I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 762 I have a way to solve the problem

At that time, Jingshu was stupid and couldn't tell the difference. She just kept harvesting energy based on her feelings and the energy fluctuations in the space, and then walked out with a confused look on her face. She didn't know what data to calculate.

In short, I was extremely lucky at the time. After I came out, I realized that it was a four-dimensional space.

And now? He unexpectedly walked into a lost space again, and what is even more terrifying is that before there were only four data points, but now it takes six data coordinate points to enter the six-dimensional space. It is not the least bit difficult.

Jing Shu also finally understood why, even though it was a small place separated between two provinces, no one had ever successfully crossed over for so long. Many people came in but never walked out.

Hearing what the old man said, the expressions on everyone's faces suddenly turned ugly.

"Isn't that an exaggeration? Don't we still have satellite positioning and can connect to signals from outside?"

"Yeah, I don't believe you can't get out even if you keep walking in one direction?"

This is a situation where a scumbag cannot understand the situation.

Some understood and immediately explained: "This is the same as underwater refraction. Satellites are like human eyes, and fish in the water are like our current position. The real positioning will be biased. According to this person, the six data are slightly different. , is a thousand miles lost.”

The conference room became noisy.

Jingshu frowned and thought about whether if we found the energy source, we could follow the original four-dimensional method and find the most energy-rich place in the six-dimensional space, which is the exit?

Jun Bao waved his hand to ask everyone to be quiet, and then asked: "Now, is there a solution?"

The old man raised his head and said with a bit of pride: "I am not very talented, I just happened to calculate this data."

"Hey, you told me earlier, selling anxiety and scaring us."

"That's right, I thought I would never be able to get out of this Archimedean space."

"It's Euclidean space, commonly known as six-dimensional space."

Jun Bao also exhaled a sigh of relief, today was really a big ups and downs.

"The situation is not optimistic. Don't be too happy. I guess, according to the coordinate position I calculated, the closer to the center point, the more stable the space is, and the more special energy is needed to maintain the stability of the space. Then the companion dark mutant tick The greater the number of insects, the more powerful they will be, which means they will be more dangerous.”

Dr. Zhang became excited all of a sudden: "Is it the extremely rare black energy we discovered before? As for what you said is getting more and more dangerous, I agree. I also found that the more I walked, the bigger the mutated ticks got. The more ferocious it is, the stronger its resistance to Ai, so I didn’t say anything in order to cause panic, and suggested that we just turn around and go back home.”

Black energy is not a top secret. Some new species and new functions in the apocalypse have been developed using it. It not only has great research value, but is also a new type of unknown energy. Countries around the world are secretly studying new apocalyptic energy.

The old man shook his head: "It doesn't have to be black energy. What I'm sure of is that in order to build and support this kind of space, it must be an energy source that we don't know. As for the details, scientists should study and worry about it. I'm such a bad person. The old man doesn’t know so much.”

Jun Bao's eyes lit up. This was a rare material. Whether it was taken to the imperial capital for research or turned over, it was extremely valuable.

Jingshu was also beating up Xiao Jiujiu in her heart. She originally secretly wanted to take advantage of the fact that no one found out about the energy and secretly swallowed it all. Now it's better. When she meets someone who knows her stuff, she can't keep the key data to herself. The calculated coordinates were provided by others, and the energy was also provided by others. I couldn’t go up and collect all the energy.

"So it seems we have to go to the place where the ticks are the most?"

"So, now that there is no solution for mutated ticks, how do we move forward? Are we going to die one by one?"

"Don't even think about going back home. You're already lost. How about waiting to die?"

"The advantage of dying is that there is a 1% chance of survival, but the disadvantage is that you die relatively quickly; the disadvantage of waiting to die is that you will die 100% of the time, but the advantage is that you die slower, and the supplies we bring are enough to survive for a few months."

"The central idea now is that as long as we can get rid of the ticks, we can get out, and it is possible to find the legendary and precious energy. Isn't this an endless loop?"

"Yeah, the problem is that it doesn't solve the problem of tick suppression."

Jun Bao nodded to Hao Yunlai: "Since you are the captain of this elite team, what do you think?"

Hao Yunlai, who was dozing off, rubbed his messy hair and looked at Jingshu: "I don't have any ideas. The mirror must have a way. Every time we get lost, we can follow the mirror and get out." And there are a lot of delicious food. In short, follow The mirror is right.

Jun Bao nodded in approval and looked at Jing Shu again.

The conference room became quieter, and Jingshu's status inexplicably improved. Some people were surprised that a mysterious ability user in Wucheng was said to have such a high opinion of another female doll, and looked like she was bowing her head. .

Aside from being pretty, what is so special about that woman?

Following everyone's gaze, Jingshu coughed twice in confusion. She didn't want to waste time anymore. Jun Bao was right. If you wait for one more day, a million mouths will be waiting for food. Without exposing her trump card and special abilities, It's okay to show some intimidating strength appropriately.

So Jing Shu cleared her throat and asked: "Before this, I want to confirm, does anyone else have any good solutions? Or have other ideas?"

"No, we are not familiar with this area."

"You can let me fight. People who study professional suppressive drugs really don't understand."

"I am engaged in food research. It is okay for me to study how to use ticks as food, but other things are really not possible."

After making sure that no one else had any ideas, Jingshu nodded: "I do have a way, but I want to talk to the person in power and Dr. Zhang alone."

There were whispers in the conference room.

"What? Are there any secrets involved?"

"Is there anything we can't listen to?"

Dr. Zhang's eyes lit up, knowing that Jingshu had something good to come up with, and immediately said: "Go to my laboratory to talk, make sure no one can hear."

Under the curious eyes of a group of people, the three people left the military vehicle and boarded the RV of Dr. Zhang's separate laboratory.

Jingshu got straight to the point: "I have the raw materials for making a lot of tick-inhibiting drugs and can provide these raw materials, but afterwards I ask for the right to own half of all the energy."

It is the best thing to be able to use the energy of the six-dimensional space openly and even to have a clear path. Everyone has to put in some effort to solve the problem. Wouldn't it be nice to eat cake together?

Of course, what Jing Shu took out must have passed the standard, otherwise how could she dare to take it out?

Jun Bao looked puzzled: "Mr. Zhang can't find an affordable substitute for mutant tick extract, so you can come up with it? And in large quantities?"

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