I will not die!

Chapter 184

My family used to live in a rural area, but not everyone lived in big villas or with shabby walls and tiles. It was considered lower-class than upper-class. All living facilities were fairly complete, and it was quite lively during holidays. Other than that, Other than that, I have no other impressions of it.

There is nothing that can be called a beautiful place, and there are no popular entertainment venues or methods. There are only a few ditches filled with domestic garbage and constantly emitting a foul smell. On weekdays, idle people wander around all day long. What's going on? , almost always two groups of people who have conflicts are yelling at each other, and the results can often be decided in less than half a day. By night, nothing seems to have happened.

Some people may find this kind of life comfortable and natural, but maybe it's because I have no friends, or maybe it's because my parents are too busy working and working half-farm. This kind of life is so boring that it makes people want to cry.

I am a person who has absolutely no interest in learning. When I am bored, I would rather sit in a daze than study. However, I don’t think you can blame me for this. In fact, I think being in a daze is more interesting than reading things in books. Moreover, even if I don't study hard, my grades can always be maintained at the middle level. I am already satisfied with this. There is no benefit in getting a higher test anyway. In the words of the teacher, long live sixty points, one more point. waste. Although I know he didn't mean it this way, I am happy to immerse myself in the satisfaction of weaving for myself.

For a period of time, although I had no human friends, I was not alone because I still had Sanhuang. Those are the names I gave to the three animals in my house.

Dahuang is an orange cat who is a little thin and unloved. He spends most of his time basking in the sun on the roof, and only shows up at night to patrol around. I often want to touch it, but rarely succeed. Even when I succeed, it runs away quickly. I also tried to lure it with rice, but it is not interested in rice at all. I later learned that cats are pure carnivores and do not eat rice, but we fed them rice for several years. Looking back, I often saw it chewing something in its mouth at that time. It was probably something I caught outside.

Then there is Erhuang. Erhuang is a big yellow dog with very fluffy and soft hair. It is very comfortable to touch, and he never resists me touching it. However, because of its large size, the sound of the chain that fastens it makes is loud. It always made me feel uncomfortable, and it screamed suddenly at every turn. As a result, I was very afraid of it at that time and always kept a certain distance from it. And it never took the initiative to get close to me. Like rhubarb, it would eat it whenever I had free time. sleep.

Sanhuang is a scalper and the most difficult to take care of in the family. He can eat and poop every day, but the key is that he is not easy to handle. Moreover, this guy said it only eats grass, but I once saw it eat a chick that ran into the feed trough in one bite, and it didn't show any abnormality. I regretted it for a long time afterwards. Although I learned that cows can eat meat, I didn't dare to tell others the facts behind it.

In my short childhood, the three of them only occupied a small part. Like my brother, they came to this home earlier than me, but they also left this home earlier than me.

When our family went on a long trip to visit relatives, we accidentally locked Rhubarb in the house. When we came back, it had starved to death at home. My father once took Erhuang out for a walk, but he was talking to someone halfway. When he came to his senses, Erhuang was gone. A few days later, he returned home covered in filth. A few days later, the chain Suddenly it disappeared, and no one knew where it went. Sanhuang was taken for breeding and gave birth to a calf, but his father got rid of the calf before it was weaned. After that, Sanhuang suddenly refused to eat or drink all day long, with his eyes still full of tears. Tears and seeing that it was so hungry that only skin and bones were left, my father simply sold it.

The memory of them has long faded, but every time I think of them, I always think of that magical full moon night.

At that time, I and my brother often played with the children from several nearby houses. It was said to be fun, but most of the time it was just chasing them around without any extra rules or gameplay. Although this kind of game is enough to relieve fatigue, it cannot kill the desire to win among children. Therefore, we often play games that can differentiate between high and low. Like climbing a tree.

My brother is the best tree climber among us. He once climbed a pear tree as high as two stories. Of course, he has become the leader among us. I am very envious of this and have always been proud of it. I feel proud of this, but at the same time I secretly want to surpass him.

Thinking about it now, that seems to be the first night I had insomnia.

That night, I tossed and turned in bed and couldn't fall asleep for a long time. The constant buzzing of insects outside the house made me upset. The moonlight broke into my room through the window and seemed to cast a layer of white mist on the ground. I looked at the bright moon hanging high in the sky, and the bright moonlight penetrated my black pupils. For a moment, I felt that I had received some kind of revelation.

I want to go outside.

