I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 257 Finally taking off this real skin

It was obvious that this was not the normal speed of the elevator at all, but someone deliberately turned on the happy switch. Cold sweat began to break out on Da Mao's forehead, which showed that the other party was well prepared.

The huge roar made the entire underground passage tremble violently, and some pebbles flew randomly. Jingshu, who was in confusion, was instantly scratched several times on her body and face, and blood flowed into Jingshu's mouth. , she licked it and found it extremely delicious.

"Wang Chuang? Where is Wang Chuang?"

"Wang Chuang didn't come out!"

Sumary gasped for air and ran towards the hole where a few people had just escaped. The elevator hit from a high speed and hit the thruster frame hard. Sumary put her head in and saw nothing, only the exposed surface. An arm came with a Swiss watch she gave Wang Chuang on its wrist.

The bearded man was completely crushed under the elevator, and was probably crushed into a meat pie.

The elevator is almost scrapped, and it's empty inside! Someone is deliberately manipulating it! Does anyone already know that they escaped?

Jingshu walked over unconsciously. Although she knew what was happening outside, she seemed to be unable to control her body and relied on instinct to move.

Sumary covered her mouth with both hands, and tears flowed out instantly. How is this possible? how come? Wang Chuang was talking to her just now, why didn't she run out?

Da Mao was also panting and pursed his lips with difficulty, "Brother, don't worry, I will ensure the safety of the lady." Da Mao had no time to be sad. He took out his mobile phone and checked but there was still no signal. "Miss, let's find an exit quickly. This There is very likely someone next to you, here, holding this pistol, and if anything goes wrong, shoot him directly."

Da Mao became more cautious. Now he was the only one among the three who could rely on him. He picked up the stones and began to explore the path. Fortunately, the end of the propeller should have been the exit.

Damao blocked Sumari and Jingshu behind him, and opened the door at the end himself.

There was a creaking noise. It was pitch dark inside and he couldn't see what was inside. Da Mao didn't dare to turn on the light for fear of disturbing the grass and alerting snakes. He could only throw a few pebbles in different directions and use echoes and other methods to explore the path.

The confused Jingshu was still wandering in her mind. If she was awake at this time, I'm afraid there would be nothing to do in the future.

"Let's go, be careful and walk close to the wall." Da Mao went in first, and nothing strange happened. Sumary took Jing Shu and quietly continued walking inside.

But at this moment, a dazzling light suddenly came from the entire hall.

"Run back!" As soon as Da Mao shouted, he heard a sudden sound. Before he could think about it, Da Mao pushed Su Mary and Jing Shu out of the door.

Then, the sound of gunfire continued, but it lasted for four or five seconds and then disappeared. It was all over.

Da Mao was shot into a sieve, and slowly fell down, with blood flowing all over the floor. He pointed in the direction of Su Mary with difficulty, "Miss, run away, hurry up! If you escape, help me take care of Er Mao and Er Mao." "San Mao" After finishing this sentence with difficulty, Da Mao tilted his neck and died completely.

"Woo. Okay, I get it."

Sumary climbed up from the ground tremblingly. The yellow convertible skirt she wore became extremely dirty at the moment, and even her carefully painted nails were torn. She looked at the house that had brightened in vain, in disbelief. pointed at the middle-aged man who was carrying an assault rifle and shot dead.

"You? Is it you? Uncle Gou, is it you? How is it possible? Impossible!" After saying this, she was already heartbroken. The most unacceptable thing for a person of Sumari's background is betrayal.

Isn't this man none other than Uncle Gou?

Jingshu was also pushed to the ground. This push finally touched some kind of boundary in Jingshu. This series of events were connected with cause and effect, and the window paper of the Rubik's Cube space was finally pierced! Its upgrade finally meets all the qualifications!

An unprecedented force crazily invaded Jingshu's mind, making Jingshu unable to bear it again, and finally fainted.

Every upgrade of the Rubik's Cube space is just like the upgrade of a computer or mobile phone system. It requires shutting down and restarting. Jingshu restarted at such a critical time. She was simply letting fate.

But this upgrade was completely different from the previous upgrades. Jingshu was consciously receiving the information conveyed to her in the Rubik's Cube space. While the Rubik's Cube space was being upgraded, she could actually hear the sounds outside.

The most incredible thing is that she seems to be hallucinating. Her Rubik's Cube space is expanding cubic meter by cubic meter at a speed visible to the naked eye. In the second form, Jingshu can see the Rubik's Cube space that completely overlaps with the real world. .

It was more like her soul was out of body. She could even see herself fainting on the ground, Da Mao lying on the ground, wailing Su Mary, the people opposite, and of course, the overlapping Rubik's Cube space was being reorganized. , the white light spots are growing little by little like photons in science fiction movies, it’s so amazing!

It turns out that this is how the previous Rubik's Cube space was upgraded.

At this moment, Su Mary was truly alone and helpless. Jing Shu had fainted, her two bodyguards were all dead, and Uncle Gou, whom she had always trusted the most, turned out to be the leader of this incident. How could this be possible? She almost collapsed at this moment!

"Uncle Gou? Oh, is he your loyal Uncle Gou? What a pity, he died so miserably." The middle-aged man lifted up his hair and slowly tore off a piece of skin from his face, " He was no longer your Uncle Gou two months ago, didn't you realize it at all?"

"What?!" Sumary said in shock, "It's impossible. He spends time with me day and night every day. How is it possible?"

The man who tore off a piece of skin revealed a young face. Jingshu, who seemed to be out of body, could see clearly. Isn't this person Lin Yi whom she monitors every day? !

It's him! It's him!

Jing Shu was so shocked that she didn't know what to say. How could it be him? Jing Shu never thought about it, how could one person play two roles? He didn't show any abnormality every day in the public surveillance. Wait, this was too normal, too ordinary. Did he already know that she was spying on him?

By the way, Jing Shu asked why Gou Su was so tall. Her back looked familiar, but Uncle Gou was very strong. He was not at the same level as the tall and thin Lin Yi that he saw before the Chinese New Year.

"Why is it impossible? I started imitating him three months ago. I kidnapped him into my house two months ago. But it took a lot of effort for the boss to learn everything about him. Now, I can finally take it off. This is real skin."

As soon as Lin said that, he started peeling off the skin from the neck.

Coupled with an additional update rewarded by Mumu, it is very good. These additional updates will be returned together, and the rhythm of 20,000 updates

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