I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 771 Who can bear this?

Except for the inventory before the apocalypse, the current furs are all dry and dull, unlike the ones Jingshu brought out, so many people are actively bidding on them, and many are even willing to buy them at a premium.

It's a pity that Jing Shu doesn't like anyone very much.

Until a man showed up carrying a sack.

"Hello, please try our Yihua specialty: water chestnuts mutated by dark matter. Eating it regularly also has unexpected benefits for the body... I want to change all your fur. There are many elderly people in the family, and they are more and more afraid of the cold. You are so The fur just keeps you warm." He was slightly chubby and had a stubble. He looked like he was not particular about details. He smiled and handed over the plain sack.

He is Chen Xuehao, who developed the mutated water chestnut. In just a few years, he transformed from an ordinary farmer to the boss of Yihuahua's largest luxury agricultural product. Although he is still so simple and unpretentious, many people around him still look at him with respect. After a person gets rich, he never forgets his roots and ties his industry to Yi Zhi Hua, which brings about many industries of Yi Zhi Hua and even leads to trade fairs.

After all, many people come here for the specialty water chestnuts.

Jingshu picked one at random, thinking to herself, water chestnuts, I think I have eaten them before, but I have no impression of them. After all, this stuff is not popular in Wucheng, but the taste is not bad.

Unexpectedly, this was one of the rare dark species mutated delicious food that Jing Shu had eaten. It was a big black lump, much bigger than ordinary water chestnuts, as big as a fist, and the mutated one could be peeled off easily. The skin is black, with white and crispy flesh underneath. When you bite it, it is sweet, crisp and delicious, with a mellow and long lasting aftertaste, and a very novel taste.

tasty! Jingshu's eyes lit up.

I heard that it has a different taste when eaten boiled or fried, and there are many ways to make it.

The clicking sound made Zhao Qian's throat secrete saliva. Unfortunately, she couldn't afford it. She had been working for several months and couldn't afford such an expensive luxury item, so she cried. The boss is awesome, he will give it away as soon as he says so.

Zhao Qian had no choice but to introduce a distraction, saying that this mutated water chestnut is only found in one flower in the country. Due to the special geographical environment, the unique cultivation method of dark element and decades of breeding experience, the current output is still not much, and one It’s higher than a few months’ salary of a regular worker.

"Estimated price per pill is 1,000 virtual coins, which is almost 100 grams. Its real value lies in the fact that it is a mutated species and is a great tonic. It can directly improve various immunity levels of people. It is suitable for the elderly, weak, sick and disabled. Experiments have confirmed , take it for three days after getting sick, and all diseases except severe ones can be cured by themselves. However, this kind of medical and food supplements are generally not sold for virtual currency, but are exchanged for things."

This is almost catching up with white sugar. How long can a pound of white sugar last? And it’s even more expensive than the blood mushrooms Jingshu took out back then. However, it is also understandable that blood mushrooms have the function of longevity and tonic, and this effect is even better.

Jingshu nodded. Among dark agricultural and sideline products, this was considered very expensive, but after all, things are rare and expensive. It is the only one in the country. Coupled with its functions, it is normal for the price to be high.

"It's delicious." Jingshu told the truth.

Chen Xuehao laughed and showed his simple big yellow teeth: "I like you to be honest, unlike other people who deliberately find all kinds of troubles in order to lower the price. I am willing to buy all your furs at a 50% premium and pay the price." How about premium tax and each party paying their own transaction tax?”

The surrounding people gasped, such a high premium?

It used to be 3 pieces that could be exchanged for leather gloves, but now you get 4.5 pieces.

"As expected of Boss Chen, he is so grand."

"Hey, Boss Chen has come out to make things right. It seems like nothing will happen without us."

"Why don't some big bosses from other places take action?"

"Didn't you see what Boss Zhang and Boss Li are wearing? They don't need this kind of leather at all. That's why Boss Chen, who just made a fortune, doesn't have a very deep background."

"Yes, Boss Chen has become close to Zhengfu in recent years and has made a lot of money. He is generous in his dealings."

"Then water chestnuts are a good thing. Boss Chen won't buy them at a premium, right?"

Chen Xuehao was disdainful of what people around him thought of him. This skin was a good thing. He had been cultivating water chestnuts for several years. Only dark mutant species had a unique smell, which was also found on these skins. He just touched it with his own hands and felt it, and he felt more and more Sure, if you guessed correctly, these skins are also dark mutant species. Ordinary people may not know what dark mutant species means, but he knows it.

Therefore, you will never suffer a loss if you buy at a premium.

Jingshu nodded, but didn't say that even if you pay a premium, it would still be enough. After all, this is a space product, and the other party was very generous, and she was not stingy either. She quickly agreed, and she took out some more leather to make up for it. I bought two sacks of dark mutated water chestnuts and planted them in a space to see if I could get them out. I couldn't sell them, so I just tried them myself.

Chen Xuehao accepted them all with a smile, and even told Jing Shu how much she wanted, and the family could change them. Not only that, the two also exchanged contact information.

The eyes of the people around them were all strange. Do these two people have any unspeakable PY transactions in the future?

It is said that they usually sell by the pill, but now they sell by the sack. No one knows how much the two parties traded, but just for the transaction tax, the two of them each took out more than 100,000 virtual coins, so they knew that this was a huge deal. Philippine deal.

Zhao Qian's baby fat face has gradually become numb. She may never have so much money in her working life.

The shelves were emptied, finally revealing rows of inconspicuous cigarettes. Wanzi held the dark water chestnuts in his hands, biting the skin and then the pulp. Hao Yunlai took out a Wucheng brand cigarette, lit it, and slowly blew out a A smoke ring, a little melancholy, I can't eat for nothing, I can only work overtime to work on the mirror when I go back.

This time, I want to go back with more supplies and give all the brothers a good meal!

Zhao Qian saw it and said, "What a sin." She also wanted to taste what it tasted like, and her saliva flowed out again.

The smell of cigarettes quickly filled the fairgrounds and lingered for a long time. The smell of the cigarettes in a group of people simply aroused the craving for cigarettes, and the old smokers burst into tears on the spot.

Who can bear this?

He immediately came forward and asked, how was it sold and how was it traded? And urge the price clerk to quickly set a price for the cigarettes, so that they can trade quickly and take a puff!

Damn it, I’ve quit smoking for five years, and suddenly something like this comes out!

Of course, luxury cigarettes are produced in the last days, but the output is pitiful. Except for the really wealthy, smokers are basically forced to quit smoking.

Another thing is that the government no longer grows tobacco. Except for those like Jingye who can grow it at home and roll some dry tobacco, they can even smoke bacon and take out to make some private money. Rich families can buy some cigars themselves and use other channels. There are very few people who want to make a fortune by growing tobacco, but unfortunately they don’t have the capital to go overseas.

Zhao Qian was dumbfounded.

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