I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 389 Do you really think you are amazing?

Ah Huang had already spit out stones to investigate back and forth several times. The monkey frowned and shook his head, always saying it was impossible. How big is this mountain? How come there isn't even a single creature?

Jing Shu frowned. The key was that the few poisonous bees she sent out disappeared before they flew very far. She could only feel that these poisonous bees were suddenly eaten by something during their normal flight. They took this route. Even though the road looks so quiet and scary, there are still unknown creatures.

"I'm really going to starve to death if I don't eat!" Xiao Hei lay completely motionless on the ground.

"Let's rest for a while. Let me tell you some bad news. Our mobile phones are out of battery and have no signal at the moment. If we don't get out of this mountain within two days and can't connect with Laoyang, we may not be able to complete the next mission." Tank took out a compass and said, "I don't know if I can do it just by relying on this."

Lingling looked into the dark night with her night vision goggles. Snake Spirit leaned on the stone and said, "First let's consolidate the supplies everyone has brought and how much food we have. Just now, my little Taiban went around in a circle and didn't find anything. For food, there isn’t even a single weed or tree bark in this place, so we have to eat algae if we can’t.”

"Don't look at me. I ran away too fast just now. All daily necessities and food are gone." Xiao Hei cried sadly.

"All I have left is blankets, a few guns, and some high-energy chocolate, which can last me three days without eating anything else." Lingling lowered her head and said.

The snake spirit spit out the letter and said: "I usually hide some life-saving food in the body of the little snake, which can keep me alive for three to five days. Other than that, there are only some poisons and weapons."

The monkey kept digging at the stone with his dagger, and then whispered: "I never have the habit of bringing food. I am full of weapons and some survival supplies. Ah Huang and I have been in many harsh environments and we can find food." Yes, even in this mountain."

Tank dug out some pancakes and food bought on the black market from a large pile of weapons. "I have a big appetite, so I didn't transport all the food I exchanged for black market currency back to my country in the past few days. I kept some, but it was just enough." I spent three or four days on my own, and I can only pray that we get out of the mountains quickly and find some supplies."

Jingshu patted her luggage and said, "I have everything to eat and drink, but I am stronger and have a bigger appetite. You have seen it before. I don't know how long this food will last for me, so I won't help until it's a life or death situation." You, of course, still follow the old rules, 100 contribution points per meal.”

I tell you not to take this road, and if you don't listen to the old man's words, you will still suffer the consequences.

"100 contribution points to save lives is not expensive at all." If it really comes to that point, Jingshu is willing to give them food, which is really good.

After all, these proud elites are very arrogant and disdain to eat Jingshu's soft rice.

However, when everyone saw that the luggage as high as Jingshu Mountain was loaded with all kinds of food, they still didn't know what to say.

Don’t worry about the water source. The floods in the second year have just subsided a lot, and there are still algae in the cracks of many rocks. Monkey Snake Spirit and a few people are also professionals. After a while, they dug a big hole from underneath and collected some water. .

The water was turbid green and black, and tiny bugs could still be seen in it. The group of people dug into wood to make a fire and used their helmets as pots to boil the water that had been filtered several times.

Xiao Hei spit it out and said a few times, "This water is so bitter, just like the water in the smelly ditch."

The snake spirit spat out the letter and opened its mouth and said excitedly: "The more bitter it is, the higher the feces content of a certain creature is. It means that there are creatures in this mountain, so you don't have to worry about running out of food."

Jing Shu shook her head, it was probably the excrement of those zombie creatures.

The fat chicken started digging excitedly for a few times, and was able to dig out some worms from the ground. After all, the fat chicken can eat even red worms as delicacies, so it is not picky about food. Unfortunately, after only a few bites of the fat chicken, it became disgusting and stopped eating. It means that the bugs in the ground are as unpalatable as the corpse bugs in the stinky ditch, and they taste similar to zombie hippos. The fat chicken no longer wants to eat food like zombie hippos, and will vomit after eating it.

By the way, the fat chicken is getting bigger again, and the armor is a bit small.

"I found it, I found an edible bug!" the monkey shouted excitedly, and dug out the black flatworm from under the stone. The whole body was covered in black shells. It was the size of a fingernail, but only one millimeter thick. He opened the middle with all his strength. There is a faint layer of white.

The snake spirit nodded: "It has a little protein. If you remove the head, you can eat it."

The monkey found two or three kinds of edible bugs, Xiao Hei was responsible for cutting down more dead wood to light the fire, Tank contributed some pancakes and put them into the soup pot, and the snake spirit dug up some edible algae. After a long and busy search, they finally finally Makes a protein-packed soup.

Lingling sat on the stone and ate some chocolate to show that she would not eat the strange food in the pot.

It was then that Jingshu lit up the disposable solid alcohol. Jingshu had many boxes of this stuff, which she collected in the second year of the apocalypse. It was just in time to use it.

Put the butter made a few days ago into the bottom of the pot, increase the bones and simmer it, slice the chicken, ham and sausage for seasoning, put the sausage and bacon in to cook, then tear off a few pieces of beef rib meat and cut a few pieces of pork leg meat. , sprinkle some dried scallops, dried shrimps, dried crabs to make it fresh, throw in dried mushrooms, kelp, fungus and day lily all in one pot and stew.

Then pick some ready-made lettuce and blanch it. Before that, be sure to beat four or five eggs freshly laid by fat chickens, put a piece of instant noodles on top, and sprinkle some grated cheese.

The aroma of the hot pot wafted far away, and the rich aroma surrounded everyone's noses. You could also hear the sound of knives chopping on the chopping board. It turned out that Jingshu had minced garlic, sprinkled with coriander and garlic sprouts, and poured half of it on top. A bowl of sesame oil and a little balsamic vinegar, make a sauce for dipping, and eat it!

Everyone knew that the vegetables they grew were used as side dishes for hot pot!

This is so disrespectful!

Ah Huang wagged his tail and wanted to get closer but didn't dare. He finally ate a bone and threw it out, only to be swallowed by the fat chicken.

The sound of eating noodles was so pleasant at this moment. After a while, Jingshu picked up the pot and finished the last few mouthfuls of noodles, and drank up the soup in the pot without leaving a drop.

"Hiccup~" Jingshu burped with satisfaction. She quickly finished packing and was ready to hit the road at any time.

"You can eat soon after climbing over this mountain." Xiao Hei comforted himself, drooling and soaking his clothes again.

After eating and drinking enough, they continued on the road, and everyone's speed became obviously faster.

Lingling birds were exploring from time to time, and Ah Huang and Xiao Tai Ban were also on guard around the place. It seemed that there was no dangerous place. It was as silent as a dead mountain.

"Wait a minute, don't go forward." Jing Shu shouted.

Everyone turned to look at her.

"There is danger ahead. This road may collapse at any time and there are unknown creatures." Jing Shu pointed to the gap between the two mountains and said, "Just go over the mountain."

"This mountain is almost turning into a cliff. You can walk out from here. Besides, Ah Huang just ran to investigate. Are you a scout or am I a scout? Do you really think you are great? He always opposes me." The monkey said dissatisfied.

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