Chapter 343: The embarrassing group of four. (1 more request for customization)

Since the rainy season is coming, the sun in the sky is not so hot anymore. Of course, it is not not hot at all.

If you continue to bask in the sun without any shade, it will make you very uncomfortable within an hour.

"Tap tap tap......"

At this moment, there were sounds of trampling on branches and the sound of walking through the bushes in the forest.

Under the shadow of the trees, they are Kai, Luo and others from the Giant Bear Tribe. This is the eighth day of their departure.

But unfortunately, there were originally six of them, but now there are only four left, and the other two unfortunately died on the road.

Because of the appearance of the ferocious beast, it was understood that although the other two people were also good in skills, they were not totem warriors after all.

The remaining four people, Kai, Luo, Lan and Li, escaped, looking embarrassed, they were now desperate in the forest.

"If you persist a little longer, you might be able to see the tribe."Li said while suppressing the fatigue.

Her long red hair was covered with leaves and resin, and her pretty face was also dirty. She no longer looked as pretty as before, and she only looked embarrassed.

At this moment , She is also very tired. Although she is the strongest among the four, she is not a totem warrior after all. She has been out for such a long time and encounters ferocious beasts frequently. She is already very powerful if she can persist until now.

"Sister Ali, we wouldn’t have come if we had known earlier."Lan Ye looks very tired.

The black bruises under his blue eyes tell it all. Even though he has short hair, it looks messy. The round face is also covered with resin. He originally had single eyelids, but now he looks like Even more lethargic

"You’ve come here, isn’t this an experience? Li glanced around and continued:"The chief chose us, which means that our strength is not bad, so we should be happy.""

Her ideas are still so clear and she can always find some reasonable reasons to convince everyone.

"That's what it is said, but we have been out for such a long time and still haven't found the tribe." Lan sighed.

She was originally full of energy and now she is a little depressed, and she no longer scolds Luo. In the beginning, she always mustered up the strength to scold him, but now she is too busy taking care of herself and has no time to respond. The other party.

In fact, it’s not that they didn’t encounter tribes on the way. They met a small tribe with only more than ten or twenty people.

That can’t be considered a tribe. The rainy season is coming, and the other party is not prepared for anything. It seems that Not far from destruction

"Keep working hard, I have a feeling we will find the tribe soon."Kai encouraged.

Although he encouraged others, he had no confidence in his heart, and the fatigue on his face was even more obvious.

All of them had lost a lot of weight visibly, and it is estimated that they will never be able to do it again after this time. Will he come out to practice?

"I really want to eat meat and have a good sleep. I am so tired."Luo's originally round cheeks were also sunken a lot.

He was originally chubby, but now he looks a lot thinner, and he walks very slowly.

Kai put his hand on the other person's shoulder and said feebly:" We'll be there soon, just keep holding on"

"Do you have the confidence to say this? I see you have no confidence."Luo Tan held his belly with his hands.

It was still a little small at first, but now it looks much deflated.

He originally believed in the other party, but the way the other party led was really bad.

Until now, He hasn't found a suitable tribe and has been sleeping outside for so many days in a row. His mentality has long since collapsed.

What's more, all he wants is a good night's sleep and a full meal, but now he has failed to do either. It’s inevitable that I feel very unhappy.

"We can't let you lead the way this time, otherwise we won't be able to find a tribe to take shelter in when the rainy season arrives." Lan said seriously.

Originally, everyone planned to go back to the tribe before the rainy season. Now, not only can't they go back, but they may not be able to find a place to hide when the rainy season comes.

When the rainy season comes, the forest also It's very dangerous. There may be man-eating land, man-eating trees, etc.

In short, during the rainy season, don't run into the depths of the forest easily, unless you are desperate.

So even if you can't go back to the tribe, , we must quickly find a tribe that can escape the rainy season, otherwise there will be only a dead end.

"Are you all blaming me now? Why didn't you lead the way in the beginning?"Kai is also a little angry.

He used to have a good temper, but because of this predicament now, everyone is impatient.

And everyone is a little at a loss. At this moment, a little thing can become a trigger

"I'm not blaming you, I'm just looking for a more suitable path."Li raised her hand and pressed it.

If she hadn't been the oldest among the four and thought more, they might have quarreled long ago.

She has also been suppressing her irritable mood and trying her best to Adjust well and keep walking with hope, otherwise you will just continue to be trapped in the forest.

"We have already complained about you, so why wait until now? Wasting so many days?"Lan is not a good-tempered person.

Luo took a deep breath and said,"I don't care who of you leads the way. I want to have a good sleep. Can we find the tribe quickly?"

"Stop talking and just follow me quietly."Li Yang shouted, and if they didn't stop it, they would start arguing again. It was the first time that Kai and the others saw each other speaking loudly. They all closed their mouths and stood quietly beside them. The silence was terrifying for a while. The four of them looked at each other speechless, and the air seemed to have condensed.

If it weren't for the sounds of insects and beasts around, or the rustle of leaves being blown by the wind, it would have felt like someone had pressed the pause button..

Li sighed, blinked her red eyes, and said:"Come with me, stop talking now, save some strength"

"Um."The other three people just responded softly.

"Tap tap tap......"

"swish swish......"

The four people suddenly became silent and just continued to move forward in the forest quietly.

Li lowered her head and observed the changes in the soil and the surrounding environment, trying to see if anyone was alive nearby from these details.

The same goes for other people, they are not idle, they are also looking around, trying to see if anyone is passing by or something like that.

"Look, is this a footprint?"Lan suddenly waved and shouted.

She found that there was a footprint in front of her, but it was only half of it, so she wasn't very sure..........................................

"Please update for support and customization."

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