The sudden change made everyone a little confused, the bodyguards outside the door were very nervous, if Li Ruobing had an accident, they would all have to be thrown into the river to feed the fish.

However, it seems that Wu Chen is not rushing at Li Ruobing, but threatening Assistant Feng Yan with a gun, so they didn’t shoot right away.

Li Ruobing, after being suddenly frightened, raised his hand and signaled to the door.

“Me! Not me! Boss, I’m wronged ah boss! Feng Yan didn’t know Wu Chen’s identity, thinking that it was Li Ruobing’s meaning, and directly began to beg Li Ruobing for mercy.

Even the person who shouted from Li Ruobing, he thought it was rushing him!

His head was pressed against the table, and he couldn’t see who the muzzle of the gun was pointed at at the door.

“You were wronged?! When death is imminent, you dare to say that you are wronged? Wu Chen looked super angry, “How do you explain the $5 million in your Swiss bank?” ”

“What? What 5 million, what? What are you talking about, I don’t know, it’s not mine…” Feng Yan still wanted to quibble.


Wu Chen smashed the back of his head again, and then his other hand probed on him and touched his mobile phone.

Take Feng Yan’s hand and unlock the phone.

“Look, look, I don’t have anything on my phone…” shouted Feng Yan.

Wu Chen didn’t look at anything, he directly entered a series of numbers, and dialed it with the number 2 card!

Ding Ruilong’s private number will not be stored in the mobile phone, Feng Yan has already memorized the number, and the record will be deleted after each call, and his No. 2 card cannot be found in the mobile company.

But unfortunately, Wu Chen also happened to know Ding Ruilong’s private number.

After dialing, Wu Chen opened the outside and put the mobile phone on the table.

After a few beeps, the phone was connected.

“Got the information?” An eager voice came from the phone.

Wu Chen raised his hand and pressed it, and hung up directly.

He also took the pistol, put it on the table, and slid in the direction of Li Ruobing, and the pistol slid to the side of the table and just stopped.

Wu Chen straightened his sleeves and neckline, then walked back to the sofa and sat down, lifted Erlang’s legs, and was calm.

Li Ruobing’s face was expressionless, and he looked at Feng Yan with a cold face.

She stepped forward and picked up the pistol, fiddling with it in her hand, as if to check if there was any problem, and at the same time said faintly without raising her head: “You are also an old man of the Li family, you have followed my father for ten years, and followed me for four years.” ”

“You’ve made a lot of benefits over the years, both openly and secretly, I know, but for the sake of your loyalty, even if you are loyal, $5 million is worth your betray of me, right?”

After Li Ruobing finished speaking, he looked up at Feng Yan.

The bodyguards outside the door seemed to understand the situation, all put away their guns, and closed the door, and one bodyguard ran to the staircase, temporarily blocking the entire floor.


Feng Yan knelt down, trembling and crying bitterly.

“Miss, I… I…… No…… I…… I’m also being forced…”

“So, really you’ve been betraying me? I said how could it be so coincidental, several business trips, I would meet Ding Ruilong by chance, and the last advertising endorsement, how did it suddenly change…” Li Ruobing’s eyes were murderous.

“Miss, I… I’m not for the money…”

“You confiscated Ding Ruilong’s money?”

“Receive, yes! But! But! It’s Madame! It’s Madame! Feng Yan knelt down, sweating profusely in fear, and his back was full of blood.

Li Ruobing’s face changed.

Madame, referring to her mother.

The Li family wanted Li Ruobing to marry Ding Ruilong, but when setting up the gambling contract, there was an agreement, if Li Ruobing found out and the Li family deliberately helped Ding Ruilong, then Ding Ruilong lost.

So…… If it was really ordered by Madame, then Ding Ruilong would have lost directly.


If you want to come to Li Ruobing to ask, the family will not admit it! It is impossible to admit it!

This is very inexplicable.

“Miss, I’m also embarrassed, I can’t help it, I didn’t mean to harm you, I didn’t mean to harm you, I am loyal to the Li family…”

The murderous aura in Li Ruobing’s eyes receded, and his eyes gradually became complicated.

If it was really his mother who let Feng Yan do this, then Feng Yan was really a little helpless.

“He lied.” Wu Chen, who was sitting on the sofa, suddenly spoke, he was looking at his nails, and he didn’t look over there, but he said one after another, “It’s Ding Ruilong, your mother actually doesn’t want you to marry Ding Ruilong, she doesn’t want you to become a victim of the marriage of a big family, but she has also been pressured from her mother’s family, and your grandfather gave her pressure.” ”

“Putting the blame on your mother was Ding Ruilong’s idea, Ding Ruilong promised this traitor that after the matter was completed, he would transfer a company to him, not only 5 million US dollars, if discovered, the same, Ding Ruilong would give a company…”

“Ding Ruilong knows that you can not give face to anyone at home, even the old man dares to scold, only if you have always favored your mother, you can’t let go.”

