Wu Chen was completely stunned.

Why is Mu Qianqian still in her room? That’s impossible! For a thousand years, 365,000 days and nights, Wu Chen had also had reluctance towards women, but whenever he woke up again, the pillow was empty.

He had long been accustomed to waking up alone.

“Hmph! Pierced by me, right? Can’t even say it, big liar! Mu Qianqian held a baseball bat with a super fierce look.

Fierceness does not make people afraid, because Mu Qianqian’s true appearance is very cute!

After removing her heavy makeup, she is a childlike face, which is commonly known as a baby face, with big eyes, a high nose, some baby fat on her cheeks, and very white skin.


Wu Chen suddenly turned over, jumped to the ground, and ran to the bathroom.

“Don’t run!” Mu Qianqian thought that Wu Chen was going to the bathroom to hide, and she was going to chase when she got up, but she was about to stand up, so she said “oh” and sat back.

It hurts a little.

Wu Chen ran into the bathroom, his clothes were in the bathroom, yesterday he carried Mu Qianqian in, and then held Mu Qianqian out, in the process, both of their clothes were left in the bathroom.

Quickly pull out your phone from your coat.

Wu Chen’s home does not have an alarm clock, in modern society, the family will take the initiative to buy fewer watches, buying is also decoration, looking at the time is more to look at the mobile phone.

“It’s July 8th… July 8th, hahahahaha, July 8th…” Looking at the time, Wu Chen laughed, laughed, laughed tears, he smashed the wall with his hands, constantly laughing, almost crazy.

Mobile phone time display: July 8, 7:03 a.m.

Time is finally starting to pass!

It’s been a thousand years!

Wu Chen even had a feeling of getting out of the “cage” and regaining his freedom.

No one knows how he survived this thousand years.

It will be reset every day, which means that Wu Chen has an endless lifespan, he is not afraid of injury, he is not afraid of death, and he can do any world.

However, because every day is repeated, although Wu Chen can do different things and meet different people, except for the memory can be retained, everything else will start again and return to the original point.

He can’t make any connections, can’t fall in love with women, at most just sleep, and his daily communication will not have any continuation, he can only start all over again.

Wu Chen once felt that he was a lucky man, he went to drive cars, robbed banks, became a city hero, went to kill, wantonly destroyed official duties, provoked some big people, acted recklessly, lawless!

Don’t think about the consequences, because there are no consequences.

He thought he would be happy, but soon, he got tired.

Nothing he did would continue, he gradually did not feel the slightest achievement and cheerfulness, and he began to doubt the meaning of his life, which seemed meaningless.

He can do anything, there are no taboos, but in fact, he can’t do anything, nothing can affect, because it will reset, and whatever he has done, will be reset!

The people he killed will still appear in front of him the next day.

The skyscrapers he graffiti will be as clean as new the next day.

The woman he slept with did not know him the next day.

He prevented the robbery from happening, which still happened the next day.

The people he helped still needed help the next day.

He has endless time to repeatedly explore the secrets of this city and anyone in the world in different ways, and he can also go to great lengths to make friends with anyone, and he will succeed.

But the result?

No result!

He’s tired of it! For a while, I was depressed!

He felt like a lonely soul wild ghost wandering outside the three realms, not in the five elements, he didn’t know his existence, what was the point?

Or value?

Ordinary people’s life is only a hundred years in a hurry, but they have to experience birth, old age, illness and death, sorrow and joy, there will be times when there is a mood, and there are also difficult and sad moments, this is life!

The mother’s smile when she learned that her son had achieved success in her career, the photo taken with her new wife on her honeymoon, the anxiety when waiting for her daughter to be born outside the delivery room, the dying old man and his wife strolling under the dusk full of fallen leaves, reminiscing about the past… These are all life!

This is a life that everyone will have, but Wu Chen will never get it.

If he simply has an endless lifespan, then he will not be depressed, he can live forever, he can change the world all the time, he will gain a sense of accomplishment, there will be friends, there will be lovers, and his life is valuable.

But Wu Chen does not have an endless lifespan, he is immortal in disguise because time will be reset.

He had attempted suicide.

Hundreds of ways to try, take poison, lie on the rails, jump off buildings, cut wrists, burn, get into the oil pot… Each time he would fall into endless darkness after experiencing pain.

After that he will wake up again and go back to 7 a.m. on July 7, 2020!

Everyone is afraid of death, but Wu Chen can’t die if he wants to.

Wu Chen was afraid that he would go crazy, and he wanted to go crazy because if he was crazy, there would be no pain.

Fortunately, Wu Chen finally figured it out.

He understands that although he will not have the slightest impact on the world, he cannot change anything, everything will be reset, but his memories will be preserved.

So he can change himself.

Although it still doesn’t make much sense, Wu Chen has still learned hundreds of languages, mastered all mainstream musical instruments, practiced martial arts, car skills, gunfighting, cooking, dance, performance…

His hacking skills, top in the world!

The Picasso paintings he copied are enough to fake the real thing!

His beauty and hairdressing skills are comparable to Mr. Tony!

He spent thousands of years cultivating himself into an all-rounder.

In fact, he is still afraid in his heart, he is afraid that one day, he will finish everything he can learn, and he will fall into a state where he does not know what to do and doubts the meaning of his life.

Although learning is endless, but limited by one day will reset, Wu Chen wants to do a complex experiment, so he can’t further seek knowledge, he can’t learn everything at all.



He survived!

Today, he has finally escaped from the time and space of infinite reincarnation!

“Hahahaha, I’m out! Hahahaha! World! I’m coming!! Wu Chen laughed wildly, and he said the words of the middle and second qi, but it was a cry from the deepest part of his heart.

“Ding! The host has passed the thousand-year test, the space-time reincarnation system has been turned on, bind the host! ”

“Ding! Remind the host that the space-time reincarnation system is fully activated, and the host can choose to lock and reset the current date, the first lock reset on the same day will consume 1 point of space-time credit, the second lock reset on the same day will consume 2 points of space-time credit, the three lock resets on the same day will consume 4 points of space-time credit, and so on. ”

“Ding! The current host has a space-time quota of 365,000 points. ”

An ethereal voice suddenly appeared in Wu Chen’s mind, and before he could react, a data picture appeared in front of him.

[System Host]: Wu Chen (eternal binding).

[Basic Attributes]: Strength 7, Speed 9, Endurance 8, Spirit 10158.

[Space-Time Reset]: Can be used (current usage consumption 1).

[Time and Space Quota]: 365,000 points.

[Host ability]: French LV9, English LV9, piano LV9, fighting LV9, gunplay LV9, fighting LV9… (1354 items in total, expandable query).

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