Among the many military speedboats going to Mermaid Island, one of them rushed to the forefront.


When it was about to reach the shore, the speedboat suddenly exploded.

Five figures popped out of the explosive flames and flew towards the island.


Li Pu took a standing posture and landed safely.


thump! x4

"Yuck~~!" x3

The other four were on the island in a kneeling position.

The worst thing was Xue Duo. Before this guy even landed, he started to vomit in a 360-degree leap in midair.

The picture is simply indescribable.

Perhaps because he seized the opportunity, he was the first to vomit out of the four.

Standing up, Xue Duo wiped his mouth and looked at the other three, especially Xiao Ju, with a victorious attitude.

It turned out that the cute girl was so ugly when she vomited.

He thought so in his heart.

At this time, the two brothers and sisters were terrified.

As first-time experiencers, they were completely unprepared for the current situation.

Unexpectedly, Li Pu actually mastered a taboo technique.

Yamato seems to understand a little now, why those two guys are inseparable from the life jackets, even wearing them when taking a bath and sleeping.

"Damn it, I encountered such a situation when I went to the island."

He vomited and cursed inwardly.

Could it be that the mission of their trip will not go well?

That's right, in fact, the two brothers and sisters came to the island with a mission.

Even this task is exactly the same as Li Pu, and it is also a dungeon secret realm.

Last year, the students of Modu and Xiaotian happened to discover the suspected dungeon secret realm one after another.

And then, by coincidence, they didn't find each other.

The true identity of Da and Xiaoju is not a student of Xiaotian Academy, nor a teacher.

They come from a family of qualified people in the small country.

The two share a common name, Prodigy.

From a very young age, they are carefully nurtured.

And at a young age, he became a qualified person through the trial copy.

Because of the early start, coupled with the diligence of the two brothers and sisters.

At such a young age, his level has already exceeded LV30.

Under the irrigation of a lot of resources, the combat power value is also very high.

One is 190+ and one is 150+.

Truly worthy of the name of a child prodigy.

As for why such a high level of strength can be mixed into the student team, and he was not found next to Li Pu.

Naturally, because of the means to hide the combat value, they also have it.

Even compared to the Imperial Capital Academy's [Power of Repression] Lu Ming, the means provided by Xiaotian Academy in this regard are even more sophisticated.

Not only can the aura and combat strength of the siblings be disguised as ordinary students, but also the actual combat strength will not be reduced.

In addition, Li Pu's perception attribute was temporarily weakened multiple times, so naturally he didn't notice it.

However, no matter how much devil training the two brothers and sisters have experienced, they still can't resist the taboo technology.

Therefore, the second person who could stand up was Li Luo, who had the most experience in vomiting.

You must know that he was Li Pu's first victim after arriving in the imperial capital, and he even flew on the plane he was driving.

So I saw that Li Luomai moved his trembling legs and walked silently in a certain direction alone.

"Hey! Where are you going?"

Xue Duo behind him hurriedly asked.


Li Luo, who was stopped, stopped, turned around and replied weakly, "I... just wander around."

Xue Duo: "..."

Suddenly, he felt that this scene was very familiar.

God what a casual stroll!

Don't even look at what's going on right now!

Don't even look where this place is!

"Just like you are now, come back quickly and don't run around!"

This time Xue Duo didn't intend to tolerate him any longer, and shouted loudly, "Be careful when you encounter those mermen, they will chop you up into a human film!"

"Let him go."

Li Pu next to him clasped his hands and said indifferently, "I can understand him."

one second.

For a second, Xue Duo had the urge to speak foul language.

But before he could implement his idea, he saw that Li Luo really came back.

And still running back.

Behind him were seven or eight mermaid monsters.

"Enemy attack! ST-6!"

Xue Duo quickly took out two shields, one large and one small.


Li Pu wanted to shoot this incompetent guy to death on the spot.

Why do you want to run away as soon as you open your mouth?

You must know that this is in front of international friends, how can you be so lost... Huh?

As a result, he sensed that the two brothers and sisters had already started to escape, and they were still crawling.

In this regard, the two brothers and sisters also expressed helplessness.

There's so much training they've gone through, and a lot of things are almost etched into their bones.

Therefore, when listening to tactical instructions, they will always make corresponding responses subconsciously.


Li Pu sighed helplessly, and lightly kicked Xue Duo: "Give me a good fight."

This foot reminded Xue Duocai that going out this time was different from before.

I have a big boss cover myself!

On the contrary, Li Pu was not so optimistic.

In order to prevent the Xiaotian Academy from having any means of remote surveillance, he will always control the combat power value before going to the dungeon secret realm.

It is precisely because of this that he does not intend to shoot casually.

[Power of Repression]: All stats of the guards -20%, apparent combat power value -60%

Although equipped with three [Power of Suppression], his attribute panel is only about half of the original after three consecutive weakenings.

But to deal with the mere LV15 Warcraft, it is still crushed.

In the case that the perception attribute is not as good as before, if you are not careful, you may lose control and risk exposure.


【Grass! 】

After the sonorous drink, the grass figurine appeared beside him.

The grass figurine has only half of its current attributes, which is equivalent to a quarter of the previous one.

It seems to be more reasonable to fight by it.

At this time, the group of monsters had already approached everyone.

The appearance of these fish-headed monsters is similar to the photos Lao Cai showed Li Pu before.

Below the neck is the same as a human being, wearing rags of straw or animal hides.

Holding various wood or stone weapons, like a pack of wildlings.

And above the neck, is a fish.

The only difference is that the types of fish are different.

Not even just fish, but even turtles and seahorses.

It seems that the so-called Mermaid Island in everyone's mouth is not all pure fish.

Among them, standing at the back is a fish-headed monster with a swordfish head.

Li Pu can roughly This guy is an elite monster.

And the level is higher than other fish head monsters, LV18.

This discovery made him look forward to it.

My [Partial Eclipse Snail] has not been updated for a long time.

Maybe this time on the island, I can find a suitable LV20 elite monster to swallow?

【Sword is coming! 】

With a loud shout from the swordfish head, the group of fish head monsters attacked several people.

【Made grass! 】

However, the first to respond to them was a violent green figure.

Grass man, it seems to explode.



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