops to sit in Xihai County."

"At the same time, Meng Yi will go to Xihai County to serve as the county guard, and Weichang Temple will serve as the county captain. The rest of the deployment will remain unchanged, according to Young Master Gao's decision!"


Nodding in agreement, the officials were all silent. They all knew that this matter was very important, and Ying Zheng's handling was very domineering. If all this is to be settled, Ying Gao's nod is needed.

As long as Ying Gao doesn't nod his head, all this is meaningless.

"Now we are discussing the establishment of a chamber of commerce and the mutual market with Rong Di and Da Yue Clan!"

Ying Zheng looked sharply at the ministers, and said, "Regarding this matter, you love ministers can say whatever you think of, and everything is for Daqin."


Everything is dominated by Daqin.

This is the bottom line of Daqin. As long as it acts according to this purpose, it can basically be recognized by Yingzheng. Therefore, Daqin's court meeting is very open-minded, and there is no need to worry about being held accountable afterwards.

This is the dominance and heart of an emperor through the ages.

"Your Majesty, since the reform of Lord Shang, our state of Qin has always managed all salt and iron, and it has never changed. If we trade with Rongdi and Da Yuezhi, it means that the Peacock Chamber of Commerce will come into contact with salt. operation."

The officials of the Economic Tenth Office looked at Yingzheng solemnly and said: "Besides, salt and weapons are strategic materials, which should be strictly controlled. Once they trade with Rong Di and Da Yuezhi, it is very likely that the Da Yuezhi and the Rong clan will be destroyed. Di's rise."

"And next, our state of Qin will devote itself to annexing the six countries and unifying the land of the Central Plains. It will take 20 to 30 years of struggle. If the Da Yuezhi and Rong Di rise, this will make the west of our state of Qin suffer all the time. Threatened, I think the risk of trading with Rongdi and Da Yuezhi is too great, which is not good for Daqin!"

Mutual market!

Out of consideration of national defense and economic interests, the imperial court has been restricting this kind of mutual market trade, and it is extremely strict. The law stipulates that the mutual market is only allowed under the supervision of the government,

That is, set up a number of mutual market supervisors at designated points on the border, so that Chinese and foreign businessmen can conduct barter mutual markets under their supervision, and prohibit Chinese and foreign businessmen from other forms of trade, and offenders will be punished.

At this moment, Ying Zheng, who had been reminded by Ying Gao, naturally knew this, but the rest of the officials didn't know it, so they contradicted the word "mutual market" from the bottom of their hearts.

Although the Qin State at this moment has less opinions on the Sifang Yidi than the Central Plains countries, but in order to draw closer to the Central Plains countries, demonstrate the orthodox qualifications of the Central Plains, and distinguish the difference between China and the Sifang Yidi, the ruling and opposition parties have a kind of pride. I look down upon it.

And at this moment, this contempt is directly obvious.

"This matter can be controlled. The government office of the Tingwei Mansion and the Economic Tenth Office can formulate laws on the mutual market, so that the mutual market is always under the supervision of Qin Law!"

"For this matter, I have only one meaning. Let alone the salt we lack in Xihai County, even if there is no land, the land that I, Daqin, would not be able to swallow will be handed over to others."

"Since Xiaogong, my Daqin has always only expanded its territory, but never discarded a little bit of land. As the current King of Qin, we must not draw lessons from the past."


Ying Zheng's attitude was very firm. No matter how he negotiated, he had already eaten in his mouth in Xihai County and Heyuan County, so he didn't plan to spit it out again. This is very important.

There is a saying that the lessons learned from the past are the teachers of the future.

He knew in his heart that some things would happen twice, or even countless times, and his Great Qin would fight for every inch of land.

"What the king said is true. The ministers also think that Heyuan County and Xihai County are already our Great Qin territory, and they can only be our Great Qin territory. Whoever dares to refuse to accept it will fight!"

At this moment, all the ministers expressed their opinions one after another. Because the Great Qin established the country with military force, and under the twentieth rank military title system, all officials, whether civil or military, were extremely thirsty for land.

Faced with Ying Zheng's statement, the ministers expressed their attitudes one after another.

At this moment, all the people in the Great Qin Dynasty were united as one, and they reached a complete consensus on the land. Now, there is only one thing left, and that is the decision on the mutual market.

"Your Majesty, the mutual market is not impossible, but this is not only the participation of the Peacock Chamber of Commerce, but also the participation of the Economic and Tenth Office, and the supervision of officials in the official office of the Tingwei Mansion. On top of this, the imperial court must do To strictly control, otherwise this will be a severe impact on Qin Fa."

At this moment, Wang Wan also spoke. He knew in his heart that Ying Zheng had already made a decision in his heart, and now what they were thinking about was how to handle this matter perfectly.

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