The zombie deer virus in Australia is not big news. Even when the virus there came over, it did not cause any waves in China.

Although the news shows that many creatures in Australia have been infected with this virus, some people will even become like zombies after being infected, and their bodies will slowly begin to rot into pieces of rotten flesh.

It will last for about one month to three months, and the infected people will slowly die. During this period, people's consciousness will slowly begin to become blurred. Survival depends entirely on instinct. They will eat anything they are hungry, including human flesh.

There are even rumors on the Internet that these are zombies and walking dead, but they still don't pay attention because China itself can hardly hold it anymore. Because of the poisonous mushrooms and poisonous insects, countless people die every day, and people have begun to become numb. .

The moss in Banana Community has grown dozens of centimeters long. Every building and even the ground is covered with long moss. Jingshu feels that it is really torturing her eyes. Living here is scarier than places in horror movies. The key is that she can also see nests of colorful bugs in the moss.

The government has started asking everyone to clean up and remove the moss around their homes, but the effect is obviously not very effective. The moss has maximized its toughness and strength. If you cut it with a government-distributed kitchen knife, it will grow back within three or four days. .

The best way is to remove the roots, but the roots have already reached the wall, unless the house is pulled out.

These bugs go out to look for food. They look like insects. They swim very fast in the water and some can jump. Jingshu wonders if these bugs evolved from fleas.

Now when Jingshu goes out, she will see a layer of bugs floating on the water. Ordinary residents now wear many layers of plastic bags or clothes when going out, because these bugs suck blood and eat flesh, and their bites will cause bulges on the body, which is very painful.

None of this is scary. Jingshu was often bitten in her previous life. The scary thing is that we don’t know which bug carries the virus. Once infected, it is basically hopeless. Jingshu’s family now does not take off their closed raincoats when going out. You can imagine how serious the situation is.

I heard that Wucheng is pretty good. In the south, not only are these bugs overrun, but there are also extremely large, flying cockroaches. Groups of them are in the humid corners of the house. It is simply their paradise. I take my slippers with me every day. Knocking, knocking can’t be finished.

Now that the weather is cold, what they love to do most is to crawl into human beds. If you feel itchy all over your body at night, it must be that countless cockroaches have crawled in. Netizens recommend changing positions and covering the quilt tightly to continue sleeping.

At this moment, a bottle of Fengyoujing and a little insecticide have become absolute luxuries in China.

Sumary's house exudes a tangy fragrance, which was made by Zhou Papi at a great price to repel insects.

Naturally, Jingshu's family has taken similar measures, and everything inside and outside has been properly arranged by Jing's father.

Looking at the envious eyes of the people around her, Jingshu knew that she had changed the trajectory of her previous life in this life, because the first batch of insecticides in Wucheng had been successfully produced, and the government was urgently arranging insecticide and deworming. If nothing unexpected happened, Wucheng The Pharmaceutical Association can successfully pass the preliminary examination this time.

Speaking of this, Jingshu had to lament the power of the Rubik's Cube Space Spirit Spring. This batch of seeds was even better than Jingshu thought. After they were distributed to different people, they basically encountered no problems and all were planted. Except for a few tobacco plants that have not emerged, the others have reached the level of being used as medicine.

This amazing emergence rate once again proved that Jingshu's previous batch of tobacco cultivation was good, and many people recognized Jingshu as the vice president.

This batch of tobacco from Jingshu came at the right time. It just solved the urgent need of the Pharmaceutical Association. Jingshu was indispensable for being able to produce a large amount of insecticides so quickly, so Jingshu was awarded an additional 50,000 yuan for his contribution. Click, what is speechless is that there is still a row of irredeemable question marks behind it.

This made Jingshu very curious. It was just a contribution point to a pharmaceutical association. What other magical things could be redeemed without being shown? She was still close to reaching 100,000 contribution points, so she went to ask Zhou Bapi. Zhou Bapi showed his big yellow teeth and smiled extremely obscenely, "You will know later."

Well, Jingshu wants to see if there is anything else valuable about the Pharmaceutical Association that requires so much contribution.

Before I knew it, it was already July. Jingshu was really busy these days. She had to spare four hours during the day to go to the Pharmacy Association to prepare the second batch of tobacco planting. The first batch of anti-insecticide was almost used up, and the effect was pretty good. Although bugs can still be seen everywhere, they can no longer be seen crawling around in residents’ homes, thus eliminating a number of infectious disease patients.

Zijin and Jingnai had to make silkworms every day, and Jingshu also had to make silkworms in the space.

The cotton and tobacco grown in the past few months have also matured. Jingshu gave the cotton to Jingye to play with it and make it into lint. The cotton seeds were left for poultry for private chat, and the tobacco was made into cigars and cigarette rolls.

At the same time, Jingshu frantically made various semi-finished products into cooked food, and only made less than one-tenth of it. After all, killing pigs and cows was a waste of time even if it was done in space.

At the same time, she was busy finishing the finishing work at two feed mills. As the weather got colder and colder, and the Australian virus infected her, the red worms could no longer be eaten.

The red worms infected with the Zombie Deer Virus begin to slowly rot, become smelly, and carry infectious viruses, causing the next generation to be infected with the virus when they are born, and their numbers decrease exponentially.

At this time, some merchants sensed business opportunities and began to purchase red worms. After all, red worms were not valuable in the past, but now without red worms, China is equivalent to losing its staple food. The reason for abundant rain still makes China Plant something.

As a result, the price of red worms skyrocketed hundreds of times overnight. Residents of countless households went to the water to salvage live red worms and raised them at home. Countless people went to salvage them regardless of the temperature of more than ten degrees and the possible life dangers of other worms in the water. Red thread worms, unfortunately they were doomed to fail. These all carry viruses, and they will all die within a few days.

"My eldest uncle is more business-savvy." Jingshu practiced with the Rubik's Cube and shook her head. My aunt's family raised a batch of red worms half a month in advance. In the future, my aunt's family will have more pigs, so at least some red worms will be eaten. .

Jingshu finally set the alarm and practiced the Rubik's Cube for a while. Jingshu's voice came from downstairs, and Su Mali was looking for her.

Jingshu put down the Rubik's Cube and ran quickly, and saw Su Mary dressed up for the trip.

"Jingshu, let's go quickly. Today is the day when the reconstruction of Qianduoduo's Xishan base officially starts. I heard that he dug a hole in the middle of the mountain and built the current base. It has everything in it, which is really fun."

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