Chapter 346: It seems interesting. (4 more please customize)

"Tap tap tap......"

Under the leadership of Qingyan, the four Lis began to walk into the tribe. As soon as they entered the tribe, they saw many people.

This is what happens every time in the Yanlong tribe, as long as someone leaves the tribe for a period of time.

Whether you go hunting or go to the Spotted Deer Tribe to exchange things, there will definitely be someone from the tribe to welcome you when you come back.

Of course, although this kind of welcome does not mean holding a ceremony, it is still looking forward to their return.

Because Qingyan and the others brought back so much dried meat this time, everyone in the tribe was shocked.

Everyone was staring straight at the dried meat, and some were even swallowing silently.

"These are the people of our tribe, we are the Yanlong tribe."Qingyan said first

"Yanlong tribe?"Li nodded thoughtfully.

"have you heard of it? Qingyan asked.

Li shook her head without hesitation and said,"No, this is the first time we have heard of it.""

"You two wait here while I go to see the witch and tell the witch about your situation."Qing Yan said

"good!"Li nodded and said with the other three people.

Qingyan put down the dried meat on his body. Someone will do the next work. He walked straight towards Wu's wooden house.

"Tap tap tap......"

Qingyan came to the wooden house and walked in after getting permission. He said respectfully:"Wu, I'm back. How are you recently?"

Su Bai put down the book in his hand, nodded and said:"I'm fine this time. Thank you for your hard work"

"This time we brought back a lot of dried meat, twice as much as last time, all thanks to Wu’s porcelain." Qingyan was very happy when he said this.

The image of those people snatching porcelain suddenly appeared in his mind, and he felt very happy. You must know that in the past, when people from the Yanlong tribe went to Spotted Deer Market, they were either not treated well, or they were harassed. Maybe they were robbed.

Even the amount of dried meat they got back was pitifully small, but now? It has become the center of attention.

"Do it well so there is more jerky for the tribe."Su Bai nodded with satisfaction.

Although he knew that those porcelains could be exchanged for some dried meat, he didn't expect them to be so popular. You must know that in primitive times, everyone was pursuing fullness and had no intention to look at porcelains.

But now porcelain has become a hot thing, which shows that in this primitive era, the life of large tribes is far beyond his imagination.

Since the first time porcelain became popular, Su Bai learned that most of them were They were replaced by people from some large tribes.

From this, we know that the large tribes are not short of dried meat and have even begun to pursue a better life.

This can be seen from their willingness to spend two bags of dried meat in exchange for one piece of porcelain. After coming out, Su Bai couldn't help but have a better idea in his heart.

However, this idea will have to wait until the next spring, and it will definitely not be considered now.

"Yes, porcelain is really more popular than linen."Qingyan said with a smile.

I thought that linen would be the most popular thing, but I didn't expect that it would be covered by porcelain.

"Except for the dried meat, have you replaced everything else?"Su Bai asked.

What he was talking about was salt and the materials for making witch dominoes. Recently, the materials for making witch dominoes have been exhausted.

"All the materials for making witch dominoes were replaced. This time, they were doubled. As for the salt,.......Less than last time."Blue eyes. Why?"

Su Bai gritted his teeth and thought, and said,"It seems that we have to be self-sufficient in salt, otherwise sooner or later we will have no salt to eat.""

Judging from the current situation of the Spotted Deer Tribe, I'm afraid there won't even be any salt in the future.

"Wu, what should we do now? Can we produce our own salt?"Qingyan asked curiously

"Of course you can, but there's nothing you can do about it for the time being, but it will definitely be possible in the future."Su Bai said firmly.

To make salt, you must know where the sea or salt mines are. Otherwise, you will not be able to make salt. But now that the rainy season is coming, it would be a bit awkward for people to go to the sea to find salt mines. Reality, so everything has to wait until after the rainy season

"I see. Qingyan nodded and continued:"Witch, there are four children in the tribe now. They say they are from the big tribe.""

"Child? From the big tribe?"Su Bai's thick eyebrows raised slightly

"Yes, they said they came out to practice, but because they couldn't find the direction and got lost, they met us, so they want to see you."Qing Yan said

"They want to see me? why the need to see me?"Su Bai found it quite interesting.

"They said they wanted to spend the rainy season with our tribe, and if possible, would give us lots of dried meat in return." Qing Yan wanted to laugh as he said that.

The corners of Su Bai's mouth also rose and asked,"Did they say anything else?"

"He also said that if we are short of dried meat, if our tribe has good things, we can exchange them with them."Qing Yan continued.

"oh? Did those kids really say that?"Su Bai was a little surprised.

"Yes, he seems very confident and not lying." Qingyan said seriously.

Su Bai nodded thoughtfully and said," Arrange a place for them to live, and I will disappear."

"The witch doesn't see them?"Qingyan said doubtfully.

"Well, there is still a long time before the rainy season ends, so we will talk about it then."Su Bai nodded lightly and said

"I see." Qingyan nodded and said

"Just give them three meals normally, and don't treat them badly. After all, they are children of a large tribe, and they may not be able to help in the future."Su Bai added

"I understand."Qing Yan turned around and left the wooden house.

"Tap tap tap......"

Su Bai picked up the water glass, took a sip of water, and murmured to himself:"Is it a big tribe? Interesting".........................................

"Fourth update, please support and customize."

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