I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 742 The service station lost contact

The atmosphere in all the convoys became tense. Policeman Sanliang checked everyone again and recruited ten more people. In addition to quickly digging toilets and boiling water, they also dug snow forts and traps at both ends.

Just pour water on it and build a shape out of the snow. After a while, a hard and thick ice wall appeared, giving you a sense of security. However, when some people saw the empty and terrifying eyes of these dozens of green giants, they felt that these green giants It's so scary, why put up a wall?

"Shu, we still need to take precautions when we sleep at night. I will keep vigil at night, so that your father and your mother can have a good sleep when they come back. Jinglai can report to the cafeteria with peace of mind tomorrow. Youai will also go with the instructor tomorrow. I'm busy with business, and her mother has to cook tomorrow. There are so many things to do, so I, an old man, have the most free time." Master Jing made the decision directly.

I forgot that there is also a big idler at home, Jing Shu.

Okay, that’s the decision. Although Jingshu thinks it’s unnecessary, if it’s really reduced to relying on the old man to detect the arrival of an enemy, then Jingshu doesn’t need to feed so many Hulks and Mud Mermaids. .

There are many snakes and insects around, these are Jingshu’s little eyes.

On average, there is a mud mermaid scouting every 100 meters underground. It is not bragging to say that there are hundreds of sentry posts.

Jing Shu is the most afraid of death. It is no exaggeration to say that Jing Shu can know how many living people there are within a few kilometers around.

Despite this, Jing Shu still said seriously: "Okay, Master, then you will keep vigil tonight. There will be our Hulk around. If the Hulk makes any move, wake us up."

For this reason, Jing Nai was extremely considerate and prepared some warming soup, two taels of pig head meat, a stack of peanuts, some snacks, patrol coats, wooden warehouses, etc. for Master Jing.

Not to mention, with Master Jing keeping watch, everyone's initial inexplicable restlessness became safer.

Jing Shu had forgotten whether this kind of thing happened in her previous life, and they were part of the third batch of migrants at that time. Although they encountered many things on the road, as long as the town government was there, they didn't have to worry.

The only things I am worried about are whether I can catch up with the progress today, whether I can choose a good place to stay, whether there is a bowl of hot soup, freezing my buttocks when going to the toilet, being bitten by carrion bugs at night, etc. It is about my own comfort and comfort. The problem.

At eight o'clock in the evening, all the migrants on foot rushed to the service station. Those who had arrived early had prepared food and hot soup for the day. The noisy sounds over there could be heard hundreds of meters away. Maybe there was something fresh. Jin, maybe I haven’t gotten used to it yet.

At ten o'clock in the evening, the lights of the motorcade dimmed, and the people walking on the other side of the tunnel became quiet. Apart from the occasional footsteps and patrols, no other sounds could be heard outside.

The tunnel at the other end was densely packed with people sleeping, and at both ends they also imitated the convoy, and built protruding ice walls as cover and to block the wind.

The big guys don't mind being squeezed in. It's so cold outside that they all want to hug each other tightly to keep warm and sleep.

At twelve o'clock in the evening, Jing's mother and Jing's father came back from the emergency preparation meeting. Jing's mother left two bowls of chicken soup and poached eggs for the two of them. After eating, the lights of the RV were finally turned off.

Jingshu slept on the bed with a 270° panoramic skylight, with King Hulk at her feet, two liquid cuties at her hands, and a fat chicken beside the bed. She fell asleep quietly under this strange combination.

A night of silence.

Even in the following days, there was no news about the robbers. Even the large migrating army passed the 312 National Highway in a trembling manner without any incident. Of course, there were also some messy things on the road. .

For example, a car in the convoy is out of gas, and the fuel truck has not arrived yet. With so many cars in the convoy, you have to wait. You have no choice but to take the police car and be responsible for everyone's safety... Then look for other cars to borrow and they will sell them at a high price. Car owners who run out of gas don’t want to buy it

Yeah, I ended up taking a police car and borrowing some.

The oil truck is one of the collaborations between the Food Department and the Oil Transportation Department.

You said that when moving a convoy, you can't be as upright as Jingshu's family, who just stored a few tons of oil and ran with it, right? What's too much is that the charging pile is resisted.

Of course, we cannot imitate the Jingshu family. The transportation of this farm, the transplanting and transportation of fruits and vegetables, etc., all require oil on the road, and there is a special truck from the Oil Transportation Department for transportation.

Then the rich senior officials of the Ministry of Food used their connections to exchange the oil and deposited it in the Oil Transportation Department. When delivering it to the officials, they would get some kickbacks and deliver it to private individuals. The gasoline was all their own, so they had to buy it temporarily?

Sorry, it doesn't matter. I really can't get gas if I don't have money.

Another example is when people migrating on foot get into fights because they don’t want to sleep next to each other at night... Or a person in a convoy sleeps with his sister-in-law, causing all kinds of farce, etc.

After passing National Highway 312, everyone gradually forgot about the robbers and devoted themselves wholeheartedly to their current lives. During this migration, most people had to go to work.

For example, Sangu works in a logistics canteen. She still has to arrive at the service station two hours before meals every day and start instructing people to dig pits, boil fires and water, cook meals, calculate portions, etc. Human beings are not only required to There are eating, going to the toilet, accommodation, and sometimes getting sick. There are so many things to keep busy along the way.

To put it simply, food, drink, food, clothing, housing and transportation must be coordinated and arranged. If any link is not arranged well, it will affect the next link, and the interlocking links will affect the process. If the service station does not arrange the arrangements in advance, If something went wrong with the food reserves or transportation personnel, the supply chain would be interrupted. Oops, I guess the entire migration team would be in chaos.

After 16 days and 400 kilometers of walking, Jiang Jiang walked out of the map of the Northwest and just arrived at the border of Xinlan. The third and fourth batches of migrants on foot were all on the road, including Jingshu who stayed in the last batch of migrations. The people from the factory are on their way now.

At this point, all 3 million people in Wucheng have embarked on the Long March! This front is too huge, and there are too many things to coordinate on the road. So far, Jing Shu has not heard any more news from Jun Bao.

No news, just good news.

When people had forgotten about the robberies at that time, a shocking incident occurred.

Something happened at the Liudaowan Service Station at the junction with Xinlan!

13:00 noon.

"Stop, everyone gets out of the car and gathers! Turn off all the lights and turn off the engine! From now on, no one is allowed to speak loudly or make a big noise!"

The convoy stopped in a tunnel 2 kilometers away from the Liudaowan Service Station. The police car blocked the entrance and called everyone out. After checking the people again, they simply stated the matter:

"Liudaowan Service Station encountered robbery by unknown forces half an hour ago, including a team of supplies sent to Wucheng from Xinlan, a total of 30 armed personnel, as well as 10 logistics personnel and 30 armed personnel from Wucheng, all Lost contact.”

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