I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 793: Get him millions of tons of crude oil back

Jingshu swallowed her saliva, and her voice had a hint of urgency that even she didn't notice: "Then what? When will we go? How many people will we send? How will we go by land, water and air?"

Yang Yang laughed softly:

"It is expected that 80 cruise ships will be loaded with millions of tons of crude oil. They will just depart from the Xuwen pier and take three months to go back and forth. It will take another month or two to wait for coordination and dispatch from above.

This time I'm looking for you because the higher-ups want to organize a team of "new humans with high force value". The specifications are much higher than what we went to Miguo. After all, the risk is relatively high, and there are many goods and big targets, so the protection and security forces must pass the test. .

Among the people dispatched this time, the only ones from Wucheng are me, you, Hao Yunlai, and the three of us. The others are the best in the country. I don’t know if there are any teammates who went to Miguo last time.

Oh, I remember that the tank is on the list. If Zhen Nantian... I guess Xuan, maybe he wants to stay in his lair and deliberately attract other firepower. After all, he is now our peak combat power, and his ability is suitable for group attacks. You know …”

It seems that the higher-ups also know the risk factor of this trip, so they first find high-force bodyguards.

Jingshu performed well in the Miguo team the year before last. She could breastfeed, fight, and dismantle a pursuit cannon with her bare hands. The most important thing was that she was able to pluck the hair of Yan Guo and was good at hugging things. She was an all-round bodyguard who looked comfortable and felt at ease.

Jingshu quickly calculated the time in her mind. By the time the large forces arrived in Nanhai, they would be almost settled, and she could leave safely.

And when she comes back, the raw materials for the masks will probably be used up just now, and they can just be replenished...

The time was simply perfect!

"Okay, I'll have no problem here! Just sign up for me!"

Yang Yang’s voice continued:

"You can make more preparations during this period. Do you understand?"

"Hmm? Like?"

"Those with high military strength can lead one or two fleets. They can enjoy the shade under the big trees. This can be regarded as a bonus this time. However, the fleets following behind must bring their own rations and take care of themselves. In case of war, they must obey the command and distribution.

In addition, for those who bring their own fleet, in addition to normal salary subsidies, other benefits will be halved. "

Oh, the boss eats the meat in the front, and the workers drink the soup in the back. Along with reaping the benefits, they also have to pay a price. The boss pays less in wages, and the workers take the trouble themselves, so it’s a win-win situation.

Otherwise, why would someone with a high force value risk running so far? What's the point? Is your salary low or remuneration low?

But having said that, this time when I went out to purchase goods, I didn’t even bother to take confidentiality measures, and it felt like things were starting to get messed up.

"I understand." Jingshu replied quickly. After Yang Yang said this, it would be easy to handle. She could just bring some ferry to buy more crude oil together and come back.

The few cubic meters of gasoline stored in the space before the apocalypse are almost used up, which makes people feel insecure.

Now the little half of the space she had left can be filled, right? This time, not only can I take it with me, but I can also carry it around~

Ah, I will be busy again next time. Next time I go to Xuwen to deliver life-sustaining medicine to Shen Yuan, I will just find him to rent some more ferries.

If it didn't work out, she would let the mud mermaid follow the army and pick up some unwanted junk. Recently, the mud mermaid was bored at the dock chasing carrion bugs every day, and she was so idle that she became rusty.

"By the way, I've invited you to join the group for this plan. Please agree. Okay, let's do that. If you have any questions, let us know via WeChat."


With that said, he hung up the phone.

Jing Shu raised her arms and waited for a long time before the 2G network was connected, and then received Yang Yang's invitation message.

Yangyang invites you to join the group chat of "Love Bodyguard Team (Group 1)".

Participants in the group chat include: Lone Wolf in the Desert of Northern Shaanxi, Longmen Formation in Sichuan and Sichuan, Corpse Exorcists in Western Hunan, Lion Dancers from Guangdong and Guangdong, Shandong Pancakes Rolled with Green Onions, Gamblers from Tai O... a total of 132 people.

It was normal for this group to chat about names, but once the chat started, Jing Shu felt it was a little weird.

Private villa customization: "Welcome the newlyweds (flowers and flowers)"

Cockroach Meatballs is recruiting chain franchise stores: "Welcome, welcome! Applause! Applause!"

Loans came to me: "Welcome newbies, remember to change the remarks!"

Integrity e-commerce recruiting second and third agents: "(Rose Rose)"

Jingshu touched her chin. What group had she joined?

Is this really the peak group in the country's combat power?

Is it reliable?

Jingshu thought about it and changed her group ID to

Wucheng Brand Cigarette Factory is recruiting agents.

Since you can't beat it, why don't you join?

Jingshu replied: "Thank you everyone, please give me more advice. (Put your fists together)"

Yang Yang: "..."

Cockroach Meatballs is recruiting chain franchise stores: "Huh? I know, I know, it's the common people's cigarettes that are very popular recently? These cigarettes are really good. How do you recruit agents? I'll do it!"

Xiangxi corpse exterminator: "You can make so many cockroach meatballs in one day and it's not enough to sell them. Why do you want to get involved? This job is still suitable for me."

Sichuan Shusantiao: "You want to sell cigarettes to a corpse? Guawazi..."

Corpse Exorcist: "Sanjo comes out to PK!!"

Three: "Random emoticon rock, paper, scissors! (Paper)"

Corpse Exorcist: "Emoji Pack (Scissors)"

Jing Shu: (●—●) confused

The group chatted lively, and soon Hao Yunlai joined in and changed his name to Son of Good Luck. Jing Shu felt that calling him Son of Misfortune was more suitable, but she was not the one to expose others.

Hao Yunlai didn't have anyone to say hello to in the group, so he probably set up a DND as soon as he came in. This might mean he would go fishing and sleep somewhere.

On the other side, Jing Shu called out Zhao Yu who was having a meal in silence.

"From now on, we will roll cigarettes in the morning and train with all members in the afternoon, following the navy's training method;

Like how to fight at sea, how to chase the enemy while driving a ferry, how to escape while carrying heavy tonnage of cargo, etc., by the way...

In addition, the team's comprehensive capabilities include fighting in hot deserts, transporting supplies, surviving, boiling water for cooking and camping, first aid, personnel logistics distribution support, etc.

In a month's time, I want to see your team's capabilities in wilderness survival and sea combat.

The key point is how to transfer materials at high speed and escape, do you understand? "


Zhao Yu was a little confused. What, is this going to be a war? But I didn’t receive a notification either! But it sounds like they are going to rob and plan to escape quickly... They are serious soldiers, and they must not rob people.

But whatever the boss says, that’s what it is!

After they came out of Sichuan and Shu, they were assigned to work under Jing Shu. From now on, they would all depend on Jing Shu for food and salary.

And you have to trust the boss! The boss will definitely not rob! The boss is not allowed to do this by the superiors. Zhao Yu, please rest assured! Zhao Yu comforted himself.

"No problem, Miss Jing, this is just the training camp... I get hungry easily."

As Zhao Yu spoke, he took out a palm-sized notebook and wrote down everything Jing Shu said.

"From now on, add a small bowl of egg custard and a meal of synthetic mince pie every day. Eat soy milk every day and drink it as you like!"

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