I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 687 Various dividend materials shipped from various places

It is foreseeable that although Jing Shu does not know what is inside, the value of this batch of things is definitely not low, and may even be a little higher than the profit share this time - isn't this obvious? If you still want to cooperate happily with Jing Shu, you must get some good things this time.

Jingshu has even thought that in order to save money on shipping costs, the things everyone brings must be relatively light. If they are too heavy, transportation inconvenience will also be a big problem.

For example, cheap food like green grass is impossible to transport. After all, it is a practical material worth millions of virtual coins.

Or maybe it's a precious living domestic animal? But Jingshu hopes to get some varieties that she doesn’t have. Although she has chickens, ducks, pigs and sheep, the varieties are all popular.

In this apocalyptic world where everything is about to become extinct, no one despises the types of live poultry, such as ordinary domestic chickens, free-range chickens, three-yellow chickens, reed chickens, and the rich black-bone chickens, which are really delicious.

But it's obvious that Jingshu is overthinking. The popular breeds are almost extinct, and the rare breeds are even more likely to become extinct.

Half a month later, the first batch of dividends was finally transported to Wucheng Town Government through official channels from all directions. Jingshu then sent Xiao Liu to the town government to collect the supplies.

Jingshu sent a truck to pick up the supplies. While Xiao Liu was handing over the goods for reconciliation, Jingshu went to see Jinbaba's Jinhua sow.

Jin Baba nervously touched the sow that had gained a lot of weight. He was a little worried: "This belly is getting bigger and bigger. I don't know how many babies are in it. I'm afraid it will burst."

The black pig at Jingshu's house drank the diluted spirit spring, and every time she gave birth to more than a dozen cubs, it didn't look so scary. This was not just because she secretly fed the sow some diluted spirit spring in order to give birth to more cubs. What?

"I'm afraid that the sow is too thin and carries a lot in her belly, so she looks scary. I think the piglet is about to be born. You can send it to a breeding farm. There are some experienced people there."

In fact, Jingshu was more experienced. She squatted down and touched her belly. From some details, she knew that the pig was about to give birth. How about helping it and bringing her home just in time? Why save so much trouble?

So Jingshu started massaging the sow.

"Don't touch it. What will happen if it gets damaged?" Jin Baba hoped that the sow would give birth to more piglets and reproduce more, so that he could eat pork quickly.

As she spoke, the sow began to hum, and then a stream of water came out.

"You peed, you touched it, you peed!" Jin Baba shouted excitedly.

Jing Shu: "..." Get lost!

"Oh, what a coincidence, it's about to give birth."

In fact, sows don't give birth so quickly. It usually takes most of a day or even a day or two, and they start to give birth after moaning and groaning. But Jingshu used her tricks, and because this sow was not her first calf, she soon gave birth to beans. She also started giving birth to cubs.

Jin Ba Ba had never seen such a big scene before. He was so disgusted that he almost vomited, and at the same time he was extremely excited. After a while, the sow gave birth to 8 cubs.

Jingshu took away 3. Originally there were not so many, but later due to various reasons and conditions, Jin Baba promised her that if the sow kept laying for a long time, she would just give her 3.

Jingshu left with satisfaction. Her wish was to produce a batch of Jinhua ham before moving.

After the Rubik's Cube was upgraded, there was still a lot of room left in the space. She had to fill the entire space with food and supplies before she would feel at ease.

the other side.

"How's it going? Do you have anything good?" Jing Shu asked Xiao Liu who was handing over.

Xiao Liu told them one by one that there was a batch of cotton-padded clothes and fabrics from before the apocalypse that they were indeed in short supply. Since these things were very valuable now, they were in line with the regulations for dividends.

Jingshu nodded, looked at the two batches of goods, selected some cotton-padded clothes and took them out individually. She planned to use these as gifts - the New Year is coming soon, and she must give gifts to relatives and friends.

Although the end of the world has come, the Chinese people’s habit of giving gifts during festivals has remained unchanged for thousands of years.

Her family also receives many gifts every year, some are practical and some are impractical. Jing Nai always collects them and estimates their value, and then returns gifts to these relatives and friends next time.

These cotton-padded clothing fabrics are in short supply right now. Even if one set is given to each family, it is still a great gift. Jingshu naturally has better ones in her hands, but those are all accessories that have been cultivated in the space or are more or less diluted by spiritual springs. Jingshu was reluctant to take out the product as a gift.

"There is also a batch of high-end products sent from the imperial capital. It is a new food cultivated by the artificial sun, called black potatoes. This stuff is a new product and very rare. When this batch of goods arrives, it will be 10% higher than the dividend. If you get it, It’s even rarer from this side of the city.”

Sweet potatoes are red, purple potatoes are purple, and black potatoes, so they are black potatoes?

Jing Shu really guessed it right.

"I heard it tastes fragrant and is much larger than sweet potatoes, but a little rougher. It is cultivated from the wild. After careful study, it may be possible to propagate it on a large scale in the future."

Jingshu didn't quite remember whether there was such a black potato in her previous life. She only saw that this black potato was about the size of a watermelon. It was only such a small batch in total. It seemed that the value was really high.

"The things Zhou Yun got are not bad. They are actually edible. I was so surprised." Jing Shu weighed the black potatoes and said, "Divide the black potatoes into three parts and take one back to me. It will be given out according to the ranking of year-end bonuses, and you can sell the last one at the imperial price according to all the big customers who deal with us."

Jingshu plans to see if this black potato can be propagated and cultivated, but I heard that the process is very troublesome and the yield is not very good. Anyway, I have to try it. Even if it costs a lot, it doesn’t look very delicious. That’s just a picture. Fresh.

There are quite a lot of big customers now, and they can't be divided into a few in one system. Wucheng Town Government, Xishan, gas, and electricity all have business dealings. After all, opening a factory requires the coordination of many departments.

Then, Jingshu saw the special products from several other places. Some were new products of the apocalypse, and some were treasures from before the apocalypse.

So much stuff, it’s really less than a truckload! In other words, excluding freight and other factors, the value of this truck is more than 30% of the insect cake factory's previous month's profit! How many truckloads of insect cakes is that worth?

However, these materials are really precious and are definitely rare materials nowadays.

"Is that all?" Jing Shu looked at this batch of goods, a little disappointed. She couldn't say that there was anything particularly good, but in this case, it was really the best top-notch material, and she couldn't help but sigh. , Productivity, once it collapses, it will be like this now.

"Luo Junren from Sichuan and Sichuan shipped a batch." Xiao Liu looked a little strange. He didn't know what to say for a while. After all, he brought Jing Shu to another separate truck, pointed and said : "Here, a batch of dark creatures have been transported, saying they may be helpful to us in Wucheng."

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