“In fact, Feng Yan originally did not dare to be a traitor, he knew your temper, it was Ding Ruilong who said, if it is discovered, it can be said that your mother let it, your mother will definitely not admit it, but this will make you feel that your mother does not admit it, because of the gambling regulations, you will mistakenly think that Feng Yan is really arranged by your mother to betray.”

“You! You fart! You spew blood! Who are you? Mess with stuff, where did you get it? Feng Yan completely gaffed and cursed at Wu Chen.

Because what Wu Chen said is true.

The reason why he can know such a secret is because he often tortured to extract confessions in order to know some secrets during the thousand-year reincarnation.

Reset every day without consequences.

Wu Chen kidnapped Feng Yan early in the morning of July 7, cut off his fingers piece by piece, and tortured him to learn a lot of insider things.

Wu Chen also flew for several hours, arrived in Nanguang at noon, and went directly to kidnap Ding Ruilong.

tortured Ding Ruilong to extract a confession, and finally killed him!

Therefore, there is no secret that Wu Chen does not know!

“If I’m telling a lie, why are you so excited?” Wu Chen looked at Feng Yan and said lightly, “Moreover, do you think that if Boss Li calls Ding Ruilong now, questions this matter, and repeats what I just said, do you guess Ding Ruilong will protect you?” ”

“Protect you, he has to give you a company, if you don’t protect you, what does it have to do with him when you die?” You say yes? ”

Wu Chen’s words made Feng Yan fall into extreme fear.

“Being a man, greed is right, you can’t blame others without brains.” Wu Chen finally said.

Feng Yan’s defense line exploded directly.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

“Miss, I know it’s wrong, Miss! Miss! Feng Yan began to kowtow and bleed.

Li Ruobing slowly sat down, put the gun on the table, and said, “Tell me, what have you done for Ding Ruilong all these years?” ”

Feng Yan explained it all.

It is nothing more than monitoring Li Ruobing’s itinerary, stealing company information, and hindering the company’s development.

After listening to everything Feng Yan said, Li Ruobing was already calm.

“You go, I don’t want to see you again.” Li Ruobing said.

“Thank you Miss, thank you Miss!” Feng Yan kowtowed excitedly, got up and ran outside, stumbled open the door and went out.

After Li Ruobing went out, he picked up his mobile phone and made a call, and said a sentence: “Feng Yan, do it clean.” ”

Hanging up and throwing the phone on the table, Li Ruobing took off the gold wire glasses and rubbed the glasses, looking a little tired.

In fact, she is very tired of living.

“Ten million, when will it be credited to my account?” Wu Chen’s voice came.

Li Ruobing looked up at Wu Chen, and at this moment she looked at Wu Chen’s gaze, which was very subtle.

In fact, she is not short-sighted, and the gold wire glasses are flat mirrors, and she can see clearly when she takes them off.

“Did I promise to give it to you?” Li Ruobing said quietly.

Wu Chen spread out his hands, looking casual.

“Huh!” Li Ruobing sneered, she picked up her mobile phone and swiped back and forth for a while.

Jingle bells!

Wu Chen’s mobile phone rang.

He picked up his mobile phone and looked, the bank text message, arrived 20 million!

Li Ruobing had investigated Wu Chen before, so there was no need to ask Wu Chen’s bank card number, Wu Chen’s information was on the table.

“You give too much.” Wu Chen put away his mobile phone and looked up.

“What’s going on with my brother?” Li Ruobing asked directly.

Wu Chen smiled and did not say.

“You lied to me?” Li Ruobing’s tone was very light.

“I know what you’re thinking now, you trust me to have some intelligence, but you still doubt me, you think I’m in exchange for your trust, even, you suspect that I was sent by Ding Ruilong, deliberately abandoning Feng Yan to act with you, right?” Wu Chen said with a smile, “So, I guess after I tell you about your brother’s situation, you will shoot me, right?” ”

Li Ruobing looked at Wu Chen silently.

“So, in order to dispel your doubts, I don’t mind being your fourth fake boyfriend, you know that Ding Ruilong cares most about this, he doesn’t want to cuckold, even if it’s a fake, how about it, think about it?” Wu Chen kept smiling.

“…… Why? Aren’t you afraid of death? Li Ruobing was silent for a moment before saying.

“If people go high and get involved with you, my life will be interesting, won’t it?” Wu Chen smiled brightly.

Li Ruobing looked at Wu Chen, and the corners of his mouth gradually turned up.

She actually smiled.

“I’m starting to like you a little.” Li Ruobing said with a smile.

What she said is true, because she likes greedy people, people have no desire and no desire is the most terrible, greedy people, it means that there are weaknesses and can be controlled!

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