I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 329 Even if it’s a trap, you have to jump

Many people couldn't sit still. Some showed their identities, some sent text messages for help, and some acted recklessly. Various methods were used, but the fat police officer simply refused to give in.

Jingshu no longer resisted, but carefully looked at the list of supplies on the left, which contained detailed prices for the supplies. Jingshu looked at the price list above and calculated her own property. For a moment, if this calculation was true, the assets, supplies and food she owned, she just wanted to say that everyone here is a jerk.

The most valuable things now are live poultry, various vegetables, rice, noodles, oil, etc. She also has various fresh fruits, and also grows various expensive medicinal materials herself. Even if she doesn't need space, she can breed chickens, ducks, cows and pigs. These assets are frighteningly high, not to mention the millions of supplies she bought before the end of the world, all kinds of food, out-of-market snacks, beef, sausages, etc. This is really an astronomical figure.

Because at this moment, the calculation of face value is based on grams. If she takes out anything at will, it can crush everyone here. They say that everything is empty, but she belongs to 'farming', which can make a living and grow more and more. The more, this means that her assets will become more and more valuable.

But Jingshu obviously can't come up with it. The fat police officer is right. This time is really an investigation, at least an assessment of the entire middle class in Wucheng. So what should she come up with so that she can't be the last and not deliberately keep a low profile? , and in the end not attracting attention and attracting hatred?

Jingshu browsed through her assets and searched in the list. Suddenly her eyes lit up, yes, red thread worm cake!

With the daily earthquakes and natural disasters, the country has no time to plant, and there is no way to plant on a large area. It has also left many people displaced and unable to create value outside.

There was no way, the country began to consume the red worm cakes prepared for the second year, and it took a long time to eat it, and no matter how much red worm cakes Jingshu had, it was really unforgettable, and for this everyone and poultry were eaten quickly Although vomited food can save lives in this apocalypse, it is really not valuable, just like the corn that was fed to pigs and chickens in China before the apocalypse.

"20 kilograms of red worm cakes correspond to 1 virtual coin. According to the current price, it is normal, but I paid 1 virtual coin for 200 kilograms. Even if there was moisture in it at the time, after compression and extrusion, but after excluding labor and storage warehouses, My current profit is also 500% including tolls and all shipping costs, which is simply a huge profit. Moreover, judging from this situation, the price of red worms will definitely continue to rise."

At that time, Jingshu not only cultivated a batch of red nematodes in the space because she wanted to breed leeches, she also bred a batch of red nematodes early as a seed reserve for the future. The red worms that were only one cubic meter at the beginning have gone through a large amount of After half a year of growth, it has now grown to a full 8 cubic meters, equivalent to 8 tons of red worms.

Jingshu knew that this increase was abnormal, just like the red worms in the pond at her uncle's house. After a few months, they had only grown by more than half. Compared to the beginning, the red worms were rampant and reproduced in batches every 7 days. According to Judging from this growth rate, it is definitely 7 to the Nth power.

There must be something wrong here. How to make the bacteria multiply and grow rapidly and make the red worms explode at the previous reproduction rate is not only studied by Jingshu, but also by the country. After all, red worms are the food that China does not starve to death. It is also extremely important.

But so far, Jingshu has tried many methods but has not been able to recover. There is a reason why red worms can spread all over the earth. If she can solve this method, will she be able to prevent so many people from starving to death and become a smaller version of Yuan Longping? ? Even Jingshu felt that her idea was too naive.

Jingshu finally wrote the value of 1 million on the sign, which is her due status as a red thread worm cake master!

After all resistance failed, the fat police officer asked everyone to show their signs, and everyone present scanned the numbers of those around them.

Sure enough, the man in the suit set off the audience, and he also wrote 3 million, followed by Jingshu who wrote the sky-high price of 1 million. Finally, she lived up to the number of seats in VIP channel No. 3, and most of the next ones were from 100,000 to 80. Between ten thousand.

There are no prices below 100,000. It seems that everyone is thinking that they would rather write a high price than a low price and be the last in consumption. However, the price on site is already about 10 times higher.

The fat police officer clapped his hands and was very satisfied. "Next, I will do the auction. Officer Wang will record how much everyone spent. Afterwards, they will donate the same amount of materials. If it is not enough, it doesn't matter. You can issue an IOU. Haha, we are not that strict." "

Jing Shu rolled her eyes. This person was evil and kept motivating people to donate materials. It was probably their mission to donate everything in order not to be the last one.

"First of all, this 95mm automatic rifle starts at 1,500."

"Okay, 1800, 19002500. Okay, the final transaction price is 2700, very good, next one."

The hook-nosed police officer was also a bad guy. A ranking table was created on the projection site. It was clear who spent how much, and who was in last place could also be seen at a glance. In this way, the further the auction goes, the higher the price.

Among them, the old man and Jing Shu never shouted the price once. The old man seemed to be asleep, and Jing Shu didn't find what she wanted. Of course, this is not the most important thing. In fact, in general, if we buy more rifles and The submachine gun was also very helpful to Jing Shu.

But the most important thing is that this is still a trap. Once these guns are bid for, then the subsequent ammunition, Jingshu bet with her little finger, this black-faced Hell combination will definitely invite several people to donate every few months. Something, or just some bullet points for promotion.

"It's a pity. If only Li Yuetian were here, things wouldn't be so passive."

At this time, Li Yuetian was not having a good time. In fact, the fat police officer did not say anything wrong, that is, they are still the "honorary president" in this position, and they have to raise one million yuan in donations every month. The bananas under his jurisdiction Everyone in the community has gone to the jurisdiction of Lingshan District. At this time, they can't express their suffering, so they have to move their positions to find others to collect donations.

Seeing the prices of each weapon being sold out getting higher and higher, Jing Shu couldn't help but narrow her eyes. Otherwise, she could only start with defensive equipment?

Until the disposable rocket launcher appeared, making Jingshu's eyes light up.

"The Type 08 disposable rocket launcher is low-cost. Before the end of the world, it cost several hundred yuan each. It is easy to carry and fight, and its firepower is extremely fierce. We don't have many. We can only sell ten of them. We can shoot them together. They are numbered. We It needs to be inspected once every three months, and the use must be reported and recorded. Okay, the price starts at 15,000 yuan for ten pieces."

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