I tiptoed out of bed, put on my shoes, and tiptoed to the door. I felt a pair of eyes looking at me in the darkness. When I turned around, there was indeed a pair of yellow eyes in the corner. Through the moonlight, I could clearly see the outline of the rhubarb. It took a few steps forward and squatted down to look at me. I looked at it for a while, and then, as if some kind of tacit understanding had been reached, it left without saying a word, and I continued to move forward.

I turned the bolt and opened the door gently, but it still made a harsh squeaking sound. I opened it little by little, trying to keep the sound to a minimum. This process was very long. I don’t know how long it took. How long, just when I opened the door enough for me to pass sideways, cold sweat had flowed from my forehead to my chin. Maybe it was because my parents went to bed very late today. At this time, they were still sleeping soundly until I left. They didn't find it either.

I slowly closed the door. At this time, the cool breeze outside the house gently blew my neck. I felt a pair of eyes looking at me in the darkness. I looked over and saw that it was Erhuang. We looked at each other for a while, and then , as if reaching some kind of tacit understanding, it put its head on its two front legs and turned its head sideways, while I continued to move forward.

Braving the cold wind, I crossed my arms and walked toward the green steel tree near my house. It was the tallest tree nearby, more than ten meters tall, and it was as thick as two people hugging each other. Just when I was about to arrive, I felt a pair of eyes looking at me in the darkness. It was Sanhuang in the bullpen next to me. I knew it was looking at me, but I didn't look at it. I knew that we had reached an agreement. Some kind of tacit understanding that I just have to keep moving forward.

A strong wind blew by, and large tracts of leaves fell from the air. One of them even slipped onto my shoulder. Looking at the giant tree dyed white by the moon, I thought about how to climb up. I even hugged You can't even live in it. Another gust of wind blew by, and I shivered coldly. Then I put my hands on the rough bark. The bark was as hard as stone and the edges were very sharp. I could feel it just by hugging it tightly. The pain came from my arms, and there were no branches less than three meters above the ground. There was no place to hold onto this tree. We wouldn't even think about this tree when we were playing with it, let alone climbing it..

But today, I'm going to climb it.

I hugged the tree trunk with all my strength, then raised my right foot and pressed it against the tree trunk. When I raised my left foot, the weight of my whole body pressed against the skin of my two hands and one foot that were close to the tree trunk. The burning pain made me want to give up immediately, but I still put my left foot on the tree trunk. My limbs seemed to have been brushed with an iron brush. Dense beads of sweat had spread all over my body, including my teeth. It felt like it was about to break because it was bitten too hard.

It hurts so much, just like the one I got hit during the day, no, it still hurts more.

I took another step forward. The pain made me forget to think. Now I know nothing except climbing up. The only thing that can bring me some comfort is the cold wind blowing constantly at night. The cold can numb the pain. , the chill that was so annoying just now is the only comfort I have left at this moment.

My height climbed little by little, one and a half meters, two meters, two and a half meters, three meters...

Finally, I touched the first branch. I grabbed it. The pressure on my body suddenly relaxed. I stood on the first branch and looked at the place I had just climbed. I didn't miss it for a moment. Holding on to those branches that were slender but strong enough to support my weight, I continued to move forward step by step. With the help of the branches, the remaining distance was much easier to climb. I climbed to the top of the tree almost when the moon was perpendicular to my head.

My heart was beating violently, as if it wanted to break me from the inside.

The space at the top of the tree is very small, just by myselfIt has taken up all the space, and even the place to stay is very limited, but this is natural. I climbed up alone, and this scenery should naturally belong to me only.

My clothes were completely soaked with sweat. The hardships leading to the top made me forget to breathe, forget the cold, forget the pain. Only the moon, its light shines on me from beginning to end, and shines on me. The way forward.

The wind was cheering for me, the night was cheering for me, and the moon seemed to want to embrace me. I let go of my hands holding the branches and let myself stand on the top of the tree with my feet alone.

The moon tonight is beautiful and very close, as if you can reach out and touch it.

But I can't do it, and I know I can't do it.

I put down my arms and closed my eyes. Silver tears were blown by the wind on my face. I took a deep breath, as if I had sucked the whole night into my body, and then exhaled, as if I had breathed my soul away. I felt that the revelation was approaching, and then I jumped...

The next day, I got up from the bed in a daze. My parents were not there, they must have gone out, and the rhubarb fell from my Passing by, there seemed to be something in his mouth. I was silently dazed for a while, and then suddenly rolled up my sleeves and saw that my arms were covered with embryonic blood scabs.

I ignored the pain in my hand and wanted to take a look at the green steel tree, but when I arrived, there was only one tree stump left there.

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