[Brain bugs: bad choices and decisions.] 】

[In general, the closer we get to conscious decisions, such as how to spend money, how to allocate time, and other relatively recent products in evolutionary history, the worse we behave. 】

[For example, for a rational mind, 25 yuan is 25 yuan, but we may buy an alarm clock to save 25 yuan and run an extra street, if we buy a mobile phone, almost no one wants to do it.] 】

[Because our ancestral brains are familiar with the "barter" model, where value is measured by relative values. 】

[Also, the confrontation between immediate and long-term interests, the contradiction between logic and emotion, is always staged, just because the frontal lobes of our brain are fighting against the ancient tendency of the ancestral system to "live in the moment". 】

[False happiness of brain bugs.] 】

[The nervous system, which controls happiness, is divided into two parts, like the rest of the brain.] 】

[Part of our happiness comes from the system of careful thinking, such as the sense of accomplishment that comes from completing the work with quality and quantity, but most of the source of happiness is the ancestral reflex system.] 】

[The reflex system is extremely short-sighted, so "delayed gratification" is a difficult thing, and we are often led by the nose by short-term excitement, which is contrary to true happiness. 】


Looking at the brain bugs introduced in the giant screen in the sky.

Many of the ancients of all dynasties were shocked.

They didn't expect the human brain to be so complex.


Thinking of the rest of the human body bugs they have seen, many ancients can't help but sigh in their hearts about the difficulties of human evolution step by step.

In the emotion of these ancients in the past dynasties.

This video ends.


High in the sky.

New videos appear.

[Go deep into Miao Jiang and reveal the truth about witch Gu!]

Looking at the title of this video, many emperors of all dynasties were instantly shocked:

"Witch Gu!"

In the "760" Society of Ancient China, witchcraft, as one of the many witchcraft, has always been the target of severe crackdowns by the rulers of major dynasties.

Since the Western Zhou Dynasty, there have been legal provisions for the punishment of witches.

By the time of the Han Dynasty, the law of witchcraft was initially established, and "witchcraft" became one of the many criminal acts of "undoing".

For example, in the Han Dynasty, there was such a rule: those who release Gu people and fatwa will abandon the market, and their wives will be witches and clans."

However, the constraints of these laws exclude the privileges of the emperor, and there is no such thing as the Son of Heaven committing the same crime as the common people, and the magic of witchcraft is still a good medicine for the feudal emperor to pray for a long life.

In short, the double-standard attitude of the feudal emperors towards the matter of witchcraft proves that all dynasties believe in and attach importance to the matter of witchcraft.

Or to put it another way: fear!

Witchcraft and witchcraft, this power that originates from the idea of the gods and carries a strong mystic unknown color.

Even in modern society, where basic scientific knowledge is popularized, there are still many people who believe in it and are full of fear, not to mention the ancients who were relatively backward in cognition.

One of the important reasons why many rulers of the past dynasties punished witchcraft harshly was naturally because they believed that this was indeed true, and that if someone used such methods against them, it could really harm them.

Correspondingly, many emperors have tried to use witchcraft to pursue immortality, which is also proving this.


At this moment, I saw the video in the giant screen in the sky, and the next thing was to reveal the truth about the witch Gu.

Not only the many emperors of the past dynasties were interested, but also the common people of countless dynasties and dynasties were equally concerned.

They all wanted to know what future generations would think of the doctrine of witchcraft.


Many eyes are focused on the giant screen in the sky.


[Every time we see the beauty of Miao Jiang and hear the "Legend of Gu Magic", we will always have some strange fantasies about the profession of "Gu Girl". 】

[For example, they think that they have secret arts, are invincible to all poisons, and can even control the minds of others, etc.] 】


"You can also take people's lives thousands of miles away!"

Many ancients in the past dynasties thought of it in their hearts.

This is the most feared "witchcraft" ability in the hearts of the ancients, and there is no one.


[What is the truth of Gu art?]

[Is the Gu girl really so powerful?]

[Today, let's talk about the truth about witchcraft.] 】


The ancients, including the emperors, looked more and more focused.

The next feature film content is the focus of their attention.


[It is said that there is a very mysterious Gu technique in the Miaojiang region, and every time I hear a legend about Xiangxi, it almost always starts like this. 】

[But in fact, the so-called witch Gu is not as mysterious as we imagined. 】

[Witch Gu not only exists in Miaojiang, nor only in Huaxia, there is the smell of witch Gu almost everywhere in the world. 】

[Early human beings would think that this was a kind of witchcraft when faced with various unexplained phenomena, so the concept of "witch" was derived. 】

[In China, the earliest definite record of witchcraft is in the "Zuo Chuan". 】

["The Eleventh Year of the Hidden Gong of Zuo Chuan" once said: "Uncle Zheng made the pawn out of the pig, and the dog and chicken were cursed to shoot Uncle Ying. "。 】

[This is mainly said that when Zheng Zhuang Gong was crusading against Xu Guo, the minister Yingkao Uncle was shot to death by his own doctor, Gongsun Yan, with a hidden arrow. After the end of the war, in order to punish the murderer who shot Uncle Yingkao, Zheng Bo ordered the army to send out boars, dogs, and chickens, and cursed and shot him. 】

[As the king of a country, Zheng Zhuang Gong also used the so-called witchcraft technique, which shows that people believed in witchcraft at that time. 】

Barrage flying:

"Qin Guo has also done this. "

"Reply-it can't be Brother Zheng's doing, right?"

