I Was Once a Legend

Chapter 237: ○

Dong Zheng: "Go official, it's safer and faster. If we pay close attention, we might catch evil spirits without using the village."

Ren Heming agreed with his suggestion. The two walked up to the official road on the right. The road was clear and unobstructed. There were no weeds. The weeds and bushes next to it were lush. The wind blew the forest tips and made a rustling sound. .

Before Dong Zheng's uneasy feeling because of encountering a cave, he gradually recovered. He recalled what the businessmen said, and estimated how many of them were true and false, and how much they would have to do with the task they wanted to complete.

After two hours of walking, the sun has fallen to the west. Unlike the scorching noon, the light of the setting sun burned most of the sky. Dong Zheng heard the sound of gurgling water in front of him. Sure enough, he turned to the hill in front. Beside the official road, a stream flows.

There was a string of small footprints on the bank of the stream. It seemed to belong to a little girl. The footprints went from the dirt road beside the official road to the stream, and finally disappeared. Looking from the direction, the girl walked into the stream.

Ren Heming stopped the horse. He looked at the other end of the stream, still a continuous mountain, and looked at the small footprints again, frowning.

"Footprints are very fresh, obviously they were left not long ago." Dong Zheng came to him and whispered.

Ren Heming took out the rune paper to determine the position of the evil spirit again, and the falling paper dust pointed to the other side of the stream, that is, the direction of the girl’s footprints.

"It went over there." Ren Heming dismounted, he took the reins and said to Dong Zheng, "Get ready to cross the river."

Dong Zheng dismounted to the stream, he crouched down and checked the series of footprints, according to the size should belong to a thin child less than ten years old. But such a big child—Dong Zheng looked towards the rushing creek that was deep in his thighs—can he pass through such deep water?

Ren Heming led the horse, one foot first stepped into the water, the stream was probably produced by the melting snow in the mountains, it was extremely cold and even biting, the sole of the foot stepped on the smooth rocky beach, Ren Heming took a step carefully, without looking back Dong Zheng shouted: "Be careful! The river bottom is too slippery!"

The horse followed him with a rein. Perhaps the water was too cold and too deep. The brown horses were reluctant to go into the water at first. After being drunk a few times by Ren Heming, they flung their tails and followed behind obediently.

The horseshoes were very slippery on the rocky beach. Ren Heming kept his balance while paying attention to the hard work of the horse. The rushing of the river made it difficult to control the direction.

Ren Heming walked to the middle of the stream, which was the deepest and most urgent place in the water. He took a deep breath and took great care every step of falling. Dong Zheng was waiting on the shore, seeing Ren Heming's body shaking in the water, he couldn't help but He pinched sweat.

However, at this moment, there seemed to be something that they could not see suddenly passed by, and the horse behind Ren Heming was suddenly frightened, and when he lifted his front hooves suddenly, he would turn around and run away. No one expected that such a situation would happen. Ren Heming was concentrating on his feet physically and mentally. He was dragged by the force from the reins in his hands. He was shaken violently with an unstable figure, and his feet slipped while losing his balance. The sound of the whole person fell into the water.


Dong Zheng shouted that the water that did not reach the thighs would drown a person who was thrown down in the stream. Ren Heming was washed away by the rushing stream five or six meters away, and the horse finally failed to stabilize The figure fell into the water, whimpering, and was washed away behind Ren Heming.

Ren Heming's posture of falling into the water is not very good. He thumped twice but the bottom of the river was too smooth and could not stand. He could only struggle to get his head out of the water. According to his fluttering posture, Dong Zheng saw that he was not water-based It's good.

Ren Heming floated up and down in the water. At the moment when his head was above the water, he tried to turn his head to look at Dong Zheng and shouted, "Lao Qi!"

"Maintain balance! Don't be so fast!" Dong Zheng shouted at him, and Ren Heming had reached ten meters away in just a few breaths. At this critical moment, Dong Zheng decided:

△Land chase → Jump to chapter 242

○Catch-up → Jump to Chapter 243

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