Yang Yang nodded angrily, so at first he thought this was a small village that was suddenly pinched by tectonic plates. Who would have thought that the evil man in the small village dared to attack him? He was careless!

This was simply a disaster scene. Jingshu thought the robbers would be some kind of organization, but she didn't expect it to be a village. But what about the eggs in their mouths? Regardless of the black liquid, Jingshu is also interested in these. Because the height is different, Jingshu in this life has experienced many things that she did not have in her previous life.

Also, at that time I didn’t even have enough to eat, so how could I care about other things? Like these people, she just wanted to live, but she had no idea what she was living for or what the meaning was, and she felt numb to life.

"It's a pity that many people must have died. How many of you are there now?"

"Only the northwest corner of our village has not been squeezed. Well, there are only about ten households. Some died due to various reasons along the way. Now there are only a few dozen people." Guotou pointed to the dim light. The only visible shabby tiled houses can be vaguely seen from here, with several families looking over at them warily from the windows.

The entire village was squeezed together by mountains from all directions. It can be said that most of them died, which is not a tragedy.

Jingshu couldn't help but shudder when she looked at these penetrating eyes. They were cold and cold, just like filming a ghost movie. She couldn't help but send out many bugs to explore the way, but found that these bugs were not very obedient. He was trembling, afraid of something.

Jing Shu's vigilance became even higher. Although she could see through the entire village at a glance and could also see the villagers who were wary of them behind the windows, what about the monster they talked about? Where.

"Before, you couldn't contact the outside world. Now that we are here, do you want to go out to the mountains with us to find evidence of corruption? Although the situation outside is also bad, it is better than you. Living here is always at risk of being squeezed by the mountains. .”

Guotou scratched his head and said, "I can't make the decision. I'll listen to Xiaowei."

Yang Yang rolled his eyes behind him, could you take out the eggs in his body first? He felt as if something in his neck was about to break out of its shell. If he delayed for a while, would he also become nourishment?

"Xiaowei? Who is it? Could it be your boss?" Jun Bao asked curiously. This is obviously a girl's name.

At the mention of Xiaowei, Guotou's lips filled with tears, "No, she is our boss. She is the village chief's daughter and our village beauty. She is smart and kind, and our survival depends on Xiaowei. Wei."

"Guotou!" Wenjun tugged on Guotou's clothes in dissatisfaction, and Guotou pouted, "Okay, okay, what's the point? Xiaowei is already very powerful."

Jing Shu looked at Yang Yang's expression and asked, "How do we get our companion's eggs? Do we need to do anything? Do we need to dig them out with a knife?" If surgery is needed, she must do it in advance. Get some alcohol ready.

"Hey, why bother? Come with us to find Xiaowei. She is the only one in the village who can take out the eggs planted in her body." Guotou led a few people to the front of a mountain.

There is half a tile-brick house exposed here, and the rest has been swallowed up by the mountains. You can vaguely see the tile-brick house squeezed into a cake through the cracks in the mountain. If someone was sleeping in it at that time, it would probably have become a piece of cake. Human meat pie.

Jun Bao's eyes lit up again: "The village chief's daughter? This is the village chief's home, right?"

Wenjun's voice was a little low: "The village chief's family were all dead, and the village chief's home was buried in the mountains. Only Xiaowei survived. When we found her..." As if he thought of something, Wenjun His expression was unpredictable, and he took a deep breath and said: "Her legs are useless. Once you get in, don't say or ask questions or look around."

A few people nodded, it was the first thing not to pick up the scars, and they entered the house.

The house still retains some of its pre-apocalyptic furnishings. This is a main room in the countryside. There is a wooden table and an iron stove. Unfortunately, the stove has long since gone out. How can you burn the stove without fuel? After half a year of consumption, everything that could be used as fuel was burned.

The house was very cold, and Jingshu felt cold.

There was a big bed in the corner, and the wall turned out to be a mountain. A pale-faced girl, about fifteen or sixteen years old, was half-sitting on the bed, covered with a large, warm-looking quilt, which was only slightly Some bumps.

Xiaowei looked at Wenjun in the corner. Wenjun nodded vaguely and took a box and a half of compressed biscuits from behind, "Enough for us to eat for a while."

Guotou first took a piece of biscuit, tore open the package and handed it to Xiaowei: "Try it quickly. There is sugar in it. I heard that eating one will make you full."

The girl on the bed pointed to Yang Yang: "I will take out the eggs first. It will hurt a little, please bear with me."

Yang Yang quietly winked at Jing Shu and Jun Bao. If the egg is taken out later, is it a counterattack or something? In short, this bad breath can't just be let go, right? Is it reasonable to say that he was kidnapped and blackmailed, and he was still a group of bad villagers?

Jun Bao's interest was not in Yang Yang's at all, and he didn't even look at him. He was looking at Xiao Wei on the bed the whole time.

The method of egg retrieval is very simple. Yang Yang squatted down and saw Xiaowei stretched out his hand. Slowly, a fist-sized, transparent egg came out from the back of Yang Yang's neck. This egg was alive. , beating constantly.

"Does this fucking hurt? It hurts more than pouring water into your body!"

Beads of sweat poured down Yang Yang's forehead. He gritted his teeth and persisted. Although he was perverted to a certain extent, he had also been tortured a lot. Otherwise, how could he have figured out how to make people feel the most pain?

Pain, for him, was a common occurrence, but the pain it was causing now was obviously approaching the bottom line of what a person could bear.

As soon as she took it out, she fainted from the pain. Jingshu quickly stepped forward to check and found that it was okay.

"Hey, Yangyang, wake up, it's time for us to go!"

Embarrassed, Yang Yang completely fainted. Jing Shu considered whether to sneak Yang Yang back. This guy was still thinking about his bad temper just now, but how can I put it, this robbery is different from before. As for whether to take back the compression. Jingshu was a little confused about the biscuits. The compressed biscuits were not hers, and logically speaking, they had nothing to do with her.

But after all, the compressed biscuits were for rescuing the fleet members and her seeds, so they had something to do with her. Jing Shu looked at Jun Bao and suddenly thought, why is she so entangled? Isn’t the leader this time Jun Bao?

Jun Bao chatted with the little girl again

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