"Reply - that's not it, it was done by King Qin Hui, when Qin and Chu were fiercely competing for hegemony, he performed a witch ritual and prayed to the gods, praying to the gods to bless the Qin state with victory and curse the defeat of the Chu state. "

"The reply - the prayer is called "Cursed Chu Wen", and it is engraved on the stone tablet. "

"Reply - Three pieces were also found in the Northern Song Dynasty, which were named "Wu Xian", "Da Shen Juqiu" and "Ya Camel" according to the names of the gods prayed to. "

"Reply - the names of these three gods are very distinctive, so Daqin finally destroyed the Chu State, is it because of this "Curse Chu Wen"?

"Reply - don't make trouble, it's really Xianxia Warring States?"


Great Qin plane.

Qin Shi Huang looked at it very seriously.

Of course he knew about the Qin State's witchcraft that the people of later generations said in the barrage.

This is documented in Daqin's official documents.

His attitude towards witchcraft is rather ambivalent.

It can be said that the belief will be doubtful.

There is a reason for the formation of this mentality.

On the one hand, after the founding of the Qin people, almost all the major events and every step of the development of the Qin State were related to "witch" and "witchcraft", and "witch" became the right-hand man of the Qin Dynasty after the founding of the country to sacrifice the emperor with the Son of Heaven and "see the wrong".

Under the influence of this background, coupled with the historical and cultural limitations of ancient times, he could not avoid believing in a little witchcraft.

But on the other hand, as an emperor of great talent, it would not be enough to say that he was completely convinced.

It's like he would never think that the Qin State could destroy the Chu State because of the reason for "Curse Chu Wen".

If this is useful, then why bother to strengthen the country? Just let the "witch" curse it.

When the seven countries are competing side by side, it should be the "witches" of each country competing with each other, how can they still use their armies to fight?


His attitude towards witchcraft is vacant.


[The magic of witchcraft is not all for the purpose of harming people, and its manifestations mainly include curses, puppets, and poisonous Gu. 】

[Among them, the curse is a subjective desire to obviously dominate the enemy to death, but the puppet is not the same as the poisonous Gu. 】

[Puppets are divided into two ways: "shooting puppets" and "puppets are tired of winning", shooting puppets are similar to what we say "piercing villains", with curse intentions, and are more inclined to control the enemy to death. 】

[And the puppet is tired of winning is the meaning of "tired and victorious", and it is more inclined to the desire to ward off evil and pray for good fortune, although this form also has the means of cursing, but it is more of a blessing. 】

[To this day, what we call warding off evil spirits is still the meaning of disgust, but the form of expression has changed. 】

[Later, because the curse was too outrageous and had no effect, he added "Gu poison" to it, and began to use various toxins, parasites, and microorganisms to achieve this terrible curse. 】

[This can be found by consulting the "Compendium of Materia Medica", "Shennong's Classic of Materia Medica" or "Records of Driving Gu Burning Rhino". 】

[The so-called "Gu control" is to make poison, and "Gu solution" is to remove poison, so most of the treatment plans for witch Gu are based on vomiting. 】

[In the book "Zhou Li" in the Western Zhou Dynasty, it was recorded that there was an official position called "Shushi", who was mainly responsible for managing Gu poison. 】

[Seeing this, you must understand that the magic of witchcraft is not much mysterious. 】

Barrage flying:

"Understood, co-authoring is a witchcraft curse that is useless, so it was directly changed to poison. "

"It's the 21st century, who would really believe this?"

"Reply - I am from Xiangxi, I personally believe in these things, and some things are indeed very godly. "

"Reply - I'm also from Xiangxi, I don't believe it, I've never seen it when I'm so old, I've heard of it. "

I think science can only explain what science can explain. "

"Reply - it's funny, science speaks with facts and evidence, not nonsense. "

"Reply - then there are still many phenomena that can't be explained by science, how can you say?" (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"Isn't it normal that science is still evolving, and that it has its limitations? "


Emperor Wu of the Great Han Dynasty.

Liu Che was stunned for a moment.

According to the people of later generations, that is, the magic of witchcraft is actually harmful only poisoning?

Nothing else?

What curse art does not exist?

Such a statement had an impact on Liu Che's concept.

In the original historical time and space, Liu Che would have a witch curse when he was in his old age.

