I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 279 Victory is certain

The audience burst into applause.

Wang Daxian was invited to speak first. As an older generation of a medical family in Wucheng, Wang Daxian has grown various medicinal materials since he was a child. He has a natural affinity for medicinal materials and is considered a kind person. But his first words on the stage But it was: "I hear President Tie praising Jingshu every day. Today's young people are really better than others. President Tie is really discerning, and I really admire this little Jingshu."

Wang Xiaoxian rolled his eyes in the audience.

"If we don't rate according to the needs of the market, just in terms of planting technology, I admit that the things I plant are not as good as those planted by Jingshu. Jingshu's planting skills are even better, and Jingshu's planting is only half a year old." It can be used as medicine, but the timeliness of my planting is longer, and I invest more. The precious medicinal materials are scarce and ordinary people cannot afford them, so I feel guilty for you to give such high marks."

There was even more enthusiastic applause from the audience. As competitors, Jing Shu didn't expect that she would be praised?

"According to my observation, Jingshu is more suitable for growing miscellaneous crops. She has a wide range of interests, while I am only proficient in the cultivation of precious medicinal materials such as ginseng and Codonopsis pilosula. I am not suitable for large-scale promotion. I can't say that I am not suitable for this position. I think Jingshu is more suitable. Suitable for this position of vice-president, for example, what Jingshu planted is very suitable for the national conditions of the end of the world. Now that germs are spreading, medicinal materials such as Bodhi, tobacco, and honeysuckle are urgently needed. The promotion of planting really depends on Jingshu to guide and complete, so, everyone Everyone will vote for Jingshu."

Jing Shu: "???" Well, what's going on, what are you doing? Aren't you here to compete with her? Why do you keep talking to her? Jing Shu was also a little dumbfounded.

President Tie wiped the sweat from his face. What does this old man mean? After saying so much, you are praising Jingshu. Do you really want to give the spot to Jingshu?

After Wang Daxian finished speaking, he got off the stage and winked with Jing Shu. Jing Shu always felt that there was some reason behind this.

Jingshu came up to the podium in a daze, looking at the dark crowd of heads, some curious, some admiring, some disdainful, some gloating, in any case looking at her with all kinds of expressions. After experiencing the last few incidents, she quietly Shu's name gradually became known to everyone in the Medicinal Materials Association.

Not to mention, there are hundreds of Tacheng people who have merged with the medicinal material base. It is because Jingshu defeated them, so some people love and hate Jingshu.

Unfortunately, the selection of the vice president this time has nothing to do with Tacheng, so several people I was familiar with last time were not present.

Jing Shu cleared her throat and was about to speak when a piercing alarm sounded. President Tie and Zhou Papi hurried to the control room, and people in the hall who were watching the excitement were also talking about it.

"What emergency happened again? Is it another order document directly issued by the central government?"

"Probably, the last time was four months ago. I remember we urgently made a batch of calcium caseinate to supply to all the people. After all, since the power outage, all the people have not been exposed to the sun for a year, and they have not been exposed to the sun for a long time. The human body will not be able to bear the sun without calcium supplementation."

"Documents issued from above must be completed as the first priority."

Jing Shu squinted her eyes and listened to the discussions around her, and gradually understood that the warning was not a danger, but an order issued by the central government.

Speaking of calcium, she also remembered that a few years ago, the government would distribute some vitamins and calcium tablets to all people every year. It turned out that they were all produced urgently like this.

Naturally, the speech could not continue. The two vice-presidents had already gone to the control room to check the documents, and Jingshu was bored waiting for the situation above.

After a while, Chairman Tie came back with sweat on his face and Zhou Bapi, who was beaming with joy. Jingshu saw that Chairman Tie's legs were trembling and he was sweating profusely. He was still forcing himself to smile. .

Zhou Papi made several calls in a row, and finally said to President Tie: "Then you can decide what to do. Either you go up and say it later, or I will announce this matter."

Chairman Tie gritted his teeth, exhaled softly and closed his eyes, "I will tell you in the end."

"Ha." After Zhou Bapi straightened a few hairs on his head, he went up to the stage, opened the slides on the podium, and said, "I'm sorry to interrupt you with a document that was just posted in the center."

The file was played and everyone could see it. The large blood-red characters made everyone feel oppressive.

Zhou Papi took the microphone and continued: "Due to heavy rains in the Jiangnan area for several months, the moss that grew has not been cleaned, resulting in the breeding of various bugs and toadstools. These bugs crawled into the house, and some bugs are infected with HPV. Some carry the H25 virus, and now tens of thousands of people die from it every day, and hundreds of thousands of people are sick."

"For this reason, the central government has issued an order to all provincial capitals to urgently cultivate a batch of insecticides, giving priority to planting herbal medicines containing the following medicinal materials, and the following quantities of insecticides must be achieved within two months to be qualified. And these will be used as medicinal materials for this session For the preliminary examination of the association, the top ten medicinal materials associations in all provincial capitals that pass the task indicators will be eligible to participate in the re-examination.”

Jingshu understood what Zhou Papi meant. Why did the vice president want Wang Daxian from a medicinal herb family? It is just to let Wang Daxian participate in this competition in the provincial capital. Needless to say, the purpose of the competition is to get resources. Whoever wins will have more resources. Whoever loses will have average resources. In order to get The Wucheng government is also fighting for this resource. Although it is only about medicinal materials, in this end of the world, medicine determines life security, so they have to fight for it.

But now the competition items have changed. The preliminary test has directly changed to which provincial capital is the first to produce a sufficient quantity of good pesticides to qualify.

Jing Shu frowned. In her previous life, Wucheng seemed to have had to wait for more than two months, after many people had died, before the government came out with pesticides. I heard the quantity was still very small.

That should be the Medicinal Materials Association in the previous life. Very few people can come up with pesticides anymore.

As the document continued to scroll down, the demand for dozens of medicinal materials was written down, and tobacco was suddenly arranged in the first row, indicating that the proportion of tobacco needed was also very large.

At this time, the atmosphere at the scene was very strange and quiet.

Everyone's faces were red, and they didn't know what to say for a while, especially Pharmacist Liu from before. As soon as he finished speaking, Jingshu's tobacco was worth 1 cent. Not long after, the central government directly issued the order for the medicinal materials that needed to be planted. Inside, the first thing listed is tobacco.

That kind of situation has not happened in Wucheng for the time being, but the moss here has grown for a long time. I guess it won't be long before it will be ravaged by bugs, right?

Dean Zhang looked at Jing Shu vaguely, but didn't say anything else.

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