I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 396 Rubik's Cube Space Promotion

Now it seems that only Jing Shu has the ability and means to find the answer through the roots of the dead tree. It is impossible for others to dig with their bare hands, right? Even the tiger snake can't eat these roots.

Jingshu doesn't sweat, but at this moment, big beads of sweat are falling down drop by drop on her forehead. The further down, the slower the man-eating insects eat the branches, and the branches become extremely flexible and tough. , Jingshu had to unite all the man-eating insects to eat them with all their strength.

The bright red juice became thicker and thicker, turning red to black, sticky and stringy, and finally almost formed into crystals.

Jingshu didn't waste every bite she took, and collected all the thick liquid and stringy liquid into the space. When the crystals finally arrived, it meant that Jingshu's hard work all night finally gave way.

The sound of ding made Jingshu's soul tremble!

The man-eating insects continued to gnaw at its layer of bark-like material. Countless man-eating insects worked hard for half an hour before gnawing a small gap. When the leading man-eating insect finally arrived at the glowing surface with silk, space time.

Jing Shu finally saw clearly what kind of thing was in the center.

It was like an endless expanse of stars, and like a black hole that was constantly devouring all living things around it. And those few shining red and black crystals blinded Jing Shu's eyes. In such a small place, they were like the branches of a tree. The heart was also embedded in the black hole, which made Jingshu feel that as long as she touched the black hole, she would be able to reach another world!

But at this moment, all the nearby materials turned into the dust of time. The man-eating insects grew up, aged, and withered at a speed visible to the naked eye in an instant, just like the dead trees, they seemed to have lived for a long time. It stays the same for hundreds of years, then it decays, eventually turning into particles of dust and disappearing into ashes!

The surrounding man-eating insects, fed by the diluted spiritual spring, could not withstand time. In just one breath, these insects quickly died of old age, withered, turned into ashes and disappeared into the black hole.

Even the hundred-year-old silk began to turn slightly yellow. Jingshu didn't know what the flow rate of this black hole was. She just saw where the man-eating bugs arrived, the red-black glowing fist-sized crystal. Must get it!

Without any hesitation, Jingshu was directly transported into the Rubik's Cube space by touching the silk. Jingshu's speed was fast enough, but she couldn't make up the time. She touched the taboo!

Although she was far away, her consciousness was connected to these bugs, using silk as a medium, so she was even more affected!

"Poof!" Jingshu suddenly spit out a large mouthful of blood. At the same time, her ears, nose, and eyes began to bleed, and she was about to explode and die!

Vaguely, she heard angry roars and unwilling roars. People can only hear sounds with a frequency of 20HZ-20,000HZ, but the sounds she heard were not in this frequency range, which caused her to faint and faint. A crazy energy collision began within the body.

The Rubik's Cube Space finally took action after being stimulated by the danger of life and death, and finally released the long-lasting seal.

Jingshu fainted deeply, and at the same time, her consciousness once again came to the place where the man-eating insects had reached their final destination, a place that seemed to be the heart of a dead tree with a black hole.

Jingshu couldn't see her hands and couldn't feel her own existence. She seemed to be dreaming, but she could clearly perceive her surroundings. She looked at the small black hole, and there were a lot of things in her mind. At the same time, she understood what she had done before. He actually walked away once the door of life and death was closed.

Why do you say this way? Because she just touched the taboo, she touched the door of the four-dimensional space, she almost entered the fourth-dimensional space, she almost exploded and died!

As we all know, two-dimensional space is a flat space composed of length and width. Three-dimensional space is the space where we humans live, consisting of length, width and height. Matter in three-dimensional space always has length, width and height.

So what is four-dimensional space? It is the addition of time on the basis of three-dimensional space. We call the four-dimensional space time.

All biological substances can perceive the next dimension, but they cannot change it. For example, ants live in a two-dimensional space. Their world is a plane, with only front, back, left and right. Even if you let it climb on your feet, it will not change. In their world, the height of your feet is another plane, but humans feel that this is a three-dimensional space.

Observing people in the four-dimensional space is a straight line from birth to death. You can fast forward and backward to shuttle freely in this time chain, but we humans can only perceive the passage of time, but cannot 'walk' in time. Same here.

Why did Jing Shu explode and die when she touched the four-dimensional space?

It's very simple. When we take a two-dimensional piece of paper into a three-dimensional space, it will lack three-dimensional support, and the internal organs and other things in the body will be exposed. The result of this lack of one dimension is that it will collapse to the ground.

Jingshu is a human in the three-dimensional space who rashly touches the door of the four-dimensional space. Without the support of the four-dimensional space, she will die instantly. Just like her man-eating insect, she cannot withstand the corruption of pressure and time.

However, Rubik's Cube Space unblocked the promotion at the critical moment and saved her.

So why can the Rubik's Cube Space save her? Because the Rubik's Cube space is the product of a six-dimensional or even higher space, it gives Jingshu a support point in the four-dimensional space! It's like giving Ant a 'high' awareness and giving Jingshu 'time' support.

That's why Jing Shu suddenly had so much knowledge in her mind.

"It turns out that there really are creatures in the four-dimensional space. They absorb the 'time' of all the creatures in this mountain. But because of the relationship between dimensions, it's like humans are also creatures in the four-dimensional space, but humans are on the timeline, so they can only It can sense the passage of time but can't do anything, and four-dimensional creatures can only steal three-dimensional time through this method."

Jingshu has absorbed so much knowledge by the strong man, but she can only know a rough idea because of the dimension. In short, it was the space that saved her when she was about to explode and repaired her. As for what kind of repair was used, Jingshu After seeing that the crystals she collected in the Rubik's Cube space shrunk a lot, she probably knew that these red concentrated essence crystals probably gave her a four-dimensional support point, right?

"If that's the case, does going to the door of the four-dimensional space again mean that you won't die? I don't know what the red crystal is. I only took the largest one in the middle. The other party seemed very angry?"

Jingshu felt a severe headache and pain again, and couldn't resist it anymore and fell asleep. This time, the world of Rubik's Cube Space began to be reshaped. After Jingshu worked hard for half a year, the Rubik's Cube Space was finally upgraded again.

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