In addition to Liu Che's political considerations, it was also partly because he believed in witchcraft in his later years.

At this time, although he has not yet reached that age, he has some faith in the words of witch Gu.

Therefore, when he heard the video narration on the giant screen at this time, he was extremely shocked when he heard the video narration on the giant screen directly denying the witch Gu theory..........

Then he looked at the various discussions in the barrage, and he was confused again.

Will the people of the future exist or will it not exist?

Believe it or not?

How Liu Che feels that the thoughts of future generations are not uniform.


[In fact, in foreign countries, there is also a witch Gu saying. 】

[In 1937, there was an anthropologist named Pritchard in the country where the sun never sets, and in order to understand the truth about the "witch Gu", he went deep into Africa to investigate. 】

[Later, he wrote the book "Witchcraft, Oracle and Magic of the Azande People", in which the results of his expedition were recorded. 】

[It is in this part of the Congo that a tribe called "Azand" is still using witchcraft to explain various supernatural phenomena because it is isolated from the world and does not communicate with the outside world. 】

[And the Azande also collect poison, which they call "black magic.] 】

[Obviously, this situation is very similar to the birth and development of the Chinese witch Gu theory. 】

[It's all because of a lack of knowledge that makes it impossible to explain the paranormal scientifically.] 】

[They all use the poisonous insects in the jungle to refine toxins and use them to assist wizards in their work.] 】

[In the end, they all developed into mysticism and witchcraft.] 】


"This ...... Could it be that the witch's statement is true or false?"

Many ancients in all dynasties suddenly had such a thought in their hearts.


But soon, many ancients dispelled this idea.

The theory of witchcraft has been passed down for thousands of years in the Chinese feudal dynasty.

With such a long-term impact, of course, it is impossible to change everyone's minds immediately because of a video on a giant screen in the sky.

Many modern people still believe in it today, let alone these ancients.


[In addition, there is a more important argument in the book: the era of "witchcraft" is the only way for the development of human civilization. 】

Therefore, the question we face is not how mysterious the "witch Gu" is. 】

[But why do the witch Gu theories exist in the Miaojiang region, and why can they continue to this day?]


For the last question, many ancients in the past dynasties were also puzzled:

"That's right, if the witch Gu theory is false, then how can it continue in the next generation?"

"If it is a lie, how can it be deceived for thousands of years?"

Puzzled, they continued to look at the giant screen in the sky, wanting to see what the future generations would say next.


[I checked it, and some scholars have indeed investigated this phenomenon. 】

[This person's name is Deng Qiyao, born in Kunming, Yunnan Province in 1952, and was once a professor at the School of Sociology and Anthropology of a university. 】

[After years of investigation and once went deep into Miao Jiang, he finally published a book called "Investigation of Chinese Witch Gu" in 1999. 】

[Mr. Tang Qiyao wrote in the book:

The most difficult part of this investigation is not the harsh environment in the southwest mountainous area, but the fact that there is always a sense of unbearability when collecting these materials, and when he walks to the village with a strong curiosity, all he sees is pity and pity. 】

[Why does the "Legend of the Witch Gu" frequently appear in the Miaojiang region?]

[Mr. Tang Kai Yiu wrote:

When he came to the Miaojiang area, when he saw the huge waterfall falling through the clouds and the patchwork of mountains, he realized that in this environment dominated by natural forces, the "witch belief" is a product of balance, and it has the inevitability of its emergence and existence. 】

[It's hard to describe, but it's easy to understand.] 】

Barrage flying:

"What do you mean? I don't quite understand. "

"Reply - I guess it's mountainous, inaccessible, information-closed, backward and long-term inability to advance, and the inability to understand natural or supernatural phenomena beyond the local population can only be explained by mysticism. "

"Reply—it should be, but also to avoid panic among the inhabitants, and unreliable explanations are more soothing than mysterious unknowns. "

"Reply - not only that, but also the geographical location of Xiangxi is southern, with more jungles and rain, and a large area of dense forests, waterfalls rushing down to the sky, and rainy and humid weather, which is too suitable for the development of biodiversity, and all kinds of poisonous insects and poisons in the jungle are a natural source for refining Gu worms. "

"Reply—that means that the raw materials are sufficient, right?"

"The reply is not only sufficient, but also varied, hehe. "


Watch the video content in the giant screen and the many barrage discussions.

Some ancients in the past dynasties and dynasties suddenly felt that the witch Gu theory seemed to be said in the mouths of later generations, and there was no such mysterious and terrifying feeling.

It's not hard to see why.

The unknown is frightening.

When everything can be explained clearly, people's fears will be reduced.

At the same time, one begins to think calmly about the correctness of this interpretation.


[In the entire Miaojiang region, there are rumors of all kinds of witches everywhere. 】

[However, these witches can be roughly divided into three categories. 】


Many ancient people in all dynasties and dynasties have become more and more focused when they look at the giant screen.

They were curious about what three types of witches were.

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