I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 292 Thanks to Jing Shu for not killing anyone

No matter how unlucky a person is, just one bad luck is enough to kill her.

"But it's possible that Mary Su in her previous life didn't have that much contact with Qian Duoduo." Jing Shu felt that she should not worry too much.

The energy-saving lamps in the base illuminated the scene where Qian Duoduo and his family were shaking hands with the big guys. What was rare today was that the whole family was traveling at the same time. Jingshu finally met Qian Shengqian, the silly son of the landlord's family, and Qian Qianjin, and... He has his wife.

This was the first time Jingshu met Qian Qianjin. As expected, it was a bit exaggerated to weigh a thousand kilograms as the name suggests, but she weighed 150 kilograms. She was wearing bulky protective clothing and was playing with her clothes out of boredom. Her skin was well maintained. It's tender and tender, except that the whole body is a little fatter.

There is a big difference between Qian Duoduo's wife and the kind of 'noble lady' Jing Shu imagined. On the contrary, she has a quiet, elegant and elegant woman from a scholarly family. She is a very elegant woman, standing behind Qian Duoduo. Smiling, or nodding together with Qian Duoduo, but there is also a sense of strangers not allowed to enter.

As for Qian Duoduo's silly son, he behaves extremely seriously. He wears a black cloak and a red scarf. Every time he meets someone, he will nod seriously. It feels like a leader inspecting his subordinates.

Jing Shu didn't know who the people gathered this time and what they did. Qian Duoduo didn't introduce their identities.

Qian Duoduo didn't reveal much about Jingshu's identity.

Just showing his closeness and goodwill to Jing Shu and ordinary people, Qian Duoduo smiled and said: "How do you feel? It's a little better than Boss Su's surprise, right? Oh, Boss Su's daughter is here, so what a wonderful day today You need to have a good feel for your Uncle Qian’s new territory, and explain it to your father later.”

"Okay, Mr. Qian." Sumary stuck out her tongue.

Qian Duoduo introduced his family as usual. Mrs. Qian no longer nodded slightly this time, but specifically thanked Jing Shu. Even Qian Qianjin bowed to Jing Shu to express her gratitude. Many people present You know, this should be the person who was said to have saved Qi Lan.

Instead, Qian Shengqian snorted with a cold and pale face, glared at Jing Shu, and said, "Bad guy."

Jing Shu: "??" How could she become a bad person?

When Jing Shu was puzzled, Qian Duoduo blinked, pulled Jing Shu aside and said, "After eating the spicy ice cream you made, he liked it very much. Unfortunately, we can't let him eat ice cream like this anymore. We can only lie to him." , you can’t make ice cream.”

"I see." Jing Shu should not ask too many questions about her silly son's condition.

After finally saying hello, Qian Duoduo took a group of people to visit from the second floor. The planting base on the second floor is very large. It uses modern technology of soilless cultivation to cultivate various vegetables that only require pure water.

"The vegetables cultivated in this way can be grown six times more on the same piece of land than before. A large number of vegetables can be grown in a small area, which greatly reduces the amount of electricity used. The enclosed electric light used to illuminate it eliminates all insects. There is no need to use pesticides. Now the scale is small, hundreds of kilograms of vegetables can be collected every day, and they will be taken to the fourth floor to be processed into vegetables that are not easy to spoil."

Su Mary opened her mouth wide and whispered to Jing Shu: "If I invest, won't I be able to eat fresh vegetables every day in the future?"

But even Jing Shu lamented that this was much more efficient than Jing's mother's Agriculture Department, but after all, it was because of the money and the wide access to so much equipment.

The third floor is the breeding base. It is very empty and the area is much smaller than that of the second floor. Qian Duoduo's original breeding farm was bombed, basically wiping out the entire army. In just three months, Qian Duoduo raised another batch of chickens and ducks. , cattle, sheep, and pigs, and several ponds of fish. But looking at the numbers on the chickens and ducks, Jingshu knew that they must have been obtained from the livestock farm.

Qian Duoduo was also lucky. Due to red worms in the livestock farm this year, the food was relatively abundant. In addition, the government's vigorous breeding efforts finally increased the number. However, Qian Duoduo must have spent a lot of money to get these poultry.

Just then, a leopard ran out of the darkness, frightening everyone.

"Little flower!" Qian Shengqian rushed forward, patted the leopard's head and gave it a friendly kiss.

"Don't be afraid, everyone. They are domesticated and don't bite." Qian Duoduo waved his hand and frowned: "Why was it released? Hurry up."

Before everyone could take a breath, Qian Shengqian patted the leopard's head and pointed at Jingshu and said, "Put her down."

Then they saw the leopard swooping over, and screams sounded instantly. The people around them realized that the leopard was coming, and they all backed away and shouted in fear, while the bodyguards who were far away from the edge rushed up, preparing to form a carnival. Wall, there is no way, no one who comes in has a weapon.

All of a sudden, everything was going crazy.

Until a voice sounded.

"Sit down!" Jing Shu narrowed her eyes and said calmly.

Then I saw the leopard that was running towards me suddenly brake, then sit down, open its mouth, stick out its tongue and gasp.

The originally tense scene suddenly became audible. For a moment, everyone looked at this scene in disbelief, and they still didn't understand, what happened?

Qian Duoduo glared at Qian Shengqian, "Aren't you still embarrassed?"

Qian Shengqian looked at this scene in disbelief. After a long time, he lowered his head and shouted: "Come back, little flower."

It took the leopard two seconds to react, and ran back in a hurry, then sat on the ground sticking out its tongue and wagging its tail.

"I'm really sorry for scaring everyone. This is a leopard that was raised by a husky, so it lost its leopard nature, but learned 100% of the husky's character. It never bites, but only gets bullied. I scared you, Jingshu. I was really afraid that you accidentally killed the leopard. Thank you for your kindness in not killing me. I will apologize to you later."

Jing Shu forced a smile. She had really been shocked just now. Just when she was considering whether to punch or kick, she suddenly remembered that she had the illusion of the Rubik's Cube space. Just to test her abilities, she faced the leopard. I used it, but I didn’t expect it to be very effective. Does that mean it can control larger creatures?

Then the servants came and took the little flower away quickly. Of course, after a long absence and the master reunited, the leopard acted coquettishly and was successfully deceived by an apple. Only then did the people around him breathe a sigh of relief.

"Just don't bite."

"It just looks a little scary."

Everyone followed Qian Duoduo and quickly left the third floor and came to the fourth floor, where the ingredients were processed.

"To be honest with you, I have asked people who are going to the United States next year to come back with some vegetable dehydration technology and other props. As you have seen elsewhere, the Xishan one-stop base still has a lot of room for development."

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